Django BlockedEmails
django-blockedemails is a reusable app that provides a form field,
validators, and models that check if an email is being blocked, or
is disposable/throwaway.
You can install django-blockedemails with pip by typing::
pip install django-blockedemails
Or with easy_install by typing::
easy_install django-blockedemails
Or manually by downloading a tarball and typing::
python install
django-blockedemails adds 3 settings
Specifies an API_KEY to use with
BLOCK_DISPOSABLE_EMAIL_API_KEY = "" # Defaults to None which disables this validator
Specifies a different url to use for the api::
BLOCK_DISPOSABLE_EMAIL_URL = "" # Will be string formated with a dictionary with api_key and domain
Specifies if we should block an email if an exception occurs trying to check
BLOCK_EMAIL_ON_URLERROR = False # Defaults to False
To use the formfield simply import it and use it::
from django import forms
from blockedemails.fields import EmailField
class ExampleForm(forms.Form):
email = EmailField()