Django admin charts
:Description: Easily configurable charts statistics for django-admin
and django-admin-tools
:Documentation: http://django-admin-charts.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
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Create beautiful configurable charts from your models and display them on the django-admin
index page or on django-admin-tools
The charts are based on models and criterias defined through admin interface and some chart parameters are configurable in live view.
This is application is fork of django-admin-tools-stats <https://github.com/areski/django-admin-tools-stats/>
_ which has been reworked to display all charts through Ajax and made work with plain django-admin
. The django-admin-tools
are supported but not needed.
.. image:: https://github.com/PetrDlouhy/django-admin-charts/raw/master/docs/source/_static/stacked_area_chart.png
.. image:: https://github.com/PetrDlouhy/django-admin-charts/raw/master/docs/source/_static/bar_chart.png
.. image:: https://github.com/PetrDlouhy/django-admin-charts/raw/master/docs/source/_static/aoe_chart.png
- PostgreSQL (MySQL is experimental, other databases probably not working but PRs are welcome)
for charts based on DecimalField
The django-admin-charts
application intended usage is mainly for system admins with access to Django admin interface.
The application is not intended to be used by untrusted users, as it is exposing some Django functionality to the user, especially in the chart configuration.
It has not been examined whether some malicious user with access to the charts could exploit the application to gain access to the system or data.
Install django-admin-charts with these commands:
$ pip install django-admin-charts
Basic setup for django-admin
Add admin_tools_stats
(the Django admin charts application) & django_nvd3
into INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py:
.. code:: python
'admin_tools_stats', # this must be BEFORE 'admin_tools' and 'django.contrib.admin'
Register chart views in your urls.py
.. code:: python
from django.urls import include, path
urlpatterns = [
path('admin_tools_stats/', include('admin_tools_stats.urls')),
Ensure, you have default
cache set up: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/topics/cache/#memcached
Run migrations:
.. code:: sh
$ python manage.py migrate
Open Django admin root and add your Dashboard Stats
.. image:: https://github.com/PetrDlouhy/django-admin-charts/raw/master/docs/source/_static/Sn%C3%ADmek%20obrazovky_2022-03-04_17-29-58.png
.. image:: https://github.com/PetrDlouhy/django-admin-charts/raw/master/docs/source/_static/Sn%C3%ADmek%20obrazovky_2022-03-04_17-31-16.png
Then the charts will appear on the root of Django admin page as well as on analytics page (/admin_tools_stats/analytics/
Special configurations
Update from django-admin-tools-stats
Uninstall django-admin-tools-stats
Follow django-admin-charts
installation according to previous section. Especially pay attention to these steps:
- Move
before admin_tools
and django.contrib.admin
- Configure
Change DashboardCharts
to DashboardChart
in dashboard definition (this is recomended even if dummy class is left for compatibility reasons).
Check any overridden template from admin_tools_stats
or DashboardChart(s)
class that might interfere with the changes.
Configure javascript libraries
By default the nvd3/d3 libraries are taken from unpkg.
If you want to install those libraries on your own, you can set their path by following settings:
.. code:: python
ADMIN_CHARTS_NVD3_JS_PATH = 'bow/nvd3/build/nv.d3.js'
ADMIN_CHARTS_NVD3_CSS_PATH = 'bow/nvd3/build/nv.d3.css'
ADMIN_CHARTS_D3_JS_PATH = 'bow/d3/d3.js'
The settings can accept either full path (with http...) or there can be static file path.
Note that versions nvd3==1.8.6
and d3==3.3.13
are the only tested to be working.
Installation of javascript libraries with django-bower
Add django-bower
to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py:
.. code:: python
Add the following properties to you settings.py file:
.. code:: python
# Specifie path to components root (you need to use absolute path)
BOWER_COMPONENTS_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'components')
Add django-bower finder to your static file finders:
.. code:: python
Run the following commands. These will download nvd3.js and its dependencies using bower and throw them in to you static folder for access by your application:
.. code:: sh
$ python manage.py bower_install
$ python manage.py collectstatic
Usage with django-admin-tools
Configure admin_tools
Add following code to dashboard.py:
.. code:: python
from admin_tools_stats.modules import DashboardChart, get_active_graph
# append an app list module
_('Dashboard Stats Settings'),
models=('admin_tools_stats.*', ),
# Copy following code into your custom dashboard
# append following code after recent actions module or
# a link list module for "quick links"
if context['request'].user.has_perm('admin_tools_stats.view_dashboardstats'):
graph_list = get_active_graph()
graph_list = []
for i in graph_list:
kwargs = {}
kwargs['require_chart_jscss'] = True
kwargs['graph_key'] = i.graph_key
for key in context['request'].POST:
if key.startswith('select_box_'):
kwargs[key] = context['request'].POST[key]
You may also need to add some includes to your template admin base, see an example on the demo project::
Running demo
Run following commands:
.. code:: sh
export DB_ENGINE='sqlite'
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py loaddata demoproject/fixtures/auth_user.json
python manage.py loaddata demoproject/fixtures/test_data.json
python manage.py bower install
python manage.py runserver
And log in with username admin
and password admin
to the localhost:8000/admin
django-admin-charts is a django based application, the major requirements are:
- django-jsonfield
- django-nvd3
- django-bower
Running tests
Test can be run with:
.. code:: sh
DB_ENGINE="postgres" coverage run ./manage.py test --keepdb
If you've found a bug, add a feature or improve django-admin-charts and
think it is useful then please consider contributing.
Patches, pull requests or just suggestions are always welcome!
Source code: http://github.com/PetrDlouhy/django-admin-charts
Bug tracker: https://github.com/PetrDlouhy/django-admin-charts/issues
Debugging charts
For chart data view (/admin_tools_stats/chart_data/payments/) the URL query
parameter &debug=True
can be added, in order to get Django debug page or
Django debug toolbar.
Documentation is available on 'Read the Docs':
django-admin-charts is licensed under MIT, see MIT-LICENSE.txt