Documentation: https://detamvc.deta.dev
Source Code: https://github.com/pyn-sol/detaMVC
DetaMVC is a framework for rapidly developing and deploying web applications using:
pip install detamvc
Other Requirements:
- A Deta Account. If you do not have one, go to Deta and click 'Join Deta'
- The Deta CLI
If you are familiar with Ruby on Rails, the commands are very similar for creating an application.
detamvc new project
cd project
detamvc scaffold item name:str description:text price:float quantity:int available:bool
Before running your project, be sure to set your PROJECT_KEY for Deta. You can get this from your Deta dashboard under 'settings'.
echo DETA_PROJECT_KEY="#######_#############" > .env
Or, save yourself the hassle and set your development project key using the command. Hint: Do this before creating a new project.
detamvc set-project-key #######_#################
Run a Server Manually
This assumes you have uvicorn installed. You can run with other servers as you wish - just set up like you would for a normal FastAPI application.
detamvc s
uvicorn main:app --reload
Deploy on Deta
Now you can deploy this on Deta!
Before running the following, you will need to install the Deta CLI
deta new --project default