HTTP Exceptions
Raisable HTTP Exceptions
Simply install the package from PyPI.
$ pip install -U http-exceptions
And that is it, you are ready to raise HTTP Exceptions.
What is it good for?
Saves writing boilerplate code:
Converts this:
def some_function() -> None:
raise SomeError()
def api(request: Request) -> Response:
response = some_function()
except SomeError:
response = Response(status_code=403)
return response
into this:
from http_exceptions import ForbiddenException
def some_function() -> None:
raise ForbiddenException()
def api(request: Request) -> None:
return some_function()
Dynamic exception raising:
from http_exceptions import HTTPException
def raise_from_status(response: Response) -> None:
if 400 <= response.status < 600:
raise HTTPException.from_status_code(status_code=response.status_code)(message=response.text)
>>> response = Response(status_code=403)
>>> raise_from_status(response=response)
What else?
Base class that provides all the exceptions to be raised.
Returns the relevant Exception corresponding to status_code
e.g. HTTPExceptions.from_status_code(status_code=431)
-> RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeException
Subclass of HTTPException
serving as a base class for exceptions with statuses in the [400, 499] range.
from http_exceptions import ClientException, RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeException
raise RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeException
except ClientException:
Subclass of HTTPException
serving as a base class for exceptions with statuses in the [500, 599] range.
from http_exceptions import HTTPVersionNotSupportedException, ServerException
raise HTTPVersionNotSupportedException
except ServerException:
Available Exceptions
Client Exceptions: 400 <= status <= 499
400: BadRequestException
401: UnauthorizedException
402: PaymentRequiredException
403: ForbiddenException
404: NotFoundException
405: MethodNotAllowedException
406: NotAcceptableException
407: ProxyAuthenticationRequiredException
408: RequestTimeoutException
409: ConflictException
410: GoneException
411: LengthRequiredException
412: PreconditionFailedException
413: PayloadTooLargeException
414: URITooLongException
415: UnsupportedMediaTypeException
416: RangeNotSatisfiableException
417: ExpectationFailedException
418: ImATeapotException
421: MisdirectedRequestException
422: UnprocessableEntityException
423: LockedException
424: FailedDependencyException
425: TooEarlyException
426: UpgradeRequiredException
428: PreconditionRequiredException
429: TooManyRequestsException
431: RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeException
444: NoResponseException
451: UnavailableForLegalReasonsException
Server Exceptions: 500 <= status <= 599
500: InternalServerErrorException
501: NotImplementedException
502: BadGatewayException
503: ServiceUnavailableException
504: GatewayTimeoutException
505: HTTPVersionNotSupportedException
506: VariantAlsoNegotiatesException
507: InsufficientStorageException
508: LoopDetectedException
510: NotExtendedException
511: NetworkAuthenticationRequiredException
Contributions are welcome via pull requests.
First time setup
$ git clone
$ cd http-exceptions
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell
Tools including black, mypy etc. will run automatically if you install pre-commit using the instructions below
$ pre-commit install
$ pre-commit run --all-files
Running tests
$ poetry run pytest