Wraps the execution of processes so that an API server
can monitor and manage them.
Available as a standalone executable or as a python module.
- Runs either processes started with a command line or a python function you
- Implements retries and time limits
- Injects secrets from AWS Secrets Manager, AWS S3, or local files and extracts
them into the process environment (for command-lines) or configuration (for
- When used with the CloudReactor service:
- Reports when a process/function starts and when it exits, along with the
exit code and runtime metadata (if running in AWS ECS, AWS Lambda, or AWS CodeBuild)
- Sends heartbeats, optionally with status information like the number of
items processed
- Prevents too many concurrent executions
- Stops execution when manually stopped in the CloudReactor dashboard
- Sends CloudReactor the data necessary to start the process / function if running in AWS ECS, AWS Lambda, or AWS CodeBuild
How it works
First, secrets and other configuration are fetched and resolved from
providers like AWS Secrets Manager, AWS S3, or the local filesystem.
Just before your code runs, the module requests the API server to create a
Task Execution associated with the Task name or UUID which you pass to the
The API server may reject the request if too many instances of the Task are
currently running, but otherwise records that a Task Execution has started.
The module then passes control to your code.
While your code is running, it may report progress to the API server,
and the API server may signal that your Task stop execution (due to
user manually stopping the Task Execution), in which
case the module terminates your code and exits.
After your code finishes, the module informs the API server of
the exit code or result. CloudReactor monitors Tasks to ensure they
are still responsive, and keeps a history of the Executions of Tasks,
allowing you to view failures and run durations in the past.
Auto-created Tasks
Before your Task is run (including this module),
the AWS ECS CloudReactor Deployer
can be used to set it up in AWS ECS,
and inform CloudReactor of details of your Task.
That way CloudReactor can start and schedule your Task, and setup your
Task as a service.
See CloudReactor python ECS QuickStart
for an example.
However, it may not be possible or desired to change your deployment process.
Instead, you may configure the Task to be auto-created.
Auto-created Tasks are created the first time your Task runs.
This means there is no need to inform the API server of the Task details
(during deployment) before it runs.
Instead, each time the module runs, it informs the API server of the
Task details at the same time as it requests the creation of a Task Execution.
One disadvantage of auto-created Tasks is that they are not available
in the CloudReactor dashboard until the first time they run.
When configuring a Task to be auto-created, you must specify the name
or UUID of the Run Environment in CloudReactor that the Task is
associated with. The Run Environment must be created ahead of time,
either by the Cloudreactor AWS Setup Wizard,
or manually in the CloudReactor dashboard.
You can also specify more Task properties, such as Alert Methods and
external links in the dashboard, by setting the environment variable
set to a JSON-encoded object that has the
CloudReactor Task schema.
Execution Methods
CloudReactor currently supports four Execution Methods:
- AWS ECS (in Fargate)
- AWS Lambda
- AWS CodeBuild
- Unknown
If a Task is running in AWS ECS, CloudReactor is able to run additional
Task Executions, provided the details of running the Task is provided
during deployment with the AWS ECS CloudReactor Deployer, or if the
Task is configured to be auto-created, and this module is run. In the
second case, this module uses the ECS Metadata endpoint to detect
the ECS Task settings, and sends them to the API server. CloudReactor
can also schedule Tasks or setup long-running services using Tasks,
provided they are run in AWS ECS.
If a Task is running in AWS Lambda, CloudReactor is able to run additional
Task Executions after the first run of the function.
However, a Task may use the Unknown execution method if it is not running
in AWS ECS, AWS Lambda, or AWS CodeBuild. If that is the case, CloudReactor won't be able to
start the Task in the dashboard or as part of a Workflow,
schedule the Task, or setup a service with the Task. But the advantage is
that the Task code can be executed by any method available to you,
such as bare metal servers, VM's, or Kubernetes.
All Tasks in CloudReactor, regardless of execution method, have their
history kept and are monitored.
This module detects the execution method your Task is
running with and sends that information to the API server, provided
you configure your Task to be auto-created.
Passive Tasks
Passive Tasks are Tasks that CloudReactor does not manage. This means
scheduling and service setup must be handled by other means
(cron jobs, supervisord, etc).
However, Tasks marked as services or that have a schedule will still be
monitored by CloudReactor, which will send notifications if
a service Task goes down or a Task does not run on schedule.
The module reports to the API server that auto-created Tasks are passive,
unless you specify the --force-task-passive
commmand-line option or
set the environment variable PROC_WRAPPER_TASK_IS_PASSIVE
If a Task uses the Unknown Execution Method, it must be marked as passive,
because CloudReactor does not know how to manage it.
If you just want to use this module to retry processes, limit execution time,
or fetch secrets, you can use offline mode, in which case no CloudReactor API
key is required. But CloudReactor offers a free tier so we hope you
sign up
for a free account to enable monitoring and/or management.
If you want CloudReactor to be able to start your Tasks, you should use the
Cloudreactor AWS Setup Wizard
to configure your AWS environment to run Tasks in ECS Fargate.
You can skip this step if running in passive mode is OK for you.
If you want to use CloudReactor to manage or just monitor your Tasks,
you need to create a Run Environment and an API key in the CloudReactor
dashboard. The API key can be scoped to the Run Environment if you
wish. The key must have at least the Task access level, but for
an auto-created Task, it must have at least the Developer access level.
Standalone executables built by PyInstaller for 64-bit Linux and Windows are available, located in bin/pyinstaller
These executables bundle
python so you don't need to have python installed on your machine. They also
bundle all optional extras so you can fetch secrets from AWS
Secrets Manager and extract them with jsonpath-ng, for example.
RHEL or derivatives
To download and run the wrapper on a RHEL/Fedora/Amazon Linux 2 machine:
RUN wget -nv
ENTRYPOINT ["proc_wrapper.bin"]
Example Dockerfiles of known working environments are available for
Amazon Linux 2
Fedora 27 or later are supported.
Debian based machines
On a Debian based (including Ubuntu) machine:
RUN wget -nv
ENTRYPOINT ["proc_wrapper.bin"]
See the example
Dockerfile for a known working Debian environment.
Debian 10 (Buster) or later are supported.
Special thanks to
wine and
PyInstaller Docker Images
for making it possible to cross-compile!
When python is available
Install this module via pip (or your favorite package manager):
pip install cloudreactor-procwrapper
doesn't have any required dependencies, but it can
be installed with the following extras:
: Support for fetching secrets from AWS Secrets Manager or S3, and
determining the assumed role, implemented by the
: Support for secret resolution using JSON Path, implemented by the
jsonpath-ng library
: Support for configuration files in YAML format, implemented by the
pyyaml library
: Support for environment variables defined in the dotenv format,
implemented by the dotenv library
: Support for secret object value merging using alternative
strategies, implemented by the
mergedeep library
Use brackets after cloudreactor-procwrapper
to enable support for the desired
functionality. For example, to install AWS support, JSON Path secret resolution,
and support for dotenv files:
pip install cloudreactor-procwrapper[aws,jsonpath,dotenv]
Or, to install support for everything:
pip install cloudreactor-procwrapper[allextras]
There are two ways of using the module: wrapped mode and embedded mode.
Wrapped mode
In wrapped mode, you pass a command line to the module which it
executes in a child process. The command can be implemented in whatever
programming language the running machine supports.
Instead of running
somecommand --somearg x
you would run
./proc_wrapper somecommand --somearg x
assuming that are using the PyInstaller standalone executable, and that
you configure the program using environment variables.
Or, if you have python installed:
python -m proc_wrapper somecommand --somearg x
Here are all the options:
usage: proc_wrapper [-h] [-v] [-n TASK_NAME] [--task-uuid TASK_UUID] [-a] [--auto-create-task-run-environment-name AUTO_CREATE_TASK_RUN_ENVIRONMENT_NAME]
[--auto-create-task-run-environment-uuid AUTO_CREATE_TASK_RUN_ENVIRONMENT_UUID] [--auto-create-task-props AUTO_CREATE_TASK_PROPS] [--force-task-active] [--task-execution-uuid TASK_EXECUTION_UUID]
[--task-version-number TASK_VERSION_NUMBER] [--task-version-text TASK_VERSION_TEXT] [--task-version-signature TASK_VERSION_SIGNATURE] [--build-task-execution-uuid BUILD_TASK_EXECUTION_UUID]
[--deployment-task-execution-uuid DEPLOYMENT_TASK_EXECUTION_UUID] [--execution-method-props EXECUTION_METHOD_PROPS] [--task-instance-metadata TASK_INSTANCE_METADATA] [-s] [--schedule SCHEDULE]
[--max-concurrency MAX_CONCURRENCY] [--max-conflicting-age MAX_CONFLICTING_AGE] [--api-base-url API_BASE_URL] [-k API_KEY] [--api-heartbeat-interval API_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL]
[--api-error-timeout API_ERROR_TIMEOUT] [--api-final-update-timeout API_FINAL_UPDATE_TIMEOUT] [--api-retry-delay API_RETRY_DELAY] [--api-resume-delay API_RESUME_DELAY]
[--api-task-execution-creation-error-timeout API_TASK_EXECUTION_CREATION_ERROR_TIMEOUT] [--api-task-execution-creation-conflict-timeout API_TASK_EXECUTION_CREATION_CONFLICT_TIMEOUT]
[--api-task-execution-creation-conflict-retry-delay API_TASK_EXECUTION_CREATION_CONFLICT_RETRY_DELAY] [--api-request-timeout API_REQUEST_TIMEOUT] [-o] [-p] [-m API_MANAGED_PROBABILITY]
[--api-failure-report-probability API_FAILURE_REPORT_PROBABILITY] [--api-timeout-report-probability API_TIMEOUT_REPORT_PROBABILITY] [-d DEPLOYMENT] [--send-pid] [--send-hostname]
[--no-send-runtime-metadata] [--runtime-metadata-refresh-interval RUNTIME_METADATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL] [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--log-secrets] [--exclude-timestamps-in-log] [-w WORK_DIR]
[-c COMMAND_LINE] [--shell-mode {auto,enable,disable}] [--no-strip-shell-wrapping] [--no-process-group-termination] [-t PROCESS_TIMEOUT] [-r PROCESS_MAX_RETRIES] [--process-retry-delay PROCESS_RETRY_DELAY]
[--process-check-interval PROCESS_CHECK_INTERVAL] [--process-termination-grace-period PROCESS_TERMINATION_GRACE_PERIOD] [--enable-status-update-listener]
[--status-update-socket-port STATUS_UPDATE_SOCKET_PORT] [--status-update-message-max-bytes STATUS_UPDATE_MESSAGE_MAX_BYTES] [--status-update-interval STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL] [-e ENV_LOCATIONS]
[--config CONFIG_LOCATIONS] [--config-merge-strategy {DEEP,SHALLOW,REPLACE,ADDITIVE,TYPESAFE_REPLACE,TYPESAFE_ADDITIVE}] [--overwrite-env-during-resolution] [--config-ttl CONFIG_TTL]
[--no-fail-fast-config-resolution] [--resolved-env-var-name-prefix RESOLVED_ENV_VAR_NAME_PREFIX] [--resolved-env-var-name-suffix RESOLVED_ENV_VAR_NAME_SUFFIX]
[--resolved-config-property-name-prefix RESOLVED_CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX] [--resolved-config-property-name-suffix RESOLVED_CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME_SUFFIX]
[--env-var-name-for-config ENV_VAR_NAME_FOR_CONFIG] [--config-property-name-for-env CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME_FOR_ENV] [--main-container-name MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME]
[--monitor-container-name MONITOR_CONTAINER_NAME] [--sidecar-container-mode] [--rollbar-access-token ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN] [--rollbar-retries ROLLBAR_RETRIES] [--rollbar-retry-delay ROLLBAR_RETRY_DELAY]
[--rollbar-timeout ROLLBAR_TIMEOUT]
Wraps the execution of processes so that a service API endpoint (CloudReactor) is optionally informed of the progress. Also implements retries, timeouts, and secret injection into the environment.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Print the version and exit
Task settings
-n TASK_NAME, --task-name TASK_NAME
Name of Task (either the Task Name or the Task UUID must be specified
--task-uuid TASK_UUID
UUID of Task (either the Task Name or the Task UUID must be specified)
-a, --auto-create-task
Create the Task even if not known by the API server
--auto-create-task-run-environment-name AUTO_CREATE_TASK_RUN_ENVIRONMENT_NAME
Name of the Run Environment to use if auto-creating the Task (either the name or UUID of the Run Environment must be specified if auto-creating the Task). Defaults to the deployment name if the Run
Environment UUID is not specified.
--auto-create-task-run-environment-uuid AUTO_CREATE_TASK_RUN_ENVIRONMENT_UUID
UUID of the Run Environment to use if auto-creating the Task (either the name or UUID of the Run Environment must be specified if auto-creating the Task)
--auto-create-task-props AUTO_CREATE_TASK_PROPS
Additional properties of the auto-created Task, in JSON format. See for the schema.
--force-task-active Indicates that the auto-created Task should be scheduled and made a service by the API server, if applicable. Otherwise, auto-created Tasks are marked passive.
--task-execution-uuid TASK_EXECUTION_UUID
UUID of Task Execution to attach to
--task-version-number TASK_VERSION_NUMBER
Numeric version of the Task's source code
--task-version-text TASK_VERSION_TEXT
Human readable version of the Task's source code
--task-version-signature TASK_VERSION_SIGNATURE
Version signature of the Task's source code (such as a git commit hash)
--build-task-execution-uuid BUILD_TASK_EXECUTION_UUID
UUID of Task Execution that built this Task's source code
--deployment-task-execution-uuid DEPLOYMENT_TASK_EXECUTION_UUID
UUID of Task Execution that deployed this Task to the Runtime Environment
--execution-method-props EXECUTION_METHOD_PROPS
Additional properties of the execution method, in JSON format. See for the schema.
--task-instance-metadata TASK_INSTANCE_METADATA
Additional metadata about the Task instance, in JSON format
-s, --service Indicate that this is a Task that should run indefinitely
--schedule SCHEDULE Run schedule reported to the API server
--max-concurrency MAX_CONCURRENCY
Maximum number of concurrent Task Executions of the same Task. Defaults to 1.
--max-conflicting-age MAX_CONFLICTING_AGE
Maximum age of conflicting Tasks to consider, in seconds. -1 means no limit. Defaults to the heartbeat interval, plus 60 seconds for services that send heartbeats. Otherwise, defaults to no limit.
API client settings
--api-base-url API_BASE_URL
Base URL of API server. Defaults to
-k API_KEY, --api-key API_KEY
API key. Must have at least the Task access level, or Developer access level for auto-created Tasks.
--api-heartbeat-interval API_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL
Number of seconds to wait between sending heartbeats to the API server. -1 means to not send heartbeats. Defaults to 30 for concurrency limited services, 300 otherwise.
--api-error-timeout API_ERROR_TIMEOUT
Number of seconds to wait while receiving recoverable errors from the API server. Defaults to 300.
--api-final-update-timeout API_FINAL_UPDATE_TIMEOUT
Number of seconds to wait while receiving recoverable errors from the API server when sending the final update before exiting. Defaults to 1800.
--api-retry-delay API_RETRY_DELAY
Number of seconds to wait before retrying an API request. Defaults to 120.
--api-resume-delay API_RESUME_DELAY
Number of seconds to wait before resuming API requests, after retries are exhausted. Defaults to 600. -1 means to never resume.
--api-task-execution-creation-error-timeout API_TASK_EXECUTION_CREATION_ERROR_TIMEOUT
Number of seconds to keep retrying Task Execution creation while receiving error responses from the API server. -1 means to keep trying indefinitely. Defaults to 300.
--api-task-execution-creation-conflict-timeout API_TASK_EXECUTION_CREATION_CONFLICT_TIMEOUT
Number of seconds to keep retrying Task Execution creation while conflict is detected by the API server. -1 means to keep trying indefinitely. Defaults to 1800 for concurrency limited services, 0
--api-task-execution-creation-conflict-retry-delay API_TASK_EXECUTION_CREATION_CONFLICT_RETRY_DELAY
Number of seconds between attempts to retry Task Execution creation after conflict is detected. Defaults to 60 for concurrency-limited services, 120 otherwise.
--api-request-timeout API_REQUEST_TIMEOUT
Timeout for contacting API server, in seconds. Defaults to 30.
-o, --offline-mode Do not communicate with or rely on an API server
-p, --prevent-offline-execution
Do not start processes if the API server is unavailable or the wrapper is misconfigured.
Sample notifications to the API server with a given probability when starting an execution. Defaults to 1.0 (always send notifications).
--api-failure-report-probability API_FAILURE_REPORT_PROBABILITY
If the notification of an execution was not previously sent on startup and the execution fails, notify the API server with the given probability. Defaults to 1.0 (always send failure notifications).
--api-timeout-report-probability API_TIMEOUT_REPORT_PROBABILITY
If the notification of an execution was not previously sent on startup and the execution times out, notify the API server with given probability. Defaults to 1.0 (always send timeout notifications).
Deployment name (production, staging, etc.)
--send-pid Send the process ID to the API server
--send-hostname Send the hostname to the API server
Do not send metadata about the runtime environment
--runtime-metadata-refresh-interval RUNTIME_METADATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL
Refresh interval for runtime metadata, in seconds. The default value depends on the execution method.
Logging settings
Log level
--log-secrets Log sensitive information
Exclude timestamps in log (possibly because the log stream will be enriched by timestamps automatically by a logging service like AWS CloudWatch Logs)
Process settings
-w WORK_DIR, --work-dir WORK_DIR
Working directory. Defaults to the current directory.
-c COMMAND_LINE, --command-line COMMAND_LINE
Command line to execute
--shell-mode {auto,enable,disable}
Indicates if the process command should be executed in a shell. Executing in a shell allows shell scripts, commands, and expressions to be used, with the disadvantage that termination signals may not
be propagated to child processes. Options are: enable -- Force the command to be executed in a shell; disable -- Force the command to be executed without a shell; auto -- Auto-detect the shell mode by
analyzing the command.
Do not strip the command-line of shell wrapping like "/bin/sh -c" that can be introduced by Docker when using shell form of ENTRYPOINT and CMD.
Send termination and kill signals to the wrapped process only, instead of its process group (which is the default). Sending to the process group allows all child processes to receive the signals, even
if the wrapped process does not forward signals. However, if your wrapped process manually handles and forwards signals to its child processes, you probably want to send signals to only your wrapped
Timeout for process completion, in seconds. -1 means no timeout, which is the default.
Maximum number of times to retry failed processes. -1 means to retry forever. Defaults to 0.
--process-retry-delay PROCESS_RETRY_DELAY
Number of seconds to wait before retrying a process. Defaults to 60.
--process-check-interval PROCESS_CHECK_INTERVAL
Number of seconds to wait between checking the status of processes. Defaults to 10.
--process-termination-grace-period PROCESS_TERMINATION_GRACE_PERIOD
Number of seconds to wait after sending SIGTERM to a process, but before killing it with SIGKILL. Defaults to 30.
Status update settings
Listen for status updates from the process, sent on the status socket port via UDP. If not specified, status update messages will not be read.
--status-update-socket-port STATUS_UPDATE_SOCKET_PORT
The port used to receive status updates from the process. Defaults to 2373.
--status-update-message-max-bytes STATUS_UPDATE_MESSAGE_MAX_BYTES
The maximum number of bytes status update messages can be. Defaults to 65536.
--status-update-interval STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL
Minimum of number of seconds to wait between sending status updates to the API server. -1 means to not send status updates except with heartbeats. Defaults to -1.
Environment/configuration resolution settings
Location of either local file, AWS S3 ARN, or AWS Secrets Manager ARN containing properties used to populate the environment for embedded mode, or the process environment for wrapped mode. By default,
the file format is assumed to be dotenv. Specify multiple times to include multiple locations.
Location of either local file, AWS S3 ARN, or AWS Secrets Manager ARN containing properties used to populate the configuration for embedded mode. By default, the file format is assumed to be in JSON.
Specify multiple times to include multiple locations.
Merge strategy for merging configurations. Defaults to 'DEEP', which does not require mergedeep. Besides the 'SHALLOW' strategy, all other strategies require the mergedeep extra to be installed.
Overwrite existing environment variables when resolving them
--config-ttl CONFIG_TTL
Number of seconds to cache resolved environment variables and configuration properties instead of refreshing them when a process restarts. -1 means to never refresh. Defaults to -1.
Continue execution even if an error occurs resolving the configuration
--resolved-env-var-name-prefix RESOLVED_ENV_VAR_NAME_PREFIX
Required prefix for names of environment variables that should resolved. The prefix will be removed in the resolved variable name. Defaults to ''.
--resolved-env-var-name-suffix RESOLVED_ENV_VAR_NAME_SUFFIX
Required suffix for names of environment variables that should resolved. The suffix will be removed in the resolved variable name. Defaults to '_FOR_PROC_WRAPPER_TO_RESOLVE'.
--resolved-config-property-name-prefix RESOLVED_CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME_PREFIX
Required prefix for names of configuration properties that should resolved. The prefix will be removed in the resolved property name. Defaults to ''.
--resolved-config-property-name-suffix RESOLVED_CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME_SUFFIX
Required suffix for names of configuration properties that should resolved. The suffix will be removed in the resolved property name. Defaults to '__to_resolve'.
--env-var-name-for-config ENV_VAR_NAME_FOR_CONFIG
The name of the environment variable used to set to the value of the JSON encoded configuration. Defaults to not setting any environment variable.
--config-property-name-for-env CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME_FOR_ENV
The name of the configuration property used to set to the value of the JSON encoded environment. Defaults to not setting any property.
Container settings
--main-container-name MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME
The name of the container that is monitored
--monitor-container-name MONITOR_CONTAINER_NAME
The name of the container that will monitor the main container
Indicates that the current container is a sidecar container that will monitor the main container
Rollbar settings
--rollbar-access-token ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN
Access token for Rollbar (used to report error when communicating with API server)
--rollbar-retries ROLLBAR_RETRIES
Number of retries per Rollbar request. Defaults to 2.
--rollbar-retry-delay ROLLBAR_RETRY_DELAY
Number of seconds to wait before retrying a Rollbar request. Defaults to 120.
--rollbar-timeout ROLLBAR_TIMEOUT
Timeout for contacting Rollbar server, in seconds. Defaults to 30.
These environment variables take precedence over command-line arguments:
- PROC_WRAPPER_TASK_MAX_CONCURRENCY (set to -1 to indicate no limit)
- PROC_WRAPPER_ENV_LOCATIONS (comma-separated list of locations)
- PROC_WRAPPER_CONFIG_LOCATIONS (comma-separated list of locations)
With the exception of the settings for Secret Fetching and Resolution,
these environment variables are read after Secret Fetching so that they can
come from secret values.
The command is executed with the same environment that the wrapper script gets,
except that these properties are copied/overridden:
Wrapped mode is suitable for running in a shell on your own (virtual) machine
or in a Docker container. It requires multi-process support, as the module
runs at the same time as the command it wraps.
In AWS ECS, it is possible to run proc_wrapper in sidecar container that
monitors another (main) container. In that case, proc_wrapper will report the
status and runtime metadata of the main container. The advantage of running
proc_wrapper in a sidecar container is that the main container doesn't need
to be modified to run proc_wrapper. To configure proc_wrapper as a sidecar,
set the main container name and enable sidecar container mode.
Embedded mode
You can use embedded mode to execute python code from inside a python program.
Include the proc_wrapper
package in your python project's
dependencies. To run a task you want to be monitored:
from typing import Any, Mapping
from proc_wrapper import ProcWrapper, ProcWrapperParams
def fun(wrapper: ProcWrapper, cbdata: dict[str, int],
config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> int:
return cbdata['a']
# This is the function signature of a function invoked by AWS Lambda.
def entrypoint(event: Any, context: Any) -> int:
params = ProcWrapperParams()
params.auto_create_task = True
# If the Task Execution is running in AWS Lambda, CloudReactor can make
# the associated Task available to run (non-passive) in the CloudReactor
# dashboard or by API, after the wrapper reports its first execution.
proc_wrapper_params.task_is_passive = False
params.task_name = 'embedded_test_production'
params.auto_create_task_run_environment_name = 'production'
# For example only, in the real world you would use Secret Fetching;
# see below.
params.api_key = 'YOUR_CLOUDREACTOR_API_KEY'
# In an AWS Lambda environment, passing the context and event allows
# CloudReactor to monitor and manage this Task.
proc_wrapper = ProcWrapper(params=params, runtime_context=context,
x = proc_wrapper.managed_call(fun, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
# Should print 1
return x
This is suitable for running in single-threaded environments like
AWS Lambda, or as part of a larger process that executes
sub-routines that should be monitored. See
for an example project that uses proc_wrapper in a function run by AWS Lambda.
Embedded mode configuration
In embedded mode, besides setting properties of ProcWrapperParams
in code,
can be also configured in two ways:
First, using environment variables, as in wrapped mode.
Second, using the configuration dictionary. If the configuration dictionary
contains the key proc_wrapper_params
and its value is a dictionary, the
keys and values in the dictionary will be used to to set these attributes in
Key | Type | Mutable | Uses Resolved Config |
log_secrets | bool | No | No |
env_locations | list[str] | No | No |
config_locations | list[str] | No | No |
config_merge_strategy | str | No | No |
overwrite_env_during_resolution | bool | No | No |
max_config_resolution_depth | int | No | No |
max_config_resolution_iterations | int | No | No |
config_ttl | int | No | No |
fail_fast_config_resolution | bool | No | No |
resolved_env_var_name_prefix | str | No | No |
resolved_env_var_name_suffix | str | No | No |
resolved_config_property_name_prefix | str | No | No |
resolved_config_property_name_suffix | str | No | No |
schedule | str | No | Yes |
max_concurrency | int | No | Yes |
max_conflicting_age | int | No | Yes |
offline_mode | bool | No | Yes |
prevent_offline_execution | bool | No | Yes |
service | bool | No | Yes |
deployment | str | No | Yes |
api_base_url | str | No | Yes |
api_heartbeat_interval | int | No | Yes |
enable_status_listener | bool | No | Yes |
status_update_socket_port | int | No | Yes |
status_update_message_max_bytes | int | No | Yes |
status_update_interval | int | No | Yes |
log_level | str | No | Yes |
include_timestamps_in_log | bool | No | Yes |
api_key | str | Yes | Yes |
api_request_timeout | int | Yes | Yes |
api_error_timeout | int | Yes | Yes |
api_retry_delay | int | Yes | Yes |
api_resume_delay | int | Yes | Yes |
api_task_execution_creation_error_timeout | int | Yes | Yes |
api_task_execution_creation_conflict_timeout | int | Yes | Yes |
api_task_execution_creation_conflict_retry_delay | int | Yes | Yes |
api-managed-probability | float | No | Yes |
api-failure-report-probability | float | No | Yes |
api-timeout-report-probability | float | No | Yes |
process_timeout | int | Yes | Yes |
process_max_retries | int | Yes | Yes |
process_retry_delay | int | Yes | Yes |
command | list[str] | Yes | Yes |
command_line | str | Yes | Yes |
shell_mode | bool | Yes | Yes |
strip_shell_wrapping | bool | Yes | Yes |
work_dir | str | Yes | Yes |
process_termination_grace_period | int | Yes | Yes |
send_pid | bool | Yes | Yes |
send_hostname | bool | Yes | Yes |
send_runtime_metadata | bool | Yes | Yes |
Keys that are marked with "Mutable" -- "No" in the table above can be
overridden when the configuration is reloaded after the config_ttl
Keys that are marked as "Uses Resolved Config" -- "Yes" in the table above can
come from the resolved configuration after secret resolution (see below).
Secret Fetching and Resolution
A common requirement is that deployed code / images do not contain secrets
internally which could be decompiled. Instead, programs should fetch secrets
from an external source in a secure manner. If your program runs in AWS, it
can make use of AWS's roles that have permission to access data in
Secrets Manager or S3. However, in many scenarios, having your program access
AWS directly has the following disadvantages:
- Your program becomes coupled to AWS, so it is difficult to run locally or
switch to another infrastructure provider
- You need to write code or use a library for each programming language you
use, so secret fetching is done in a non-uniform way
- Writing code to merge and parse secrets from different sources is tedious
Therefore, proc_wrapper implements Secret Fetching and Resolution to solve
these problems so your programs don't have to. Both usage modes can fetch secrets from
AWS Secrets Manager,
AWS S3, or the local filesystem, and optionally extract embedded data
into the environment or a configuration dictionary. The environment is used to
pass values to processes run in wrapped mode,
while the configuration dictionary is passed to the callback function in
embedded mode.
proc_wrapper parses secret location strings that specify the how to resolve
a secret value. Each secret location string has the format:
[PROVIDER_CODE:]<Provider specific address>[!FORMAT][|JP:<JSON Path expression>]
Secret Providers
Providers indicate the raw source of the secret data. The table below lists the
supported providers:
Provider Code | Value Prefix | Provider | Example Address | Required extras | Notes |
AWS_SM | arn:aws:secretsmanager: | AWS Secrets Manager | arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-2:1234567890:secret:config | aws | Can also include version suffix like -PPrpY |
AWS_S3 | arn:aws:s3::: | AWS S3 Object | arn:aws:s3:::examplebucket/staging/app1/config.json | aws | |
FILE | file:// | Local file | file:///home/appuser/app/.env | | The default provider if no provider is auto-detected |
ENV | | The process environment | SOME_TOKEN | | The name of another environment variable |
CONFIG | | The configuration dictionary | $.db | jsonpath | JSON path expression to extract the data in the configuration |
PLAIN | | Plaintext | {"user": "postgres", "password": "badpassword"} | | |
If you don't specify an explicit provider prefix in a secret location
(e.g. AWS_SM:
), the provider can be auto-detected from the address portion
using the Value Prefix. For example the secret location
will be auto-detected
to with the AWS_S3 provider because it starts with arn:aws:s3:::
Secret Formats
Formats indicate how the raw string data is parsed into a secret value (which may be
a string, number, boolean, dictionary, or array). The table below lists the
supported formats:
Format Code | Extensions | MIME types | Required extras | Notes |
dotenv | .env | None | dotenv | Also auto-detected if location includes .env. |
json | .json | application/json , text/x-json | | |
yaml | .yaml , .yml | application/x-yaml , application/yaml , text/vnd.yaml , text/yaml , text/x-yaml | yaml | pyyaml's safe_load() is used for security |
The format of a secret value can be auto-detected from the extension or by the
MIME type if available. Otherwise, you may need to an explicit format code
(e.g. !yaml
AWS Secrets Manager / S3 notes
is used to fetch secrets when the aws
extra is installed. It will try to
access to AWS Secrets Manager or S3 using environment variables
if they are set, or use the EC2
instance role, ECS task role, or Lambda execution role if available.
For Secrets Manager, you can also use "partial ARNs" (without the hyphened
suffix) as keys. In the example above
could be used to fetch the same secret, provided there are no conflicting secret ARNs.
This allows you to get the latest version of the secret.
If the secret was stored in Secrets Manager as binary, the
corresponding value will be set to the Base-64 encoded value.
If you're deploying a python function using AWS Lambda, note that boto3 is
already included in the available packages, so there's no need to include it
(unless the bundled version isn't compatible). Also we strongly encourage you
to add:
to your code if you are using proc_wrapper for secrets resolution. This
prevent secrets from Secrets Manager from being leaked. For details, see this
Secret Tranformation
Fetching secrets can be relatively expensive and it makes sense to group related
secrets together. Therefore it is common to store dictionaries (formatted
as JSON or YAML) as secrets. However, each desired environment variable
or configuration property may only consist of a fragment of the dictionary.
For example, given the JSON-formatted dictionary
"username": "postgres",
"password": "badpassword"
you may want to populate the environment variable DB_USERNAME
To facilitate this, dictionary fragments can be extracted to individual
environment variables using jsonpath-ng
when the jsonpath
extra is installed.
To specify that a variable be extracted from a dictionary using
a JSON Path expression, append |JP:
followed by the JSON Path expression
to the secret location string. For example, if the AWS Secrets Manager
contains the dictionary above, then the secret location string
will resolve to postgres
as desired.
If you do something similar to get the password from the same JSON value,
proc_wrapper is smart enough to cache the fetched dictionary, so that the
raw data is only fetched once.
Since JSON path expressions yield a list of results, the secrets fetcher
implements the following rules to transform the list to the final value:
- If the list of results has a single value, that value is used as the
final value, unless
is appended to the JSON path expression. - Otherwise, the final value is the list of results
Fetching from another environment variable
In some deployment scenarios, multiple secrets can be injected into a
single environment variable as a JSON encoded object. In that case,
the module can extract secrets using the ENV secret source. For example,
you may have arranged to have the environment variable DB_CONFIG injected
with the JSON encoded value:
{ "username": "postgres", "password": "nohackme" }
Then to extract the username to the environment variable DB_USERNAME you
you would add the environment variable DB_USER_FOR_PROC_WRAPPER_TO_RESOLVE
set to
Secret injection into environment and configuration
Now let's use secret location strings to
inject the values into the environment (for wrapped mode)
and/or the the configuration dictionary (for embedded mode). proc_wrapper
supports two methods of secret injection which can be combined together:
- Top-level fetching
- Secrets Resolution
Top-level fetching
Top-level fetching refers to fetching a dictionary that contains multiple secrets
and populating the environment / configuration dictionary with it.
To use top-level fetching, you specify the secret locations
from which you want to fetch the secrets and the corresponding values are
merged together into the environment / configuration.
To use top-level fetching in wrapped mode, populate the
environment variables PROC_WRAPPER_ENV_LOCATIONS
with a comma-separated
list of secret locations, or use the command-line option
--env-locations <secret_location>
one or more times. Secret location
strings passed in via PROC_WRAPPER_ENV_LOCATIONS
or --env-locations
will be parsed as dotenv
files unless format is auto-detected or
explicitly specified.
To use top-level fetching in embedded mode, set the ProcWrapperParams
to a list of secret locations. Alternatively, you can set
the environment variable PROC_WRAPPER_CONFIG_LOCATIONS
to a comma-separated
list, and this will be picked up automatically. Secret location values
will be parsed as JSON unless the format is auto-detected or explicitly
specified. The config
passed to the your callback function will contain a merged dictionary of all
fetched and parsed dictionary values. For example:
def callback(wrapper: ProcWrapper, cbdata: str,
config: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
return "super" + cbdata + config["username"]
def main():
params = ProcWrapperParams()
# Optional: you can set an initial configuration dictionary which will
# have its values included in the final configuration unless overridden.
params.initial_config = {
"log_level": "DEBUG"
# You can omit this if you set PROC_WRAPPER_CONFIG_LOCATIONS environment
# variable to the same ARN
params.config_locations = [
# More secret locations can be added here, and their values will
# be merged
wrapper = ProcWrapper(params=params)
# Returns "superduperpostgres"
return wrapper.managed_call(callback, "duper")
Merging Secrets
Top-level fetching can potentially fetch multiple dictionaries which are
merged together in the final environment / configuration dictionary.
The default merge strategy (DEEP
) merges recursively, even dictionaries
in lists. The SHALLOW
merge strategy just overwrites top-level keys, with later
secret locations taking precedence. However, if you install the
mergedeep library with the mergedeep
extra, you can also set the merge strategy to one of:
so that nested lists can be appended to instead of replaced (in the case of the
strategies), or errors will be raised if incompatibly-typed values
are merged (in the case of the TYPESAFE
strategies). In wrapped mode,
the merge strategy can be set with the --config-merge-strategy
environment variable. In
embedded mode, the merge strategy can be set in the
string property of ProcWrapperParams
Secret Resolution
Secret Resolution substitutes configuration or environment values that are
secret location strings with the computed values of those strings. Compared
to Secret Fetching, Secret Resolution is more useful when you want more
control over the names of variables or when you have secret values deep
inside your configuration.
In wrapped mode, if you want to set the environment variable MY_SECRET
a value fetched
from AWS Secrets Manager, you would set the environment variable
to a secret location string
which is ARN of the secret, for example:
suffix of environment variable names is
removed during resolution. It can also be configured with the PROC_WRAPPER_RESOLVABLE_ENV_VAR_NAME_SUFFIX
environment variable.)
In embedded mode, if you want the final configuration dictionary to look like:
"db_username": "postgres",
"db_password": "badpassword",
The initial configuration dictionary would look like:
"db_username__to_resolve": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-2:1234567890:secret:db-PPrpY|JP:$.username",
"db_password__to_resolve": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-2:1234567890:secret:db-PPrpY|JP:$.password",
(The __to_resolve
suffix (with 2 underscores!) of keys is removed during
resolution. It can also be configured with the resolved_config_property_name_suffix
property of ProcWrapperParams
proc_wrapper can also resolve keys in embedded dictionaries, like:
"db": {
"username__to_resolve": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-2:1234567890:secret:config-PPrpY|JP:$.username",
up to a maximum depth that you can control with ProcWrapperParams.max_config_resolution_depth
(which defaults to 5). That would resolve to
"db": {
"username": "postgres",
"password": "badpassword"
You can also inject entire dictionaries, like:
"db__to_resolve": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-2:1234567890:secret:config-PPrpY",
which would resolve to
"db": {
"username": "postgres",
"password": "badpassword"
To enable secret resolution in wrapped mode, set environment variable PROC_WRAPPER_RESOLVE_SECRETS
. In embedded mode, secret
resolution is enabled by default; set the
property of ProcWrapperParams
to 0
to disable resolution.
Secret resolution is run multiple times so that if a resolved value contains
a secret location string, it will be resolved on the next pass. By default,
proc_wrapper limits the maximum number of resolution passes to 3 but you
can control this with the environment variable
in embedded mode,
or by setting the max_config_resolution_iterations
property of
in wrapped mode.
Environment Projection
During secret fetching and secret resolution, proc_wrapper internally maintains
the computed environment as a dictionary which may have embedded lists and
dictionaries. However, the final environment passed to the process is a flat
dictionary containing only string values. So proc_wrapper converts
all top-level values to strings using these rules:
- Lists and dictionaries are converted to their JSON-encoded string value
- Boolean values are converted to their upper-cased string representation
(e.g. the string
for the boolean value false
) - The
value is converted to the empty string - All other values are converted using python's
Secrets Refreshing
You can set a Time to Live (TTL) on the duration that secret values are cached.
Caching helps reduce expensive lookups of secrets and bandwidth usage.
In wrapped mode, set the TTL of environment variables set from secret locations
using the --config-ttl
command-line argument or
environment variable.
If the process exits, you have configured the script to retry,
and the TTL has expired since the last fetch,
proc_wrapper will re-fetch the secrets
and resolve them again, for the environment passed to the next invocation of
your process.
In embedded mode, set the TTL of configuration dictionary values set from
secret locations by setting the config_ttl
property of
. If 1) your callback function raises an exception, 2) you have
configured the script to retry; and 3) the TTL has expired since the last fetch,
proc_wrapper will re-fetch the secrets
and resolve them again, for the configuration passed to the next invocation of
the callback function.
Status Updates
Status Updates in Wrapped Mode
While your process in running, you can send status updates to
CloudReactor by using the StatusUpdater class. Status updates are shown in
the CloudReactor dashboard and allow you to track the current progress of a
Task and also how many items are being processed in multiple executions
over time.
In wrapped mode, your application code would send updates to the
proc_wrapper program via UDP port 2373 (configurable with the PROC_WRAPPER_STATUS_UPDATE_PORT environment variable).
If your application code is in python, you can use the provided
StatusUpdater class to do this:
from proc_wrapper import StatusUpdater
with StatusUpdater() as updater:
updater.send_update(last_status_message="Starting ...")
success_count = 0
for i in range(100):
success_count += 1
except Exception:
failed_count += 1
Status Updates in Embedded Mode
In embedded mode, your callback in python code can use the wrapper instance to
send updates:
from typing import Any, Mapping
import proc_wrapper
from proc_wrapper import ProcWrapper
def fun(wrapper: ProcWrapper, cbdata: dict[str, int],
config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> int:
wrapper.update_status(last_status_message="Starting the fun ...")
success_count = 0
error_count = 0
for i in range(100):
success_count += 1
except Exception:
error_count += 1
wrapper.update_status(last_status_message="The fun is over.")
return cbdata["a"]
params = ProcWrapperParams()
params.auto_create_task = True
params.auto_create_task_run_environment_name = "production"
params.task_name = "embedded_test"
params.api_key = "YOUR_CLOUDREACTOR_API_KEY"
proc_wrapper = ProcWrapper(params=params)
proc_wrapper.managed_call(fun, {"a": 1, "b": 2})
In case the wrapped process or embedded function will be execution very frequently,
it may be advantageous to skip notifications to the API server in order to avoid the
overhead (delay, bandwidth) of communication with the API server, or to reduce usage of
API credits. For this purpose, you can configure proc_wrapper to communicate with the API
server with a certain probability using the api-managed-probability
setting. If a
generated random number between 0 and 1 is above the probability threshold, the initial
notification to create a Task Execution will be skipped. If the wrapped process or
embedded function succeeds, no communication with the API server will be sent.
However, if the wrapped process or embedded function fails, proc_wrapper will communicate
with the API server with probability api-failure-notification-probability
, creating
a Task Exection at that point with a FAILED
status. Similarly, if the wrapped process
times out, proc_wrapper will communicate with the API server with probability
, creating
a Task Exection at that point with a TERMINATED_AFTER_TIME_OUT
(Currently, timing out embedded functions is not supported.)
Example Projects
These projects contain sample Tasks that use this library to report their
execution status and results to CloudReactor
This software is dual-licensed under open source (MPL 2.0) and commercial
licenses. See LICENSE
for details.
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
This package was created with
Cookiecutter and the
project template.