$ carto-cli
- Finish visualization and named maps interactions
- Set up defaults system for formats and a default account
- Add subcommands to
to add, update and remove entries - Support new
methods - Support Auth API #3
A simple set of command line applications to interact with your own CARTO account.
How to install
The package is available at pypi so you can just run:
$ pip install carto-cli
How to contribute
You can fork the repo and set up your environment for development running pip install --editable .
From there you can make Pull Requests with any fix or improvement. When this is more mature I'll document how to contribute a new subcommand but you can actually take a look to the setup.py
file and then any of the scripts of the different folders.
A note about environment variables
All the tools here use by default some environment variables. If you only manage one single CARTO account then you can set them in any initialization script that your environment uses like ~/.bashrc
or /etc/environment
with these variables:
: you user nameCARTO_ORG
: the name of your CARTO organization if you use the Open Source or an Enterprise accountCARTO_API_KEY
: your API key to interact with CARTO EngineCARTO_API_URL
: if you don't use a carto.com
account you need to put here the equivalent to the API end point. For a carto.com
account it would be http://user.carto.com/
: if you are using your own server and don't have a proper certificate installed set this variable to false
Setting up those variables will save you having to put them on any call to the command line applications, saving you a lot of Copy&Paste work.
If you happen to work with a different set of CARTO accounts this tool is for you. This relies in a yaml file that with a very simple structure. This command wil load information into your terminal so you can copy & paste once and export your environment variables for your session or if you have the $CARTO_ENV
environment or use the -o
parameter it will save it in a file so you can source it.
$ carto_env -h
Usage: carto_env [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Allows you to get the account details
-c, --config-file FILENAME Configuration file to read, defaults to
~/.cartorc.yaml or the environment variable
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
list List your stored users
load The user wou want to retrieve
search Returns the user names that match the given...
version Prints the version of this application
So if you have the $CARTO_ENV
environment pointing for example to /tmp/cartoenv
, then you you can load any user of your database with:
$ carto_env load jsanz
$ source /tmp/cartoenv; echo $CARTO_API_URL
Configuration file
Store a yaml
file named (by default) ~/.cartorc.yaml
with this structure
api_key: your_api_key
organization: team
user: your_user
api_key: another_api_key
organization: team
api_key: your_api_key
organization: myorg
url: http://myserver.mydomain.com/user/username
By default the key will be your account name but you can specify a user
key to have a different name for your configuration entry.
Note: Remember also that CARTO On-Premises instances are usually configured as domainless set ups so the username must be specificied in the url as in the last example above, where url
is set up to https://onprem-host/user/username
$ carto_sql -h
Usage: carto_sql [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Performs different actions against the SQL API
-u, --user-name TEXT Your CARTO.com user. It can be omitted if
$CARTO_USER is available
-o, --org-name TEXT Your organization name. It can be ommitted if
$CARTO_ORG is available
-a, --api-url TEXT If you are not using carto.com you need to specify
your API endpoint. It can be omitted if
$CARTO_API_URL is available
-k, --api-key TEXT It can be omitted if $CARTO_API_KEY is available
-c, --check-ssl BOOLEAN Check server SSL Certificate (default = True or
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
functions Functions on your account
kill Kills a query based on its pid
queries Shows the current running queries
run Execute a SQL passed as a string
schemas List your organization schemas
version Prints the version of this application
Check for details on each command as they have especific options.
$ carto_batch -h
Usage: carto_batch [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Performs different actions against the Batch SQL API
-u, --user-name TEXT Your CARTO.com user. It can be omitted if
$CARTO_USER is available
-o, --org-name TEXT Your organization name. It can be ommitted if
$CARTO_ORG is available
-a, --api-url TEXT If you are not using carto.com you need to specify
your API endpoint. It can be omitted if
$CARTO_API_URL is available
-k, --api-key TEXT It can be omitted if $CARTO_API_KEY is available
-c, --check-ssl BOOLEAN Check server SSL Certificate (default = True or
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
cancel Cancels a job
create Creates a new job and returns its ID
list Display the ids of all your running jobs
read Returns details about a job id (JSON)
version Prints the version of this application
Command to work with your account datasets, get information from them, upload and
download data, etc.
$ carto_dataset -h
Usage: carto_dataset [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Performs different actions against the SQL API
-u, --user-name TEXT Your CARTO.com user. It can be omitted if
$CARTO_USER is available
-o, --org-name TEXT Your organization name. It can be ommitted if
$CARTO_ORG is available
-a, --api-url TEXT If you are not using carto.com you need to specify
your API endpoint. It can be omitted if
$CARTO_API_URL is available
-k, --api-key TEXT It can be omitted if $CARTO_API_KEY is available
-c, --check-ssl BOOLEAN Check server SSL Certificate (default = True or
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
cartodbfy Runs the cartodbfication of a table to...
delete Deletes a dataset from your account
describe Report of all your table details
download Download a dataset
edit Edit dataset properties
indexes List your table associated indexes
list Display all your CARTO datasets
list_tables List tables and their main Postgres...
merge Merges a number of datasets
rename Renames a dataset from your account
schema Shows your dataset attributes and types
triggers List your table associated triggers
upload Upload a new dataset from a file on your...
version Prints the version of this application
Manage your maps