7 Clouds & 1 Shell
Manual Installation
- Create a virtual environment. We will call it
python3 -m venv ~/prod
- Activate virtual environment:
cd ~/prod && source bin/activate
- Clone the repo:
git clone git@github.com:stacksc/goat.git
- Install all required packages with 1 script from the main repository:
cd ~/prod/goat && ./bulk.sh --action rebuild --target all
PIP installation (stable)
- Install the following packages from pypi:
pip install goatshell goaat --force-reinstall
- Type the following command to launch goatshell:
┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────| GOAT INTERFACE |───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Purpose: Cloud Wrapper │
│ TIP: resource completion coming soon! │
┌──────────────────| Hotkeys |───────────────────┐┌──────────────────| Commands |──────────────────┐
│[F8] Toggle Provider ││e|exit : exit shell │
│[F9] Toggle Profile ││c|clear : clear screen │
│[F10] Toggle VIM ││h|help : display usage │
│[F12] Toggle Safety Mode ││history : shell history │
│[TAB] Fuzzy Complete ││cloud : cloud details │
(back to top)
Christopher Stacks - centerupt@gmail.com
The project is built with dependecies such as aws2, oci-cli, az-cli.
However, other cloud providers are configured to work but NOT packaged with the project such as ibmcloud, gcloud, and Alibaba cloud.
Each time the first token is passed (i.e. cloud provider) a function will verify if the command is avialable.
This keeps the command line clean with the cloud providers you only work with.
The following cloud providers are currently supported:
The latest goat-shell version holds all JSON data per cloud, correctly nested based on the cloud provider.
The toolbar will refresh after hitting the ENTER key or with specific hotkeys.
The toolbar is updated appropriately based on what command you ran. Once you run a command, the toolbar is refreshed with your current cloud.
The profile is updated dynamically based on your current cloud and you have the ability to toggle profiles for any cloud.
Current Cloud: AWS F8 Usage F10 Toggle Profile: CENTERUPT F12 Quit
The only toggle currently supported is profile switching. Everything else is dynamic based on first token.
Cloud CLI Options
Newly Improved Interface Now Available

Once the relative CLI is installed, the goatshell application will recognize that it is available & syntax completion will be provided.
The project is packaged with cloud provider JSON files which get refreshed automatically per major release with dynamic CLI scrapers.
As the first token is passed (i.e. cloud provider) it directs the goatshell application to the correct JSON file.