The DingoDB python sdk
First, you have prepared the DingoDB environment, see the docs at
For more information about DingoDB, see the docs at
How to Contribute
1. Compile
pip install -r requirements.txt
git submodule update --init --recursive
2. Release
- Install from pypi
pip3 install dingodb
- Install from Source
pip install git+
Basic API
Creating an index
The following example creates an index without a metadata configuration.
>>> import dingodb
>>> dingo_client = dingodb.DingoDB("user", "password", [""])
>>> dingo_client.create_index("testdingo", 6, index_type="flat")
dingodb provides flexible indexing parameters.
>>> help(dingo_client.create_index)
create_index(index_name, dimension, index_type='hnsw', metric_type='euclidean', replicas=3, index_config=None, metadata_config=None, partition_rule=None, auto_id=True)
Get index
The following example returns all indexes in your schema.
>>> dingo_client.get_index()
Get index info
The following example returns the info in specified index.
>>> dingo_client.describe_index_info("testdingo")
{'name': 'testdingo', 'version': 0, 'replica': 3, 'autoIncrement': 1, 'indexParameter': {'indexType': 'INDEX_TYPE_VECTOR', 'vectorIndexParameter': {'vectorIndexType': 'VECTOR_INDEX_TYPE_FLAT', 'flatParam': {'dimension': 6, 'metricType': 'METRIC_TYPE_L2'}, 'ivfFlatParam': None, 'ivfPqParam': None, 'hnswParam': None, 'diskAnnParam': None}}}
Add vector
The following example add vector to database.
>>> dingo_client.vector_add("testdingo", [{"a1":"b1", "aa1":"bb1"}, {"a1": "b1"}],[[0.19151945,0.62210876,0.43772775,0.7853586,0.77997583,0.2725926], [0.27746424078941345,0.801872193813324,0.9581393599510193,0.8759326338768005,0.35781726241111755,0.5009950995445251]])
[{'id': 1, 'vector': {'dimension': 6, 'valueType': 'FLOAT', 'floatValues': [0.19151945, 0.62210876, 0.43772775, 0.7853586, 0.77997583, 0.2725926], 'binaryValues': []}, 'scalarData': {'a1': {'fieldType': 'STRING', 'fields': [{'data': 'b1'}]}, 'aa1': {'fieldType': 'STRING', 'fields': [{'data': 'bb1'}]}}}, {'id': 2, 'vector': {'dimension': 6, 'valueType': 'FLOAT', 'floatValues': [0.27746424, 0.8018722, 0.95813936, 0.87593263, 0.35781726, 0.5009951], 'binaryValues': []}, 'scalarData': {'a1': {'fieldType': 'STRING', 'fields': [{'data': 'b1'}]}}}]
you can use autoIncrement id, The following example get max id
>>> dingo_client.get_max_index_row("testdingo")
Search Vector
The following example Basic Search without metata.
>>> dingo_client.vector_search("testdingo", [[0.19151945,0.62210876,0.43772775,0.7853586,0.77997583,0.2725926]], 10)
[{'vectorWithDistances': [{'id': 1, 'vector': {'dimension': 6, 'valueType': 'FLOAT', 'floatValues': [], 'binaryValues': []}, 'scalarData': {'a1': {'fieldType': 'STRING', 'fields': [{'data': 'b1'}]}, 'aa1': {'fieldType': 'STRING', 'fields': [{'data': 'bb1'}]}}, 'distance': 0.0}, {'id': 2, 'vector': {'dimension': 6, 'valueType': 'FLOAT', 'floatValues': [], 'binaryValues': []}, 'scalarData': {'a1': {'fieldType': 'STRING', 'fields': [{'data': 'b1'}]}}, 'distance': 0.5491189}]}]
The following example Search with metata.
>>> dingo_client.vector_search("testdingo", [0.19151945,0.62210876,0.43772775,0.7853586,0.77997583,0.2725926],10, {"meta_expr": {"aa1": "bb1"}})
{'vectorWithDistances': [{'id': 1, 'vector': {'dimension': 6, 'valueType': 'FLOAT', 'floatValues': [], 'binaryValues': []}, 'scalarData': {'aa1': {'fieldType': 'STRING', 'fields': [{'data': 'bb1'}]}, 'a1': {'fieldType': 'STRING', 'fields': [{'data': 'b1'}]}}, 'distance': 0.0}]}
Query vector with ids
The following example Query vector with ids.
>>> dingo_client.vector_get("testdingo", [2])
[{'id': 2, 'vector': {'dimension': 6, 'valueType': 'FLOAT', 'floatValues': [0.27746424, 0.8018722, 0.95813936, 0.87593263, 0.35781726, 0.5009951], 'binaryValues': []}, 'scalarData': {'a1': {'fieldType': 'STRING', 'fields': [{'data': 'b1'}]}}}]
Detele vector with ids
The following example Detele vector with ids.
>>> dingo_client.vector_delete("testdingo", [2])
Drop index
The following example Drop one index.
>>> dingo_client.delete_index("testdingo")