Python version
Make sure you're running python 3.11.x
python3 --version
python3.11 --version
Install poetry
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
please refer official doc
on how to install if the above doesn't work
Verify and update
poetry --version
sudo poetry self update
Zsh auto completion
poetry completions zsh > ~/.zfunc/_poetry
Set python version for poetry to use
poetry env use python3.11
poetry env info
poetry env info --path
Set up env
Install dependencies
To install dependencies and setup the project run
make setup
Useful git hook commands
This commands adds a pre-commit hook that checks for format and lint and
adds a pre-push hook that checks for failing tests and type-checks
make git-hooks
NOTE: These commands are added automatically via the setup command,
you don't need to run them unless a change has been made to the hook files
located in git_hooks/
Run Tests
make test
To run test and clean test cache files, compiled python files, coverage files etc
make clean-test
pypi package
Increment version
Depending on the type of change use appropriate command
poetry version major
poetry version minor
poetry version patch
poetry version prepatch
See poetry version command reference
for more info
Build a local package
make package
Build and upload package to test pypi for testing
make upload-test
Build and upload to pypi
make upload
NOTE: If upload-test
or upload
results in an error saying 400 File already exists
You probably need to increment the version string in pyproject.toml