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Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models




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Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models


pip install gradio_doctestaudio


import gradio as gr
from gradio_doctestaudio import DocTestAudio

example = DocTestAudio().example_inputs()

demo = gr.Interface(
    lambda x:x,
    DocTestAudio(),  # interactive version of your component
    DocTestAudio(),  # static version of your component
    # examples=[[example]],  # uncomment this line to view the "example version" of your component

if __name__ == "__main__":



    | pathlib.Path
    | tuple[int, numpy.ndarray]
    | Callable
    | None
NoneA path, URL, or [sample_rate, numpy array] tuple (sample rate in Hz, audio data as a float or int numpy array) for the default value that DocTestAudio component is going to take. If callable, the function will be called whenever the app loads to set the initial value of the component.
list["upload" | "microphone"] | None
NoneA list of sources permitted for audio. "upload" creates a box where user can drop an audio file, "microphone" creates a microphone input. The first element in the list will be used as the default source. If None, defaults to ["upload", "microphone"], or ["microphone"] if `streaming` is True.
"numpy" | "filepath"
"numpy"The format the audio file is converted to before being passed into the prediction function. "numpy" converts the audio to a tuple consisting of: (int sample rate, numpy.array for the data), "filepath" passes a str path to a temporary file containing the audio.
str | None
NoneThe label for this component. Appears above the component and is also used as the header if there are a table of examples for this component. If None and used in a `gr.Interface`, the label will be the name of the parameter this component is assigned to.
float | None
NoneIf `value` is a callable, run the function 'every' number of seconds while the client connection is open. Has no effect otherwise. Queue must be enabled. The event can be accessed (e.g. to cancel it) via this component's .load_event attribute.
bool | None
Noneif True, will display label.
TrueIf True, will place the component in a container - providing some extra padding around the border.
int | None
Nonerelative width compared to adjacent Components in a Row. For example, if Component A has scale=2, and Component B has scale=1, A will be twice as wide as B. Should be an integer.
160minimum pixel width, will wrap if not sufficient screen space to satisfy this value. If a certain scale value results in this Component being narrower than min_width, the min_width parameter will be respected first.
bool | None
NoneIf True, will allow users to upload and edit an audio file. If False, can only be used to play audio. If not provided, this is inferred based on whether the component is used as an input or output.
TrueIf False, component will be hidden.
FalseIf set to True when used in a `live` interface as an input, will automatically stream webcam feed. When used set as an output, takes audio chunks yield from the backend and combines them into one streaming audio output.
str | None
NoneAn optional string that is assigned as the id of this component in the HTML DOM. Can be used for targeting CSS styles.
list[str] | str | None
NoneAn optional list of strings that are assigned as the classes of this component in the HTML DOM. Can be used for targeting CSS styles.
TrueIf False, component will not render be rendered in the Blocks context. Should be used if the intention is to assign event listeners now but render the component later.
"wav" | "mp3"
"wav"The file format to save audio files. Either 'wav' or 'mp3'. wav files are lossless but will tend to be larger files. mp3 files tend to be smaller. Default is wav. Applies both when this component is used as an input (when `type` is "format") and when this component is used as an output.
FalseWhether to automatically play the audio when the component is used as an output. Note: browsers will not autoplay audio files if the user has not interacted with the page yet.
bool | None
NoneIf True, will show a share icon in the corner of the component that allows user to share outputs to Hugging Face Spaces Discussions. If False, icon does not appear. If set to None (default behavior), then the icon appears if this Gradio app is launched on Spaces, but not otherwise.
TrueIf True, allows users to manipulate the audio file (if the component is interactive).
int | None
NoneThe minimum length of audio (in seconds) that the user can pass into the prediction function. If None, there is no minimum length.
int | None
NoneThe maximum length of audio (in seconds) that the user can pass into the prediction function. If None, there is no maximum length.
WaveformOptions | dict | None
NoneA dictionary of options for the waveform display. Options include: waveform_color (str), waveform_progress_color (str), show_controls (bool), skip_length (int). Default is None, which uses the default values for these options.


streamThis listener is triggered when the user streams the DocTestAudio.
changeTriggered when the value of the DocTestAudio changes either because of user input (e.g. a user types in a textbox) OR because of a function update (e.g. an image receives a value from the output of an event trigger). See .input() for a listener that is only triggered by user input.
clearThis listener is triggered when the user clears the DocTestAudio using the X button for the component.
playThis listener is triggered when the user plays the media in the DocTestAudio.
pauseThis listener is triggered when the media in the DocTestAudio stops for any reason.
stopThis listener is triggered when the user reaches the end of the media playing in the DocTestAudio.
start_recordingThis listener is triggered when the user starts recording with the DocTestAudio.
pause_recordingThis listener is triggered when the user pauses recording with the DocTestAudio.
stop_recordingThis listener is triggered when the user stops recording with the DocTestAudio.
uploadThis listener is triggered when the user uploads a file into the DocTestAudio.

User function

  • As input: Should return, audio data in either of the following formats: a tuple of (sample_rate, data), or a string filepath or URL to an audio file, or None.
def predict(
    value: tuple[int, numpy.ndarray] | str | None
) -> tuple[int, numpy.ndarray]
   | str
   | pathlib.Path
   | bytes
   | None:
    return value


class WaveformOptions:
    waveform_color: str = "#9ca3af"
    waveform_progress_color: str = "#f97316"
    show_recording_waveform: bool = True
    show_controls: bool = False
    skip_length: int | float = 5



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