A python package for implementing the Frank-Wolfe-based distributed demand scheduling method.
pip install fw-ddsm
Setting up the ubuntu envrionment for using FW-DDSM
- install python3 (should come with ubuntu v20
- install pip
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
- install dependencies
pip3 install fw-ddsm pandas pandas_bokeh numpy more-itertools
- install snap
sudo apt-get install snapd
- install minizinc bundle
sudo snap install minizinc --classic
Features of FW-DDSM
- Pricing master problem
Minimise the inconvenience, consumption cost and the peak-to-average ratio of the aggregate demand profile of all households.
- Household subproblem
Scheduling both the appliances and the batteries to minmise the cost, the inconvenience and the peak-to-average ratio of the household.