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Shell utility to configure Cognicept tools.

  • 1.8.0
  • PyPI
  • Socket score


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This is a shell utility to manage Cognicept tools.



You need:

  • Python 3 (NOTE: should be python 3.8 for dependecies)
  • Python 3 PIP
  • openssh-server : (Optional) in order to enable terminal function for Kriya


sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip

Package Installation

To install the package locally, run:

pip3 install -e <path-to-the-repo>

To install from Python Package Index (PyPI), run:

pip3 install cognicept-shell

To verify installation, try to run

cognicept -h

If you get cognicept: command not found error, make sure that ~/.local/bin/ is in your $PATH. You could run this:

export PATH=$PATH:/home/$USER/.local/bin/

and add it to your .bashrc file.


To set-up autcomplete when using the cognicept shell, run:

cognicept config --autocomplete

Restart the terminal and autocomplete should be functioning

This will setup python argcomplete globally and may affect other packages. If argcomplete has been setup globally for other project, this setup is not required.

This command essentially calls the function activate-global-python-argcomplete

More information about this can be found in


For details on usage, use

cognicept -h


config: Configure Cognicept tools

cognicept-shell and Cognicept agents are configured in runtime.env file typically placed in ~/.cognicept/runtime.env. The file defines the docker environment used by the Cognicept agents.

This command allows to inspect and modify the configuration file. You can use parameter --path to modify the path to the Cognicept config directory.

To print full configuration, run:

cognicept config --read

To add new configuration parameter (or modify single value), run:

cognicept config --add

Variables used by cognicept-shell:

  • COG_EXTRA_IMAGES : images to pull from Cognicept and general docker image repositories
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: temporary AWS credentials modified by keyrotate and needed for update

To setup ssh access from remote_intervention_agent to the host machine, run:

cognicept config --ssh

It will generate ssh keys in ~/.cognicept/ssh/ and configures COG_ENABLE_SSH, COG_ENABLE_SSH_KEY_AUTH, COG_ENABLE_AUTOMATIC_SSH, COG_SSH_DEFAULT_USER according to the user preferences. If COG_ENABLE_AUTOMATIC_SSH is enabled, public key is copied into ~/.ssh/authorized_hosts; sudo access is requested to perform this action.

To setup autocomplete from cognicept shell, run:

cognicept config --auto
status: Get status of Cognicept agents
cognicept status

Prints status of agents and other containers managed by cognicept-shell. Possible values:

  • "ONLINE": Everything fine
  • "CONTAINER NOT FOUND": Agent/container is not initiated
  • "OFFLINE": Container stopped
  • "Error": Error accessing API
  • "ERROR": Detected error, needs inspection
  • "NOT INITIALIZED": Agent is in init state
  • "STALE": Agent didn't update within last minute
version: Display Cognicept Shell and Container version
cognicept version

Prints the version of current cognicept shell and other containers version

update: Update Cognicept tools

Updates images for agents and tools specified in COG_AGENT_IMAGES and COG_EXTRA_IMAGES config variables. It requires temporary credentials to be valid. If the available disk space is less than 3 GB, the update will not proceed. This check ensures that there is sufficient space for the update to run successfully. For updates to take effect, containers need to be restarted with restart command.

To run update in detached mode:

cognicept update -d

In detached mode, printing of update statuses in muted. Update is run in a seperate process. Update will continue to run even if terminal session is closed.

To update docker images in environment variable COGNICEPT_EXTRA_IMAGES

cognicept update --image <docker-images-repo>

To override the disk space check before pulling images:

cognicept update -s

the disk space check will be bypassed, and the update will proceed regardless of the available disk space

By default, cognicept update doe not update the config, to update the config run

cognicept update --configuration

This will update the configs wihout updating the agents

lastevent: Display last event log reported by Cognicept agent

Displays last event saved by cgs_diagnostics_agent from ~/.cognicept/logs.

start/stop/restart: start/stop/restart cognicept agents

These commands are used to start/stop/restart containers specified in COG_AGENT_CONTAINERS/COG_AGENT_IMAGES. Certain container names are reserved for Cognicept agents and are preconfigured:

  • cgs_diagnostics_agent
  • remote_intervention_agent
  • kriya_watchdog
  • cgs_diagnostics_ecs_api
  • cgs_diagnostics_streamer_api
  • cgs_bagger_server
  • health_aggregator
  • diagnostics_aggregator
  • kopilot
  • smartplus_sound
  • map_manager
  • computer_health_metrics
  • slamtec_adapter
  • cam_capture

Any agent name or image type can be put in the list as long as default command for the image is specified. All containers are started in host network mode.

Following are examples for using start. stop follows same API as start. restart first calls stop and then stop .

To start all listed agents COG_AGENT_CONTAINERS don't specify any argument:

cognicept start

To start all agents:

cognicept start --agents

To start specific agents:

cognicept start remote_intervention_agent cgs_diagnostics_agent

To run restart in detached mode:

cognicept restart -d

Detached mode is particularly useful for restarting a cognicept agent remotely. In detached mode, progress of restart will not printed.

To restart and clearing logs

cognicept restart --prune
keyrotate: Rotate Cognicept cloud keys

Updates temporary AWS credentials (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN) using COGNICEPT_ACCESS_KEY from COGNICEPT_API_URI. The validity of the credentials is 12 hours. Internet access with HTTPS allowed is needed.

record: Manage rosbag recording session to start/stop/pause/resume/get status/record all topics

These commands are used to start/stop/pause/resume/get status/record all topics in a rosbag. All the operations are done by running an exec command inside the cgs_bagger_server container. All bags are typically placed in the bags folder of the Cognicept configuration directory: ~/.cognicept/bags/

To start start a recording session list all topics to be recorded separated by a space and with their / prefix:

cognicept record --start /odom /cmd_vel /rosout_agg /tf /tf_static

To record ALL topics use --all:

NOTE: rosbags tend to become quite big quite fast especially if there are camera topics. If there is less than 1 GB disk space, the recording self terminates.

cognicept record --all

To stop a recording session:

cognicept record --stop

Alternatively, the latest bag recording can be stopped and automatically pushed to the Cognicept cloud with a single command by providing autopush value:

cognicept record --stop autopush

To pause a recording session:

cognicept record --pause

To resume a recording session:

cognicept record --resume

To get the status of the current recording:

cognicept record --status

Status can be Ready, Started, Stopped, Paused and Resumed.

NOTE: A note on the retry mechanisms built in to improve reliability. If the retry mechanism fails, both cognicept record --start and cognicept record --all will automatically restart the cgs_bagger_server. A new recording session needs to be started if this happens. All other commands will just inform that the retry has failed since these are not essential operations for bag recording.

push: Push data to Cognicept cloud

These commands are used to push data on to the Cognicept cloud.

To push a bag file, specify the name of the bag file:

cognicept push --bag sample_recording.bag

NOTE: Only bags in the dedicated Cognicept configuration bags directory, usually ~/.cognicept/bags, will be detected and uploaded. Bag files in any other location need to be moved to this directory before upload. Bag files generated using the cognicept record feature will be automatically placed in the Cognicept configuration bags directory.

As a shorthand, you can push the latest bag file recording by not specifying any argument. This will automatically look for the latest bag file by create time and upload it:

cognicept push --bag
init: Initiates the runtime.env file with values from the COGNICEPT_USER_API_URI

To initiate a runtime.env file, specify the robot id and organisation id and then provide credentials when prompted

cognicept init --robot_id sample_robot --org_id sample_org
Username: sample_username
Password: sample_password (masked)


is supported in version 1.6 for cognicept-shell command below:

cognicept update/version/start/stop/restart

To make it work, you should added an enviroment variable COG_COMPOSE_FILE in ~/.cognicept/runtime.env and specific the file directory of the docker-compose.yaml file, eg


Sample of docker-compose file:

version: "3.9"
    container_name: service_name
    network_mode: "host"
    restart: unless-stopped
    - ${HOME}/.cognicept/runtime.env
    image: image_repo
    command: python3

Sample response after running cognicept version

Cognicept Shell Version 1.6.0
| Container Name               | Version   | Version Tags   |
| remote_intervention_agent    | latest    | latest         |
| kriya_watchdog               | latest    | latest         |
| cgs_diagnostics_ecs_api      | dev       | latest         |
| cgs_diagnostics_streamer_api | dev       | latest         |
| cgs_diagnostics_agent        | dev       | latest         |
| service_name                 |           |                |
Runtime enviroment file directory: ~/.cognicept/

move: to move a robot from one organisation to another

The `cognicept move`` command allows you to move a robot to a different organization with the following flags:

  • --robot_id: Specify the desired robot_id.
  • --old_org_id: Provide the organization id where the robot is currently residing.
  • --new_org_id: Indicate the target organization id to which you want to move the robot.
  • --skip: You can use this flag to specify if you want to skip the moving of any of the following robot data:
    • map: Skip moving the map data.
    • schedule: Skip moving the schedule data.
    • waypoint: Skip moving the waypoint data.

Example (without skip):

cognicept move --robot_id=<robot_id> --old_org_id=<old_org_id> --new_org_id=<new_org_id>

This command will move the specified robot to the new organization without skipping any data.

Example (with skip):

cognicept move --robot_id=<robot_id> --old_org_id=<old_org_id> --new_org_id=<new_org_id> --skip waypoint map

This command will move the robot while skipping the move map and waypoint

Getting Robot Online

After moving the robot to the new organization, there are additional steps required to get the robot online. Follow these steps:

Navigate to the terminal connected to the robot.

Run the following command, replacing <new org id> and <new robot id> with the actual values displayed after running cognicept move:

cognicept init --org_id <new org id> --robot_id <new robot id>

This command updates the runtime.env configuration file inside the robot with its new robot_code, site_code, agent_id, cognicept_access_key, and aws_webrtc_channel_arn.

Run the cognicept keyrotate command.

Run the cognicept restart command. Note: by default it is restart in detach mode.

After completing these steps, wait for a few minutes, and the robot should be online in the new organization.

autoupdater: to pull the auto update server and start the services

cognicept autoupdater --pull update the OTA server to latest version cognicept autoupdater --setup Copy service file, setup and start the systemd service



(RECOMMENDED) build and run the tests in Docker by running the commands below:

To test in Ubuntu 20.04 bash

To test in Ubuntu 22.04 bash

Alternatively, you can test locally

cognicept-shell is using pytest as the test framework. Make sure you install manually:

pip3 install pytest pytest-cov cli_test_helpers mock

To run tests, execute:

# Run tests natively.
pytest --cov=cogniceptshell tests

Output will look like this:

user@computer:~/Desktop/repo/cognicept-shell$ pytest --cov=cogniceptshell tests 
============================================ test session starts =============================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.19, pytest-6.1.1, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /
plugins: mock-3.12.0, cov-2.10.1
collected 165 items                                                                                                                                                                                       

tests/functional/ .........s.....                                                         [  9%]
tests/functional/ .                                                                   [  9%]
tests/functional/ ........                                                                  [ 14%]
tests/functional/ ..........                                                                [ 20%]
tests/functional/ ..........                                                              [ 26%]
tests/unit/ ................                                                              [ 36%]
tests/unit/ .                                                                     [ 36%]
tests/unit/ ......                                                              [ 40%]
tests/unit/ ...                                                                        [ 42%]
tests/unit/ .............................                                              [ 60%]
tests/unit/ ..................................................                              [ 90%]
tests/unit/ ....                                                           [ 92%]
tests/unit/ ...                                                            [ 94%]
tests/unit/ ......                                                              [ 98%]
tests/unit/ ...                                                                   [100%]

================================== 164 passed, 1 skipped in 114.72s (0:01:54) ================================


To build the PyPI package, run:

python3 sdist bdist_wheel

This will generate the build files.


To upload the dev package, run:

python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* --verbose

To upload the prod package, run:

python3 -m twine upload dist/* --verbose


Please follow the successful branching model. The naming of branches follows:

  • Feature branch: /feature/name-of-the-feature
  • Bug fix branch: /fix/name-of-the-bug
  • Release branch: /release/name-of-the-release

Version history

  • 1.8.0 [19/09/2024]

    • Update Lock File Check: Added functionality for Cognicept update to check for the update lock file before executing the update process, ensuring that no updates are performed while a mission is in progress.
    • Agent Disabling via Config File: Added support for disabling agents using an enabled key in the agent configuration file. When set to true, the specified agent will not load in the Cognicept shell.
    • Migration to Compose-Style YAML Configuration: Added support for full migration to a compose-style YAML file-based agent configuration while maintaining backward compatibility with older configurations.
    • Enhanced Logging: Included the agent name in log messages and improved overall logging during the update process for better monitoring and debugging.
    • Template Pulling Extension: Extended the Cognicept update functionality to pull templates during updates, ensuring the latest configurations are always available.
    • OTA Support: Introduced main functionalities to support Over-The-Air (OTA) updates, enabling seamless remote software updates.
  • 1.7.6 [01/07/2024]

    • Load devices option from docker-compose
    • Set privileged mode false by default
  • 1.7.5 [26/06/2024]

    • Fix mounting issues for external devices
  • 1.7.4 [18/06/2024]

    • Fix API overwrite bug
    • Allow updates to proceed when fetching robot config fails
  • 1.7.3 [12/06/2024]

    • Enable pulling robot properties from cloud during cognicept init and cognicept update
    • Fix for detached cognicept restart failing to restart agents specified in docker-compose.yaml on command terminal disconnection.
    • Exception handling for missing image tag
  • 1.7.2[23/04/2024]

    • Fix pip dependency version issues
    • Fix region name parameter issue
    • 1.7.1[24/11/2023]
    • Bug Fixed - templates directory blocking cognicept restart
    • cognicept prune to support only in attached mode
  • 1.7.1[24/11/2023]

    • Bug Fixed - templates directory blocking cognicept restart
    • cognicept prune to support only in attached mode
  • 1.7.0[25/10/2023]

    • cognicept update check for remaining disk space (in root directory) before pulling each image
    • cognicept update -s overrides check for disk space before pulling images
    • cognicept update will update the success or failure to S+ event logs
    • cognicept version will display the latest version of the docker images
    • cognicept restart by default is restarting in detached mode
    • cognicept restart -a to restart in attached mode
    • cognicept init support --robot_code and --org_code
    • new cognicept move feature
  • 1.6.1[22/5/2023]

    • cognicept update prompts the user before upgrading the cognicept-shell version
    • cognicept update -y will upgrade cognicept-shell directly
    • Fixed cognicept init bug for non-existing robot_id and org_id
    • Added exception handling to capture HTTP status codes in shell
    • Changed cognicept version update message to reflect the latest version
    • Added install_requires for websocket-client, paramiko dependencies
    • Added docker-compose error handling exception
  • 1.6 [12/5/2023]

    • cognicept update/version/start/stop/restart support of docker-compose with enviroment variable COG_COMPOSE_FILE
    • cognicept restart --prune for clearing logs
    • cognicept update --image to update docker images in environment variable COGNICEPT_EXTRA_IMAGES
    • cognicept update will prompts msgs for users about the specific errors faced when trying to run cognicept update
    • added camera_capture
  • 1.5 [23/9/2022]

    • Auto update shell on cognicept update
    • Allow container specific updates
    • Add support for kopilot, smartplus_sound_server, map_manager, kriya's friends
    • Audio config for sound devices
    • Backup runtime config before updating
  • 1.4 [16/12/2021]

    • 2FA modification for init command
    • Add version command to display agent version
    • Add support for health_monitoring_aggregator
  • 1.3 [21/10/2021]

    • Autocomplete for basic commands and agent names
  • 1.2 [29/6/2021]

    • Revamp credentials for AWS
    • Added robot init command
    • Revamped CI/CD
    • Added detached update/restart
    • Removed datadog integration
    • Added kriya watchdog run configuration
    • Added handling of the docker permission error
    • Added run configuration to support bunch reporting
  • 1.1 []

    • Limit agent logs to 5MB
  • 1.0.3 []

    • Change for cognicept update command to fetch cloud credentials from cognicept backend
  • 1.0 [15/12/2020]

    • Added start command
    • Start/Stop/Restart agents separately as parameter of command
    • Migrated to new credential management using COGNICEPT_ACCESS_KEY
    • Added keyrotate command
    • Added unit and functional tests
    • Added record and push commands for management of rosbags
    • Added support for Python 3.5
    • Added lastevent command to read last event
    • Added ssh configuration for remote_intervention_agent
  • 0.1 [10/6/2020]

    • First version of the CLI utility able to configure, restart, and update agents


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