Solr 5.0.0 is easy to deploy with cloud Cores and automatic managed-schema but no more schema.xml file to copy.
Solr 5.0.0 can edit a core's configuration via with the Schema REST API.
Solr 5.0.0 breaked Haystack version 2.3.1 because it uses managed-schema by default and removes the need to copy a schema.xml file.
It also provide a bin/solr
command that start and a Solr daemon service, or administrate the Cores.
This what the solr
command provided by this Django App
After cloning this repository
mkvirtualenv django-hasytack-solr-commands
cd django-haystack-solr-commands
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will need wget, tar, rm
Configure Haystack and this app by adding at to your server to following:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.solr_backend.SolrEngine',
'URL': '',
SOLR_VERSION = "5.0.0"
SOLR_CORE = 'haystacksolrcommandsexamplecore'
Add haystack_solr_commands
Versions tested:
About Solr 5.0.0
What major changes in 5.0.0 breaks Haystack 2.3.1 apart from the schema.xml and the daemon service start and stop commands ?
Quoting CHANGES.txt in the 5.0.0 distribution :
* The following legacy numeric and date field types, deprecated in Solr 4.8, are no
longer supported: BCDIntField, BCDLongField, BCDStrField, IntField, LongField,
FloatField, DoubleField, SortableIntField, SortableLongField, SortableFloatField,
SortableDoubleField, and DateField. Convert these types in your schema to the
corresponding Trie-based field type and then re-index. See SOLR-5936 for more
Sortable*Fields have been replace with their equivalent Trie*Field
Since 4.8.0, Apache Solr now requires Java 7 or greater (recommended is Oracle Java 7 or OpenJDK 7, minimum update 55; earlier versions have known JVM bugs affecting Solr).
Apache Solr is fully compatible with Java 8.