FastAPI CSRF Protect

FastAPI extension that provides stateless Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF) Protection support.
Aimed to be easy to use and lightweight, we adopt Double Submit Cookie mitigation pattern.
If you were familiar with flask-wtf
library this extension suitable for you.
This extension inspired by fastapi-jwt-auth
- Storing
in cookies or serve it in template's context
The easiest way to start working with this extension with pip
pip install fastapi-csrf-protect
uv add fastapi-csrf-protect
Getting Started
The following examples show you how to integrate this extension to a FastAPI App
Example Login Form
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Depends
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from fastapi_csrf_protect import CsrfProtect
from fastapi_csrf_protect.exceptions import CsrfProtectError
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings
app = FastAPI()
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates")
class CsrfSettings(BaseSettings):
secret_key: str = "asecrettoeverybody"
cookie_samesite: str = "none"
def get_csrf_config():
return CsrfSettings()
def form(request: Request, csrf_protect: CsrfProtect = Depends()):
Returns form template.
csrf_token, signed_token = csrf_protect.generate_csrf_tokens()
response = templates.TemplateResponse(
"form.html", {"request": request, "csrf_token": csrf_token}
csrf_protect.set_csrf_cookie(signed_token, response)
return response"/login", response_class=JSONResponse)
async def create_post(request: Request, csrf_protect: CsrfProtect = Depends()):
Creates a new Post
await csrf_protect.validate_csrf(request)
response: JSONResponse = JSONResponse(status_code=200, content={"detail": "OK"})
return response
def csrf_protect_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: CsrfProtectError):
return JSONResponse(status_code=exc.status_code, content={"detail": exc.message})
Setting up
The following guide walks through setting up your local working environment using pyenv
as Python version manager and uv
as Python package manager. If you do not have pyenv
installed, run the following command.
Install using Homebrew (Darwin)
brew install pyenv --head
Install using standalone installer (Darwin and Linux)
curl | bash
If you do not have uv
installed, run the following command.
Install using Homebrew (Darwin)
brew install uv
Install using standalone installer (Darwin and Linux)
curl -LsSf | sh
Once you have pyenv
Python version manager installed, you can
install any version of Python above version 3.9 for this project.
The following commands help you set up and activate a Python virtual
environment where uv
can download project dependencies from the PyPI
open-sourced registry defined under pyproject.toml
Set up environment and synchronize project dependencies
pyenv shell 3.11.9
uv venv --python-preference system
source .venv/bin/activate
Getting started
To contribute to the project, fork the repository and clone to your local device
and install preferred testing dependency pytest
Alternatively, run the following command on your terminal to do so:
uv sync --dev
Testing can be done by the following command post-installation:
uv sync --dev --extras test
🚧 Breaking Changes (0.3.0 -> 0.3.1) The double submit update
- The
method has now been marked for deprecation
- The recommended method is now
which returns a tuple of tokens, first unsigned
and the latter signed
- Recommended pattern is for the first token is aimed for returning as part of context
- Recommended pattern is for the signed token to be set in client's cookie completing Double Submit Cookie
- To prevent token reuse, protected endpoint can unset the signed CSRF Token in client's cookies as
per example code and recommended pattern.
🚧 Breaking Changes (0.3.1 -> 0.3.2) The anti-JavaScript update
- New keys are added at setup
(either body
or header
) and token_key
is key
where form-encoded keeps the csrf token stored, cross-checked with csrf secret in cookies.
- Asynchronous
method now needs to be awaited therefore protected endpoints need to
be asynchronous as well.
Error in version 0.3.5 after updating to Pydantic V2
- Made a blunder when updating from Pydantic V1 to Pydantic V2 and caused an error to occur when
in settings
- Fixed in version
Version 1.0
- Remove deprecated method
, please use generate_csrf_tokens
- Validate
value received for given token_key
is in fact a string, not UploadFile
Version 1.0.1
- Fix cookie unsetting when configuring library with cookie
and / or SameSite=None
- Test cookie settings covering
options and Secure
- Bypass
tests using manual test_client.base_url = 'https://testserver'
Run Examples
To run the provided examples, first you must install extra dependencies uvicorn and jinja2
Alternatively, run the following command on your terminal to do so
uv sync --extras examples
Running the example utilizing form submission
uvicorn examples.body:app
Running the example utilizing headers via JavaScript
uvicorn examples.header:app
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.