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.. contents:: Table of contents
:depth: 3
Maximal simplification of Input / Output for text programs.
PyPI for releases <https://pypi.org/project/koinput/>
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Github for source <https://github.com/k0perX-X/koinput>
What's new?
* Minor improvements and bug fixes.
* Fixed inaccuracies in README file.
* Added multiple input for int_input and float_input.
* Added a new ProgressBar function. How to use see below.
* Added input_suggestion_style for Menu and Inputs.
Requirements colorama <https://pypi.org/project/colorama/>
_ library.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install koinput
How to use
The library has two types of inputs:
They have the same settings and differ only in the type of output.
Explanation of input parameters
.. code-block:: python
def int_input(input_suggestion: str = '', greater: float or int = float('-inf'), less: float or int = float('inf'),
console_style: str = Fore.RESET, error_message: str = 'Invalid number format.\n',
error_message_style: str = Fore.RED, multiple_numbers_in_line: bool = False,
input_is_greater_than_less_error: str = "The number is greater than acceptable.\n",
input_is_less_than_greater_error: str = "The number is less than acceptable.\n",
input_is_less_error_style: str = None, input_is_greater_error_style: str = None,
strictly_greater: bool = True, strictly_less: bool = True,
input_suggestion_style: str = None) -> int or list:
Input suggestion that will be displayed when the function is run.
greater=float('-inf'), less=float('inf')
The range in which the entered number should be included.
strictly_greater=True, strictly_less=True
Controlling the mathematical strictly of comparisons.
Sets the base display style for the terminal. I recommend using the colorama library for easier style customization. You can also use standard sequences (example: "\x1b[39m").
error_message='Invalid number format.\n'
Error message when converting input to number.
Error message style.
input_is_greater_than_less_error="The number is greater than acceptable.\n"
The message issued when the number is greater than allowed.
input_is_less_than_greater_error="The number is less than acceptable.\n"
The message issued when the number is less than allowed.
input_is_less_error_style=None, input_is_greater_error_style=None
Out of range error styles.
Input suggestion style.
If True the function will return a list of numbers entered in one line.
Usage example
.. code-block:: python
def area_triangle(base, height):
return 0.5 * base * height
print(area_triangle(float_input(input_suggestion='Enter the base of the triangle: '),
float_input(input_suggestion='Введите высоту треугольника: ')))
.. code-block:: python
mas = [randint(0, 999) for i in range(int_input(input_suggestion="Enter the size of the array: "))]
The menu class is used to quickly create a text menu based on existing functions.
First, you need to create an instance of the class:
.. code-block:: python
from koinput import Menu
menu = Menu()
The next step is to add function calls to the menu. This can be done in 2 ways: using a decorator or a function.
.. code-block:: python
@menu.add_to_menu_dec('Name shown in the menu', *arguments_passed_to_the_function)
def z2(a, b, c):
def area_circle(radius):
return math.pi * radius ** 2
print(area_circle(float_input(input_suggestion='Введите радиус круга: ')))
def z2(a, b, c):
def area_circle(radius):
return math.pi * radius ** 2
print(area_circle(float_input(input_suggestion='Введите радиус круга: ')))
menu.add_to_menu('Name shown in the menu', z2, *arguments_passed_to_the_function)
Use the show_menu command to display the menu.
.. code-block:: python
def show_menu(self, title: str = None, title_style: str = None, number_of_leading_spaces_title: int = 2,
console_style: str = Fore.RESET, order_of_items: tuple = None, number_of_leading_spaces: int = 4,
separator: str = ' - ', items_style: str = None, input_suggestion: str = 'Select a menu item: ',
enable_menu_item_exit: bool = True, menu_item_exit: str = 'Exit',
exit_offer: str = 'Press Enter to exit...', input_suggestion_style: str = None):
Menu title.
Sets the title display style. I recommend using the colorama library for easier style customization. You can also use standard sequences (example: "\x1b[39m").
Sets the number of spaces before the menu title.
Sets the base display style for the terminal. I recommend using the colorama library for easier style customization. You can also use standard sequences (example: "\x1b[39m").
Sets the number of spaces before the menu items.
separator=' - '
Separator between number and menu item name.
Sets the menu item display style.
input_suggestion='Select a menu item: '
Input suggestion at the end of the menu.
Input suggestion style.
Enabling the menu item exit. If False, then after selecting one of the items the menu will close.
The name of the menu exit item.
exit_offer='Press Enter to exit...'
Exit message.
Custom order of issuing menu items. It is either a tuple of int or a tuple of str. A tuple of int must contain the ordinal numbers of items starting from 0 (the numbers are given in the order in which they are declared). The str tuple must contain the names of the menu items in the order they appear.
Change the function of output from the menu.
This is necessary when you do not need an exit confirmation or when you exit you need to launch another menu or some function.
Example with disabling the exit confirmation:
.. code-block:: python
def menu_exit(exit_offer):
def f():
return f
Example with displaying another menu:
.. code-block:: python
def menu_exit(exit_offer):
def f():
menu2.show_menu(title='MENU', title_colour=colorama.Fore.BLUE, enable_menu_item_exit=False)
return f
Usage example
.. code-block:: python
import math
from koinput import float_input, Menu
import colorama
menu = Menu()
@menu.add_to_menu_dec('Площадь треугольника')
def z1():
def area_triangle(base, height):
return 0.5 * base * height
print(area_triangle(float_input(input_suggestion='Введите основание треугольника: '),
float_input(input_suggestion='Введите высоту треугольника: ')))
@menu.add_to_menu_dec('Площадь круга')
def z2():
def area_circle(radius):
return math.pi * radius ** 2
print(area_circle(float_input(input_suggestion='Введите радиус круга: ')))
@menu.add_to_menu_dec('Расстояние от точки до точки')
def z3():
def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)
print(distance(float_input(input_suggestion='Введите X первой точки: '),
float_input(input_suggestion='Введите Y первой точки: '),
float_input(input_suggestion='Введите X второй точки: '),
float_input(input_suggestion='Введите Y второй точки: ')))
def z4():
def capitalize_word(word):
return word[0].upper() + word[1::]
def capitalize_string(s):
ss = s.split()
for word in ss:
s = s.replace(word, capitalize_word(word))
return s
print('Введите строку для изменения: ')
def menu_exit(exit_offer):
def f():
return f
def main():
menu.add_to_menu('Capitalize', z4)
menu.show_menu(title='МЕНЮ', title_colour=colorama.Fore.BLUE)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The progress bar is designed to show the progress of long-running tasks.
First, we import the ProgressBar class.
.. code-block:: python
from koinput import ProgressBar
The class has properties:
ProgressBar.max_value: int or float = 100
The maximum value from which the percentage is calculated or indicated in the counter mode.
ProgressBar.counter: bool = False
Enables counter mode. It displays not percentages, but value from max_value.
ProgressBar.string: str = "[########################################] @@@%"
Indicates the view of the Progress Bar.
ProgressBar.progressbar_symbol: str = "#"
A symbol indicating the placement of a progress bar.
ProgressBar.percent_symbol: str = "@"
The symbol indicating the placement of percent (as well as the number of decimal places) or in counter mode only indicates its location.
ProgressBar.counter_separator: str = '/'
A character or string to be displayed between value and max_value in counter mode.
To display the progress bar, use the show function.
.. code-block:: python
ProgressBar.show(value: int or float, text: str = None)
The current value of the progress bar.
Comment for the current operation.
Usage example
.. code-block:: python
from koinput import ProgressBar
from time import sleep
ProgressBar.max_value = 123
for i in range(124):
ProgressBar.max_value = 10
ProgressBar.counter = True
ProgressBar.string = "|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&| {*}"
ProgressBar.progressbar_symbol = "&"
ProgressBar.percent_symbol = "*"
ProgressBar.counter_separator = ' element of '
for i in range(11):
ProgressBar.show(i, f"Element {i}")