InstaBasic is an API wrapper for Instagram's Basic Display API. I was in the process of writing python code using the Basic Display API, and I created this package for others to use. My goal for this is to support every official Basic Display API endpoint.
This package does not support the Instagram Graph API
pip install instabasic
The Instagram Basic Display API is an HTTP-based API for apps to get an Instagram user’s profile, images, videos, and albums. To use InstaBasic you will need to do the following:
- Create a Facebook Developer Account
- Create a public website
- Provide Instagram users with an Auth link for access to their data.
Instagram's documentation includes a thorough overview of the API's capabilities. If you are unfamiliar with the Basic Display API, I recommend first reviewing their Get Started Guide before looking at InstaBasic's documentation.
from instabasic.api import API
app_id = 'YOUR APP ID'
app_secret = 'YOUR APP SECRET'
redirect_url = 'YOUR REDIRECT URL'
insta = API(appID, appSecret, redirectUrl)
# Authorization URL for your users to sign in
auth_url = insta.get_auth_url()
# Get the short lived access token (valid for 1 hour)
short_token = insta.get_short_token(auth_code)
# Exchange this token for a long lived token (valid for 60 days)
long_token = insta.get_long_token(auth_code)
# Refresh the long lived token
long_token = insta.refresh_long_token(long_token)
# Get information about the user
user = insta.get_user(long_token)
# Get information about the user's media
user_media = insta.get_user_media(long_token)
Contributing Documentation | Please feel free to contribute and suggest additional features.
InstaBasic is in no way affliated, endorsed, or certified by Instagram. This is an independent and unofficial package. Strictly not for spam. Use at your own risk.