Recursive descent parsing library for Python based on functional combinators.

The primary focus of funcparserlib
is parsing little languages or external DSLs (domain specific languages).
Parsers made with funcparserlib
are pure-Python LL(*) parsers. It means that it's very easy to write parsers without thinking about lookaheads and other hardcore parsing stuff. However, recursive descent parsing is a rather slow method compared to LL(k) or LR(k) algorithms. Still, parsing with funcparserlib
is at least twice faster than PyParsing, a very popular library for Python.
The source code of funcparserlib
is only 1.2K lines of code, with lots of comments. Its API is fully type hinted. It features the longest parsed prefix error reporting, as well as a tiny lexer generator for token position tracking.
The idea of parser combinators used in funcparserlib
comes from the Introduction to Functional Programming course. We have converted it from ML into Python.
You can install funcparserlib
from PyPI:
$ pip install funcparserlib
There are no dependencies on other libraries.
There are several examples available in the tests/
See also the changelog.
Let's consider a little language of numeric expressions with a syntax similar to Python expressions. Here are some expression strings in this language:
1 + 2 + 3
-1 + 2 ** 32
3.1415926 * (2 + 7.18281828e-1) * 42
Here is the complete source code of the tokenizer and the parser for this language written using funcparserlib
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass
from funcparserlib.lexer import make_tokenizer, TokenSpec, Token
from funcparserlib.parser import tok, Parser, many, forward_decl, finished
class BinaryExpr:
op: str
left: "Expr"
right: "Expr"
Expr = Union[BinaryExpr, int, float]
def tokenize(s: str) -> List[Token]:
specs = [
TokenSpec("whitespace", r"\s+"),
TokenSpec("float", r"[+\-]?\d+\.\d*([Ee][+\-]?\d+)*"),
TokenSpec("int", r"[+\-]?\d+"),
TokenSpec("op", r"(\*\*)|[+\-*/()]"),
tokenizer = make_tokenizer(specs)
return [t for t in tokenizer(s) if t.type != "whitespace"]
def parse(tokens: List[Token]) -> Expr:
int_num = tok("int") >> int
float_num = tok("float") >> float
number = int_num | float_num
expr: Parser[Token, Expr] = forward_decl()
parenthesized = -op("(") + expr + -op(")")
primary = number | parenthesized
power = primary + many(op("**") + primary) >> to_expr
term = power + many((op("*") | op("/")) + power) >> to_expr
sum = term + many((op("+") | op("-")) + term) >> to_expr
document = expr + -finished
return document.parse(tokens)
def op(name: str) -> Parser[Token, str]:
return tok("op", name)
def to_expr(args: Tuple[Expr, List[Tuple[str, Expr]]]) -> Expr:
first, rest = args
result = first
for op, expr in rest:
result = BinaryExpr(op, result, expr)
return result
Now, consider this numeric expression: 3.1415926 * (2 + 7.18281828e-1) * 42
Let's tokenize()
it using the tokenizer we've created with funcparserlib.lexer
Token('float', '3.1415926'),
Token('op', '*'),
Token('op', '('),
Token('int', '2'),
Token('op', '+'),
Token('float', '7.18281828e-1'),
Token('op', ')'),
Token('op', '*'),
Token('int', '42'),
Let's parse()
these tokens into an expression tree using our parser created with funcparserlib.parser
right=BinaryExpr(op='+', left=2, right=0.718281828),
Learn how to write this parser using funcparserlib
in the Getting Started guide!
Used By
Some open-source projects that use funcparserlib
as an explicit dependency:
- Hy, a Lisp dialect that's embedded in Python
- 4.2K stars, version
>= 1.0.0a0
, Python 3.7+
- Splash, a JavaScript rendering service with HTTP API, by Scrapinghub
- 3.6K stars, version
. Python 3 in Docker
- graphite-beacon, a simple alerting system for Graphite metrics
- 459 stars, version
, Python 2 and 3
- blockdiag, generates block-diagram image file from spec-text file
- 148 stars, version
>= 1.0.0a0
, Python 3.7+
- kll, Keyboard Layout Language (KLL) compiler
- 109 stars, copied source code, Python 3.5+
Read the Getting Started guide to start learning funcparserlib