ConfZ – Pydantic Config Management

is a configuration management library for Python based on pydantic.
It easily allows you to
- load your configuration from config files, environment variables, command line arguments and more
- transform the loaded data into a desired format and validate it
- access the results as Python dataclass-like objects with full IDE support
It furthermore supports you in common use cases like:
- Multiple environments
- Singleton with lazy loading
- Config changes for unit tests
- Custom config sources
UPDATE: ConfZ 2 is here, with support for pydantic 2 and improved naming conventions.
Check out the migration guide.
:package: Installation
is on PyPI and can be installed with pip:
pip install confz
:rocket: Quick Start
The first step of using ConfZ
is to declare your config classes and sources, for example in
from confz import BaseConfig, FileSource
from pydantic import SecretStr, AnyUrl
class DBConfig(BaseConfig):
user: str
password: SecretStr
class APIConfig(BaseConfig):
host: AnyUrl
port: int
db: DBConfig
CONFIG_SOURCES = FileSource(file='/path/to/config.yml')
Thanks to pydantic, you can use a wide variety of
field types and
From now on, in any other file, you can access your config directly:
from config import APIConfig
print(f"Serving API at {APIConfig().host}, port {APIConfig().port}.")
As can be seen, the config does neither have to be loaded explicitly, nor instantiated globally. ConfZ
loads your config as defined in CONFIG_SOURCES
the first time you access it. Thanks to its singleton mechanism, this
happens the first time only, afterwards you get back a cached,
immutable instance, behaving like any other
pydantic instance.
assert APIConfig() is APIConfig()
APIConfig().port = 1234
Note: While the implicit and hidden loading of your config might be surprising and feel a bit like Python magic at
first, it allows you to reduce a lot of boilerplate. Instead of having to load your config explicitly and then passing
it down to all code layers that need it, you can directly access it from anywhere by just importing your config class
and accessing for example APIConfig().db.user
More Config Sources
is highly flexible in defining the source of your config. Do you have multiple environments? No Problem:
from confz import BaseConfig, FileSource
class MyConfig(BaseConfig):
Your config file can now be defined in the environment variable ENVIRONMENT
and is relative to folder
You can also provide a list as config source and read for example from environment variables including a .env file and
from command line arguments:
from confz import BaseConfig, EnvSource, CLArgSource
class MyConfig(BaseConfig):
EnvSource(allow_all=True, file=".env.local"),
now tries to populate your config either from environment variables having the same name as your attributes or
by reading command line arguments that start with conf_
. Recursive models are supported too, for example if you want
to control the user-name in the API above, you can either set the environment variable DB.USER
or pass the command
line argument --conf_db.user
Explicit Loading
In some scenarios, the config should not be a global singleton, but loaded explicitly and passed around locally.
Instead of defining CONFIG_SOURCES
as class variable, the sources can also be defined in the constructor directly:
from confz import BaseConfig, FileSource, EnvSource
class MyConfig(BaseConfig):
number: int
text: str
config1 = MyConfig(config_sources=FileSource(file='/path/to/config.yml'))
config2 = MyConfig(config_sources=EnvSource(prefix='CONF_', allow=['text']), number=1)
config3 = MyConfig(number=1, text='hello world')
As can be seen, additional keyword-arguments can be provided as well.
Note: If neither class variable CONFIG_SOURCES
nor constructor argument config_sources
is provided, BaseConfig
behaves like a regular pydantic class.
Change Config Values
In some scenarios, you might want to change your config values, for example within a unit test. However, if you set the
class variable, this is not directly possible. To overcome this, every config class provides a context
manager to temporarily change your config:
from confz import BaseConfig, FileSource, DataSource
class MyConfig(BaseConfig):
number: int
CONFIG_SOURCES = FileSource(file="/path/to/config.yml")
new_source = DataSource(data={'number': 42})
with MyConfig.change_config_sources(new_source):
Early Validation
By default, your config gets loaded the first time you instantiate the class, e.g. with MyConfig().attribute
. This
prevents side effects like loading a file while you import your config classes. If the config class cannot populate all
mandatory fields in the correct format, pydantic will raise an error at this point. To make sure this does not happen
in an inconvenient moment, you can also instruct ConfZ
to load all configs beforehand:
from confz import validate_all_configs
if __name__ == '__main__':
The function validate_all_configs
will instantiate all config classes defined in your code at any (reachable)
location that have CONFIG_SOURCES
:book: Documentation
Now you've seen the two ways how ConfZ
can be used: With class variable config sources, unlocking a singleton with
lazy loading, or with keyword argument config sources, allowing to directly load your config values. In both cases,
defining your config sources from files, command line arguments and environment variables is highly flexible
(and also extendable, by the way), while pydantic still makes sure that everything matches your expectations in the
end. You've also seen how to temporarily change your config for example in unit tests and how to validate
your singleton config classes early in the code already.
The full documentation of ConfZ
's features can be found at readthedocs.
:information_source: About
was programmed and will be maintained by Zühlke.
The first version was realized by Silvan.
Special thanks to Iwan with his ConfMe, which inspired this project.
Want to contribute to ConfZ
? Check out the contribution instruction & guidelines.