Provide a cascading-dropdown widget for django.
pip install django-cascading-dropdown-widget
- The application used template of django_cascading_dropdown_widget, so MUST include django_cascading_dropdown_widget in INSTALLED_APPS.
- Create a new ModelForm, and setting field widget to DjangoCascadingDropdownWidget.
- Create a choices generator instance.
from django.contrib import admin
from django_cascading_dropdown_widget.widgets import DjangoCascadingDropdownWidget
from django_cascading_dropdown_widget.widgets import CascadingModelchoices
from django import forms
from .models import Category
from .models import Book
from .models import Character
class CharacterForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Category
exclude = []
widgets = {
"book": DjangoCascadingDropdownWidget(choices=CascadingModelchoices({
"model": Category,
"related_name": "books",
"model": Book,
"fk_name": "category",
class CharacterAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = CharacterForm
list_display = ["name", "book"]
Choices generator
class CascadingModelchoices(object):
def __init__(self, *cascadings):
The parameters for CascadingModelchoices generator are the CASCADING-MODEL-SETTINGS(name it cascadings for short). A MODEL-SETTING(name it cascading for short)'s config items are:
- model, required. The Model class.
- related_name, required but except for the last model-setting. Use the related_name to get the queryset of the next level items.
- fk_name, required but except for the first model-setting. Which field name to get parent model.
- empty, optional. Use empty string instread of '----- xxx ----' in select for empty value.
- str, optional. Get item title from str method or property instread of get title by str(item).
SimpleChoices2 (alias)
class SimpleChoices(object):
def __init__(self, *cascadings, empty1="-"*10, empty2="-"*10):
- A cascading is a tuple of (Title1, List).
- The Title1 is the first level option.
- The List is the second level selector. The List item is a tuple of (Value2, Title2).
- The Value2 is the second level option's value.
- The Title2 is the second level option's title.
MPTTModel Choices
Use CascadingModelchoices for the generator.
Create indented_title function for the MPTTModel. You use whatever name for the indented_title.
class MyModel(MPTTModel):
def indented_title(self):
return ("-"*4) * self.get_level() +
Setting "str": "indented_title"
in cascading.
The application django-cascading-dropdown-widget is NOT required django-mptt, so install django-mptt by youself. We have did try...except... with django-mptt's missing.
v0.2.7 2023/09/14
v0.2.6 2021/04/08
- Fix problems that sometimes the init change event is not triggered.
v0.2.5 2020/12/01
- Remove arrive.js deps.
- Use django's jquery.
- Fix change event first trigger problem. We should ignore the first trigger.
v0.2.2 2020/03/27
- Use
$(document).on("change", ".django-cascading-dropdown-widget-select", function(){...})
instead of arrive
monitor. So now we do NOT depends on django-static-arrive.
v0.2.1 2020/03/25
- Use django-static-arrive js file.
- Fire change event on the hidden input.
v0.2.0 2020/03/23
- Add SimpleChoices generator.
- Add
white-space: nowrap;
for django-cascading-dropdown-widget.
v0.1.0 2020/03/16