Security News
TypeScript is Porting Its Compiler to Go for 10x Faster Builds
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
Welcome, fellow programmer, to the house of frozendict
is a simple immutable dictionary. It's fast as dict
, and
sometimes faster!
Unlike other similar implementations, immutability is guaranteed: you can't
change the internal variables of the class, and they are all immutable
objects. Reinvoking __init__
does not alter the object.
The API is the same as dict
, without methods that can change the
immutability. So it supports also fromkeys
, unlike other implementations.
Furthermore, it can be pickle
d, unpickle
d and have a hash, if all values
are hashable.
You can also add any dict
to a frozendict
using the |
operator. The result is a new frozendict
You can install frozendict
by simply typing in a command line:
pip install frozendict
The C Extension is optional by default from version 2.3.5. You can make it mandatory using:
CIBUILDWHEEL=1 pip install frozendict
On the contrary, if you want the pure py implementation:
FROZENDICT_PURE_PY=1 pip install frozendict
The API is the same of dict
of Python 3.10, without the methods and operands which alter the map. Additionally, frozendict
supports these methods:
If all the values of the frozendict
are hashable, returns a hash, otherwise raises a TypeError.
set(key, value)
It returns a new frozendict
. If key is already in the original frozendict
, the new one will have it with the new value associated. Otherwise, the new frozendict
will contain the new (key, value) item.
It returns a new frozendict
without the item corresponding to the key. If the key is not present, a KeyError is raised.
setdefault(key[, default])
If key is already in frozendict
, the object itself is returned unchanged. Otherwise, the new frozendict
will contain the new (key, default) item. The parameter default defaults to None.
It returns the key at the specified index (determined by the insertion order). If index is not passed, it defaults to 0. If the index is negative, the position will be the size of the frozendict
+ index
Same as key(index)
, but it returns the value at the given index.
Same as key(index)
, but it returns a tuple with (key, value) at the given index.
The frozendict
module has also these static methods:
frozendict.deepfreeze(o, custom_converters = None, custom_inverse_converters = None)
Converts the object and all the objects nested in it, into their immutable counterparts.
The conversion map is in getFreezeConversionMap()
You can register a new conversion using register()
You can also
pass a map of custom converters with custom_converters
and a map
of custom inverse converters with custom_inverse_converters
without using register()
By default, if the type is not registered and has a __dict__
attribute, it's converted to the frozendict
of that __dict__
This function assumes that hashable == immutable (that is not always true).
This function uses recursion, with all the limits of recursions in Python.
Where is a good old tail call when you need it?
frozendict.register(to_convert, converter, *, inverse = False)
Adds a converter
for a type to_convert
. converter
must be callable. The new converter will be used by deepfreeze()
and has precedence over any previous converter.
If to_covert
has already a converter, a FreezeWarning is raised.
If inverse
is True, the conversion is considered from an immutable
type to a mutable one. This make it possible to convert mutable
objects nested in the registered immutable one.
frozendict.unregister(type, inverse = False)
Unregister a type from custom conversion. If inverse
is True
the unregistered conversion is an inverse conversion
(see register()
from frozendict import frozendict
fd = frozendict(Guzzanti = "Corrado", Hicks = "Bill")
# frozendict({'Guzzanti': 'Corrado', 'Hicks': 'Bill'})
frozendict({"Guzzanti": "Corrado", "Hicks": "Bill"})
# frozendict({'Guzzanti': 'Corrado', 'Hicks': 'Bill'})
# 5833699487320513741
fd_unhashable = frozendict({1: []})
# TypeError: Not all values are hashable.
frozendict({frozendict(nested = 4, key = 2): 42})
# frozendict({frozendict({'nested': 4, 'key': 2}): 42})
fd | {1: 2}
# frozendict({'Guzzanti': 'Corrado', 'Hicks': 'Bill', 1: 2})
fd.set(1, 2)
# frozendict.frozendict({'Guzzanti': 'Corrado', 'Hicks': 'Bill', 1: 2})
fd.set("Guzzanti", "Sabina")
# frozendict.frozendict({'Guzzanti': 'Sabina', 'Hicks': 'Bill'})
# frozendict.frozendict({'Hicks': 'Bill'})
fd.setdefault("Guzzanti", "Sabina")
# frozendict.frozendict({'Guzzanti': 'Corrado', 'Hicks': 'Bill'})
fd.setdefault(1, 2)
# frozendict.frozendict({'Guzzanti': 'Corrado', 'Hicks': 'Bill', 1: 2})
# 'Guzzanti'
# 'Bill'
# (1, 2)
# Corrado
# KeyError: 'Brignano'
# 2
"Guzzanti" in fd
# True
"Guzzanti" not in fd
# False
"Brignano" in fd
# False
fd5 = frozendict(fd)
id_fd5 = id(fd5)
fd5 |= {1: 2}
# frozendict.frozendict({'Guzzanti': 'Corrado', 'Hicks': 'Bill', 1: 2})
id(fd5) != id_fd5
# True
fd2 = fd.copy()
fd2 == fd
# True
fd3 = frozendict(fd)
fd3 == fd
# True
fd4 = frozendict({"Hicks": "Bill", "Guzzanti": "Corrado"})
# frozendict({'Hicks': 'Bill', 'Guzzanti': 'Corrado'})
fd4 == fd
# True
import pickle
fd_unpickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(fd))
# frozendict({'Guzzanti': 'Corrado', 'Hicks': 'Bill'})
fd_unpickled == fd
# True
frozendict(Guzzanti="Corrado", Hicks="Bill")
# frozendict({'Guzzanti': 'Corrado', 'Hicks': 'Bill'}
# 'Corrado'
# None
# ('Guzzanti', 'Hicks')
# ('Corrado', 'Bill')
# (('Guzzanti', 'Corrado'), ('Hicks', 'Bill'))
frozendict.fromkeys(["Corrado", "Sabina"], "Guzzanti")
# frozendict({'Corrado': 'Guzzanti', 'Sabina': 'Guzzanti'})
# <dict_keyiterator object at 0x7feb75c49188>
fd["Guzzanti"] = "Caterina"
# TypeError: 'frozendict' object doesn't support item assignment
import frozendict as cool
from frozendict import frozendict
from array import array
from collections import OrderedDict
from types import MappingProxyType
class A:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
a = A(3)
o = {"x": [
frozendict(y = {5, "b", memoryview(b"b")}),
array("B", (0, 1, 2)),
MappingProxyType({2: []}),
# frozendict(x = (
# 5,
# frozendict(y = frozenset({5, "b", memoryview(b"b")})),
# (0, 1, 2),
# frozendict(a = b'a'),
# MappingProxyType({2: ()}),
# frozendict(x = 3),
# ))
You can build frozendict
directly from the code, using
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
The C Extension is optional by default from version 2.3.5. You can make it mandatory by passing the environment variable CIBUILDWHEEL
with value 1
On the contrary, if you want the pure py implementation, you can pass the env var FROZENDICT_PURE_PY
with value 1
Some benchmarks between dict
and frozendict
Name: `constructor(d)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 8.02e-08; Sigma: 4e-09
Name: `constructor(d)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 8.81e-08; Sigma: 3e-09
Name: `constructor(d)`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 7.96e-08; Sigma: 5e-09
Name: `constructor(d)`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 8.97e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `constructor(d)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 6.38e-06; Sigma: 9e-08
Name: `constructor(d)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 6.21e-06; Sigma: 2e-07
Name: `constructor(d)`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 3.49e-06; Sigma: 3e-07
Name: `constructor(d)`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 3.48e-06; Sigma: 2e-07
Name: `constructor(kwargs)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 2.40e-07; Sigma: 1e-09
Name: `constructor(kwargs)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.48e-07; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `constructor(kwargs)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 4.80e-05; Sigma: 1e-06
Name: `constructor(kwargs)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.90e-05; Sigma: 7e-07
Name: `constructor(seq2)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 2.01e-07; Sigma: 9e-10
Name: `constructor(seq2)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.50e-07; Sigma: 1e-09
Name: `constructor(seq2)`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 2.18e-07; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `constructor(seq2)`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.73e-07; Sigma: 1e-09
Name: `constructor(seq2)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 4.29e-05; Sigma: 6e-07
Name: `constructor(seq2)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 4.33e-05; Sigma: 6e-07
Name: `constructor(seq2)`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 3.04e-05; Sigma: 4e-07
Name: `constructor(seq2)`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 3.45e-05; Sigma: 4e-07
Name: `constructor(o)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 7.93e-08; Sigma: 3e-09
Name: `constructor(o)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.41e-08; Sigma: 6e-10
Name: `constructor(o)`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 7.94e-08; Sigma: 5e-09
Name: `constructor(o)`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.41e-08; Sigma: 6e-10
Name: `constructor(o)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 6.18e-06; Sigma: 3e-07
Name: `constructor(o)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.41e-08; Sigma: 6e-10
Name: `constructor(o)`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 3.47e-06; Sigma: 2e-07
Name: `constructor(o)`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.41e-08; Sigma: 6e-10
Name: `o.copy()`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 7.28e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `o.copy()`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 3.18e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `o.copy()`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 7.21e-08; Sigma: 4e-09
Name: `o.copy()`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 3.32e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `o.copy()`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 6.16e-06; Sigma: 3e-07
Name: `o.copy()`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 3.18e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `o.copy()`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 3.46e-06; Sigma: 1e-07
Name: `o.copy()`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 3.18e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `o == o`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 7.23e-08; Sigma: 8e-10
Name: `o == o`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.44e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `o == o`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 7.30e-08; Sigma: 1e-09
Name: `o == o`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.44e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `o == o`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 1.38e-05; Sigma: 1e-07
Name: `o == o`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.44e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `o == o`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 1.05e-05; Sigma: 7e-08
Name: `o == o`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.44e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `for x in o`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 7.33e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `for x in o`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 6.70e-08; Sigma: 1e-09
Name: `for x in o`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 7.33e-08; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `for x in o`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 6.70e-08; Sigma: 1e-09
Name: `for x in o`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 8.84e-06; Sigma: 5e-08
Name: `for x in o`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 7.06e-06; Sigma: 6e-08
Name: `for x in o`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 8.67e-06; Sigma: 7e-08
Name: `for x in o`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 6.94e-06; Sigma: 3e-08
Name: `for x in o.values()`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 7.28e-08; Sigma: 9e-10
Name: `for x in o.values()`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 6.48e-08; Sigma: 8e-10
Name: `for x in o.values()`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 7.25e-08; Sigma: 1e-09
Name: `for x in o.values()`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 6.45e-08; Sigma: 1e-09
Name: `for x in o.values()`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 9.06e-06; Sigma: 5e-07
Name: `for x in o.values()`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 7.04e-06; Sigma: 4e-08
Name: `for x in o.values()`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 9.53e-06; Sigma: 3e-08
Name: `for x in o.values()`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 6.97e-06; Sigma: 3e-08
Name: `for x in o.items()`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 1.13e-07; Sigma: 3e-09
Name: `for x in o.items()`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 1.16e-07; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `for x in o.items()`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 1.14e-07; Sigma: 3e-09
Name: `for x in o.items()`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 1.17e-07; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `for x in o.items()`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 1.53e-05; Sigma: 3e-07
Name: `for x in o.items()`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 1.53e-05; Sigma: 4e-07
Name: `for x in o.items()`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 1.53e-05; Sigma: 3e-07
Name: `for x in o.items()`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 1.55e-05; Sigma: 4e-07
Name: `pickle.dumps(o)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 6.82e-07; Sigma: 2e-08
Name: `pickle.dumps(o)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.86e-06; Sigma: 1e-07
Name: `pickle.dumps(o)`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 4.77e-07; Sigma: 2e-08
Name: `pickle.dumps(o)`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.72e-06; Sigma: 8e-08
Name: `pickle.dumps(o)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 1.24e-04; Sigma: 4e-06
Name: `pickle.dumps(o)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 1.92e-04; Sigma: 5e-06
Name: `pickle.dumps(o)`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 2.81e-05; Sigma: 6e-07
Name: `pickle.dumps(o)`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 7.37e-05; Sigma: 1e-06
Name: `pickle.loads(dump)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 9.08e-07; Sigma: 6e-09
Name: `pickle.loads(dump)`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 1.79e-06; Sigma: 9e-08
Name: `pickle.loads(dump)`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 4.46e-07; Sigma: 6e-09
Name: `pickle.loads(dump)`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 1.32e-06; Sigma: 7e-08
Name: `pickle.loads(dump)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 1.57e-04; Sigma: 8e-06
Name: `pickle.loads(dump)`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 1.69e-04; Sigma: 7e-06
Name: `pickle.loads(dump)`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 5.97e-05; Sigma: 5e-06
Name: `pickle.loads(dump)`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 6.68e-05; Sigma: 2e-06
Name: `class.fromkeys()`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 1.88e-07; Sigma: 1e-09
Name: `class.fromkeys()`; Size: 5; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.22e-07; Sigma: 7e-09
Name: `class.fromkeys()`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 2.08e-07; Sigma: 6e-09
Name: `class.fromkeys()`; Size: 5; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 2.44e-07; Sigma: 2e-09
Name: `class.fromkeys()`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: dict; Time: 4.05e-05; Sigma: 4e-06
Name: `class.fromkeys()`; Size: 1000; Keys: str; Type: frozendict; Time: 3.84e-05; Sigma: 5e-07
Name: `class.fromkeys()`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: dict; Time: 2.93e-05; Sigma: 7e-07
Name: `class.fromkeys()`; Size: 1000; Keys: int; Type: frozendict; Time: 3.08e-05; Sigma: 2e-06
[1] Benchmarks done under Linux 64 bit, Python 3.10.2, using the C Extension.
A simple immutable dictionary
We found that frozendict demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
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