Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
This is a module for basic math in the general vicinity of computational number theory. It includes functions associated with primality testing, integer factoring, prime counting, linear recurrences, modular square roots, generalized Pell equations, the classic arithmetical functions, continued fractions, partitions, Størmer's theorem, smooth numbers, and Dirichlet convolution. Integer arithmetic is used wherever feasible.
We make a few imports:
.. code:: python
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue as mpQueue
from itertools import chain, count, groupby, islice, tee, cycle, takewhile, compress, product, zip_longest
from fractions import Fraction
from random import randrange
from math import log, log2, ceil, sqrt, factorial; inf = float('inf')
from heapq import merge
try: from gmpy2 import mpz; mpzv, inttypes = 2, (int, type(mpz(1)))
except ImportError: mpz, mpzv, inttypes = int, 0, (int,)
labmathversion = "2.2.0"
The new functions provided by this module are as follows. Further details, including examples and input details, are available in docstrings and accessible via the built-in help
.. code:: python
Generates primes less than the given limit (which may be infinite) lazily via a segmented sieve of Eratosthenes. Memory usage depends on the sequence of prime gaps; on Cramér's conjecture, it is O(sqrt(p) · log(p)\ :sup:2
.. code:: python
Evaluates a string in reverse Polish notation. The acceptable binary operators are + - * / // % **
and correspond directly to those same operators in Python3 source code. The acceptable unary operators are ! #
. They are the factorial and primorial, respectively. There are four aliases: x
for *
, xx
for **
, f
for !
, and p!
for #
.. code:: python
Product of the elements of any iterable. The product of an empty iterable is 1. DEPRECATED: now that Python 3.8 has math.prod
, this function definition will in a future version be replaced with the statement from math import prod
. That will probably happen when PyPy3 supports Python 3.8.
.. code:: python
Product of the elements of a list. The product of the empty list is 1. We use a binary algorithm because this can easily generate huge numbers, and calling reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, a)
in such situations is quite a bit slower due to the time-complexity of multiplication. However, the size of the problem required to make this superior to iterprod()
is quite large, so iterprod()
should usually be used instead.
.. code:: python
polyval(f, x, m=None)
Evaluates a polynomial at a particular point, optionally modulo something.
.. code:: python
The binomial coefficient nCr(n
, k
). DEPRECATED: now that Python 3.8 has math.comb
, this function definition will in a future version be replaced with the statement from math import comb
. That will probably happen when PyPy3 supports Python 3.8.
.. code:: python
Generates the powerset of a list, tuple, or string. The yielded objects are always lists.
.. code:: python
primephi(x, a, ps, phicache={})
Legendre's phi function. Helper function for primepi
.. code:: python
primepi(x, ps=[], picache={}, phicache={}, sqrts={})
Computes the number of primes ≤ x
via the Meissel-Lehmer method. The arguments ps
, pichache
, phicache
, and sqrts
are for internal use only.
.. code:: python
Sum of primes ≤ n
.. code:: python
altseriesaccel(a, n)
Convergence acceleration for alternating series. This is algorithm 1 from Convergence Acceleration of Alternating Series by Cohen, Villegas, and Zagier (pdf)
__, with a minor tweak so that the d-value isn't computed via floating point.
__ https://people.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/zagier/files/exp-math-9/fulltext.pdf
.. code:: python
riemannzeta(n, k=24)
Computes the Riemann zeta function by applying altseriesaccel
to the Dirichlet eta function
__. Should be rather accurate throughout the complex plane except near n
such that 1 = 2\ :sup:n-1
__ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirichlet_eta_function
.. code:: python
zetam1(n, k=24)
Computes riemannzeta(n, k) - 1
by applying altseriesaccel
to the Dirichlet eta function. Designed to be accurate even when riemannzeta(n)
is machine-indistinguishable from 1.0 --- in particular, when n
is a large real number.
.. code:: python
riemannR(x, n=None, zc={})
Uses the Gram series
__ to compute Riemann's R function
__, which is a rather good approximation to primepi
. The argument zc
is a cache of zeta values.
__ http://mathworld.wolfram.com/GramSeries.html __ http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RiemannPrimeCountingFunction.html
.. code:: python
Produces an integer that should be rather close to the n
\ :sup:th
prime by using binary splitting on Riemann's R function.
.. code:: python
Returns the n
\ :sup:th
prime (counting 2 as #1). This is done with some efficiency by using nthprimeapprox
as an initial estimate, computing primepi
of that, and then sieving to remove the error.
.. code:: python
gcd(a, *r)
Greatest common divisor of any number of values. Now that math.gcd
supports any number of arguments, this function definition will in some future version be replaced with from math import gcd
.. code:: python
xgcd(a, b)
Extended Euclidean altorithm: returns a tuple (g
, x, y) such that g
= gcd(a
, b
) and g
= a
·x + b
.. code:: python
modinv(a, m)
Returns the inverse of a
modulo m
, normalized to lie between 0
and m-1
. If a
is not coprime to m
, returns 1. DEPRECATED: as of version 3.8, this can be computed using Python's built-in pow function as pow(a, -1, m)
. As such, a future version of this library will remove this function. That will probably happen once PyPy3 supports Python 3.8.
.. code:: python
crt(rems, mods)
Returns the unique integer c in range(iterprod(mods))
such that c ≡ x (mod y) for (x, y) in zip(rems, mods)
. All elements of mods
must be pairwise coprime.
.. code:: python
lcm(a, *r)
The least common multiple of any number of values. Now that math.lcm
supports any number of arguments, a future version of this library will replace this function definition with from math import lcm
.. code:: python
Greatest integer whose square is ≤ n
. Now that Python 3.9 has the math.isqrt
function, a future version of this library will remove this function definition in favor of the line from math import isqrt
.. code:: python
introot(n, r=2)
For non-negative n
, returns the greatest integer ≤ the rth root of n
. For negative n
, returns the least integer ≥ the r
\ :sup:th
root of n
, or None
if r
is even.
.. code:: python
Generates the semiprimes. This is done by filtering the primes out of the output of pspgen
.. code:: python
Generates the primes and semiprimes. This is done using a segmented sieve based on the sieve of Eratosthenes and the fact that these are precisely the numbers not divisible by any smaller semiprimes.
.. code:: python
Generates the k
-almost-primes, which are the numbers that have precisely k
prime factors, counted with multiplicity. This is done by filtering nearlyprimegen(k-1)
out of the output of nearlyprimegen(k)
.. code:: python
Generates the numbers (other than 1) that have k
or fewer prime factors, counted with multipicity. This is done via a segmented sieve based on the sieve of Eratosthenes and the fact that these are precisely the numbers not divisible by any smaller k
.. code:: python
ispower(n, r=0)
If r
= 0: If n
is a perfect power, return a tuple containing the largest integer that, when squares/cubed/etc, yields n
as the first component and the relevant power as the second component. If n
is not a perfect power, return None
If r
> 0: We check whether n
is a perfect r
\ :sup:th
power; we return its r
\ :sup:th
root if it is and None
if it isn't.
.. code:: python
ilog(x, b)
Greatest integer k such that b
\ :sup:k
≤ x
.. code:: python
Generates the Fibonacci numbers, starting with 0 and 1.
.. code:: python
fibo(n, f={0:0, 1:1, 2:1})
Efficiently extracts the n
\ :sup:th
Fibonacci number, indexed so that fibo(0)
= 0 and fibo(1)
= fibo(2)
= 1. The argument f
is used for memoization. We compute O(log(n
)) earlier Fibonaccis along the way. This is, in the big-O sense, just about as fast as possible.
.. code:: python
fibomod(n, m, f={0:0, 1:1, 2:1})
Efficiently extracts the nth Fibonacci number modulo m
, indexed so that fibo(0)
= 0 and fibo(1)
== fibo(2)
= 1. The argument f
is used for memoization. We compute O(log(n
)) earlier Fibonaccis along the way. This is the asymptotically fastest algorithm.
.. code:: python
lucaschain(n, x0, x1, op1, op2)
Algorithm 3.6.7 from Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective by Crandall & Pomerance (2\ :sup:nd
edition): Evaluation of a binary Lucas chain. To quote their description:
For a sequence *x*\ :sub:`0`, *x*\ :sub:`1`, ... with a rule for computing *x*\ :sub:`2j` from *x*\ :sub:`j` and a rule for computing *x*\ :sub:`2j+1` from *x*\ :sub:`j` and *x*\ :sub:`j+1`, this algorithm computes (*x*\ :sub:`n`, *x*\ :sub:`n+1`) for a given positive integer *n*. We have *n* in binary as (*n*\ :sub:`0`, *n*\ :sub:`1`, ..., *n*\ :sub:`b-1`) with *n*\ :sub:`0` being the low-order bit. We write the rules as follows: *x*\ :sub:`2j` = op1(*x*\ :sub:`j`) and *x*\ :sub:`2j+1` = op2(*x*\ :sub:`j`, *x*\ :sub:`j+1`).
.. code:: python
lucasgen(P, Q):
Generates the Lucas U- and V-sequences with parameters (P
, Q
.. code:: python
lucas(k, P, Q)
Efficiently computes the k
\ :sup:th
terms in the Lucas U- and V-sequences U(P
, Q
) and V(P
, Q
). More explicitly, if
U\ :sub:`0`, U\ :sub:`1`, V\ :sub:`0`, V\ :sub:`1` = 0, 1, 2, ``P``
and we have the recursions
U\ :sub:`n` = ``P`` · U\ :sub:`n-1` - ``Q`` · U\ :sub:`n-2`
V\ :sub:`n` = ``P`` · V\ :sub:`n-1` - ``Q`` · V\ :sub:`n-2`
then we compute U\ :sub:k
and V\ :sub:k
in O(ln(k
)) arithmetic operations. If P
\ :sup:2
≠ 4·Q
, then these sequences grow exponentially, so the number of bit operations is anywhere from O(k
· ln(k
)\ :sup:2
· ln(ln(k
))) to O(k
\ :sup:2
) depending on how multiplication is handled. We recommend using MPZs when k
> 100 or so. We divide by P
\ :sup:2
- 4·Q
at the end, so we handle separately the case where this is zero.
.. code:: python
binlinrecgen(P, Q, a, b)
The general binary linear recursion. Exactly like lucasgen
, except we only compute one sequence, and we supply the seeds.
.. code:: python
binlinrec(k, P, Q, a, b)
The general binary linear recursion. Exactly like lucas
, except we compute only one sequence, and we supply the seeds.
.. code:: python
linrecgen(a, b, m=None)
The general homogenous linear recursion: we generate in order the sequence defined by
*x*\ :sub:`n+1` = ``a``\ :sub:`k` · *x*\ :sub:`n` + ``a``\ :sub:`k-1` · *x*\ :sub:`n-1` + ... + ``a``\ :sub:`0` · *x*\ :sub:`n-k`,
where the initial values are [x\ :sub:0
, ..., x\ :sub:k
] = b
. If m
is supplied, then we compute the sequence modulo m
. The terms of this sequence usually grow exponentially, so computing a distant term incrementally by plucking it out of this generator takes O(n
\ :sup:2
) bit operations. Extractions of distant terms should therefore be done via linrec
, which takes anywhere from O(n
· ln(n
)\ :sup:2
· ln(ln(n
))) to O(n
\ :sup:2
) bit operations depending on how multiplication is handled.
.. code:: python
linrec(n, a, b, m=None)
The general homogeneous linear recursion. If m
is supplied, terms are computed modulo m
. We use matrix methods to efficiently compute the n
\ :sup:th
term of the recursion
*x*\ :sub:`n+1` = ``a``\ :sub:`k` · *x*\ :sub:`n` + ``a``\ :sub:`k-1` · *x*\ :sub:`n-1` + ... + ``a``\ :sub:`0` · *x*\ :sub:`n-k`,
where the initial values are [x\ :sub:0
, ..., x\ :sub:k
] = b
.. code:: python
legendre(a, p)
Legendre symbol (a
| p
): 1 if a
is a quadratic residue mod p
, -1 if it isn't, and 0 if a
≡ 0 (mod p
). Not meaningful if p
isn't prime.
.. code:: python
jacobi(a, n)
The Jacobi symbol (a
| n
.. code:: python
kronecker(a, n)
The Kronecker symbol (a
| n
). Note that this is the generalization of the Jacobi symbol, not the Dirac-delta analogue.
.. code:: python
sprp(n, b)
The strong probable primality test (aka single-round Miller-Rabin).
.. code:: python
mrab(n, basis)
Miller-Rabin probable primality test.
.. code:: python
Miller's primality test. If the extended Riemann hypothesis (the one about Dirichlet L-functions) is true, then this test is deterministic.
.. code:: python
lprp(n, a, b)
Lucas probable primality test as described in Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective by Crandall & Pomerance (2\ :sup:nd
.. code:: python
lucasmod(k, P, Q, m)
Efficiently computes the k
\ :sup:th
terms of Lucas U- and V-sequences modulo m
with parameters (P
, Q
). Currently just a helper function for slprp
and xslprp
. Will be upgraded to full status when the case gcd(D,m)!=1
is handled properly.
.. code:: python
slprp(n, a, b)
Strong lucas probable primality test as described on Wikipedia. Its false positives are a strict subset of those for lprp
with the same parameters.
.. code:: python
xslprp(n, a)
Extra strong Lucas probable primality test as described on Wikipedia. Its false positives are a strict subset of those for slprp
(and therefore lprp
) with parameters (a
, 1).
.. code:: python
The Baille-Pomerance-Selfridge-Wagstaff probable primality test. Infinitely many false positives are conjectured to exist, but none are known, and the test is known to be deterministic below 2\ :sup:64
.. code:: python
qfprp(n, a, b)
Quadratic Frobenius probable primality test as described in Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective by Crandall & Pomerance (2\ :sup:nd
.. code:: python
polyaddmodp(a, b, p)
Adds two polynomials and reduces their coefficients mod p
. Polynomials are written as lists of integers with the constant terms first. If the high-degree coefficients are zero, those terms will be deleted from the answer so that the highest-degree term is nonzero. We assume that the inputs also satisfy this property. The zero polynomial is represented by the empty list. If one of the input polynomials is None
, we return None
.. code:: python
polysubmodp(a, b, p)
Subtracts the polynomial b
from a
and reduces their coefficients mod p
. Polynomials are written as lists of integers with the constant terms first. If the high-degree coefficients are zero, those terms will be deleted from the answer so that the highest-degree term is nonzero. We assume that the inputs also satisfy this property. The zero polynomial is represented by the empty list. If one of the input polynomials is None
, we return None
.. code:: python
polymulmodp(a, b, p)
Multiplies the polynomials a
and b
and reduces their coefficients mod p
. Polynomials are written as lists of integers with the constant terms first. If the high-degree coefficients are zero, those terms will be deleted from the answer so that the highest-degree term is nonzero. We assume that the inputs also satisfy this property. The zero polynomial is represented by the empty list. If one of the input polynomials is None
, we return None
.. code:: python
polydivmodmodp(a, b, p)
Divides the polynomial a
by the polynomial b
and returns the quotient and remainder. The coefficients are interpreted mod p
. Polynomials are written as lists of integers with the constant terms first. If the high-degree coefficients are zero, those terms will be deleted from the answer so that the highest-degree term is nonzero. We assume that the inputs also satisfy this property. The zero polynomial is represented by the empty list. If one of the input polynomials is None
, we return None
. The result is not guaranteed to exist; in such cases we return (None, None)
.. code:: python
gcmd(f, g, p)
Computes the greatest common monic divisor of the polynomials f
and g
. The coefficients are interpreted mod p
. Polynomials are written as lists of integers with the constant terms first. If the high-degree coefficients are zero, those terms will be deleted from the answer so that the highest-degree term is nonzero. We assume that the inputs also satisfy this property. The zero polynomial is represented by the empty list. If one of the input polynomials is None
, or if both input polynomials are []
, we return None
. The result is not guaranteed to exist; in such cases, we return None
. Coded after algorithm 2.2.1 from Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective by Crandall & Pomerance (2\ :sup:nd
.. code:: python
polypowmodpmodpoly(a, e, p, f)
Computes the remainder when the polynomial a
is raised to the e
\ :sup:th
power and reduced modulo f
. The coefficients are interpreted mod p
. Polynomials are written as lists of integers with the constant terms first. If the high-degree coefficients are zero, those terms will be deleted from the answer so that the highest-degree term is nonzero. We assume that the inputs also satisfy this property. The zero polynomial is represented by the empty list. If one of the input polynomials is None
, or if f == []
, we return None
. The answer is not guaranteed to exist. In such cases, we return None
.. code:: python
frobenius_prp(n, poly, strong=False)
Grantham's general Frobenius probable primality test, in both the strong and weak versions, as described in his paper introducing the test
__ https://doi.org/10.1090/S0025-5718-00-01197-2
.. code:: python
isprime(n, tb=(3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59))
The workhorse primality test. It is a BPSW primality test variant: we use the strong Lucas PRP test and preface the computation with trial division for speed. No composites are known to pass the test, though it is suspected that infinitely many will do so. There are definitely no such errors below 2\ :sup:64
. This function is mainly a streamlined version of bpsw
.. code:: python
Determines whether n
is of the form p\ :sup:e
for some prime number p and positive integer e, and returns (p, e) if so.
.. code:: python
The Lucas-Lehmer test. Deterministically and efficiently checks whether the Mersenne number 2\ :sup:p
-1 is prime.
.. code:: python
nextprime(n, primetest=isprime)
Smallest prime strictly greater than n
.. code:: python
prevprime(n, primetest=isprime)
Largest prime strictly less than n
, or None
if no such prime exists.
.. code:: python
randprime(digits, base=10, primetest=isprime)
Returns a random prime with the specified number of digits when rendered in the specified base.
.. code:: python
randomfactored(n, primetest=isprime)
Efficiently generates an integer selected uniformly from the range [1, n
] with its factorization. Uses Adam Kalai's algorithm, which uses in the average case O(log(n
)\ :sup:2
) primality tests. When called with the default primality test, this then uses O(log(n
)\ :sup:3
) arithmetic operations, which in turn results in just over O(log(n
)\ :sup:4
) to O(log(n
)\ :sup:5
) bit operations, depending on how multiplication is handled.
.. code:: python
sqrtmod_prime(a, p)
Finds x such that x\ :sup:2
≡ a
(mod p
). We assume that p
is a prime and a
is a quadratic residue modulo p
. If any of these conditions is false, then the return value is meaningless.
.. code:: python
cbrtmod_prime(a, p)
Returns in a sorted list all cube roots of a mod p. There are a bunch of easily-computed special formulae for various cases with p
!= 1 (mod 9); we do those first, and then if p
== 1 (mod 9) we use Algorithm 4.2 in Taking Cube Roots in Zm
__ by Padro and Saez, which is essentially a variation on the Tonelli-Shanks algorithm for modular square roots.
__ https://doi.org/10.1016/S0893-9659(02)00031-9
.. code:: python
Factors integers using Brent's variation of Pollard's rho algorithm. If n
is prime, we immediately return n
; if not, we keep chugging until a nontrivial factor is found.
.. code:: python
pollard_pm1(n, B1=100, B2=1000)
Integer factoring function. Uses Pollard's p-1 algorithm. Note that this is only efficient if the number to be factored has a prime factor p such that p-1's largest prime factor is "small".
.. code:: python
mlucas(v, a, n)
Helper function for williams_pp1
. Multiplies along a Lucas sequence modulo n
.. code:: python
Integer factoring function. Uses Williams' p+1 algorithm, single-stage variant. Note that this is only efficient when the number to be factored has a prime factor p such that p\ +1's largest prime factor is "small".
.. code:: python
ecadd(p1, p2, p0, n)
Helper function for ecm
. Adds two points on a Montgomery curve modulo n
.. code:: python
ecdub(p, A, n)
Helper function for ecm
. Doubles a point on a Montgomery curve modulo n
.. code:: python
ecmul(m, p, A, n)
Helper function for ecm
. Multiplies a point on Montgomery curve by an integer modulo n
.. code:: python
secm(n, B1, B2, seed)
Seeded elliptic curve factoring using the two-phase algorithm on Montgomery curves. Helper function for ecm
. Returns a possibly-trivial divisor of n
given two bounds and a seed.
.. code:: python
Generator of parameters to use for secm
.. code:: python
ecm(n, paramseq=ecmparams, nprocs=1)
Integer factoring via elliptic curves using the two-phase algorithm on Montgomery curves, and optionally uses multiple processes. This is a shell function that repeatedly calls secm
using parameters provided by ecmparams
; the actual factoring work is done there. Multiprocessing incurs relatively significant overhead, so when nprocs==1
(default), we don't call the multiprocessing functions.
.. code:: python
Factors an integer via the self-initializing quadratic sieve. Most of this function is copied verbatim from https://github.com/skollmann/PyFactorise.
.. code:: python
multifactor(n, methods)
Integer factoring function. Uses several methods in parallel. Waits for one of them to return, kills the rest, and reports.
.. code:: python
primefac(n, trial=1000, rho=42000, primetest=isprime, methods=(pollardrho_brent,))
The workhorse integer factorizer. Generates the prime factors of the input. Factors that appear x times are yielded x times.
.. code:: python
factorint(n, trial=1000, rho=42000, primetest=isprime, methods=(pollardrho_brent,))
Compiles the output of primefac
into a dictionary with primes as keys and multiplicities as values.
.. code:: python
Uses a sieve to compute the factorizations of all whole numbers strictly less than the input. This uses a lot of memory; if you aren't after the factors directly, it's usually better to write a dedicated function for whatever it is that you actually want.
.. code:: python
Generates all natural numbers that evenly divide n
. The output is not necessarily sorted.
.. code:: python
Generates the divisors of n
, written as their prime factorizations in factorint format.
.. code:: python
Counts the number of divisors of n
.. code:: python
divsigma(n, x=1)
Sum of divisors of a natural number, raised to the x\ :sup:th
power. The conventional notation for this in mathematical literature is σ\ :sub:x
\ (n
), hence the name of this function.
.. code:: python
Uses a sieve to compute the number of divisors of all whole numbers strictly less than the input.
.. code:: python
totient(n, k=1)
Jordan's totient function: the number of k
-tuples of positive integers all ≤ n
that form a coprime (k
\ +1)-tuple together with n
. When k
= 1, this is Euler's totient: the number of numbers less than a number that are relatively prime to that number.
.. code:: python
Uses a sieve to compute the totients up to (and including) n
.. code:: python
Computes sum(totient(n) for n in range(1, n+1))
.. code:: python
The Möbius function of n
: 1 if n
is squarefree with an even number of prime factors, -1 if n
is squarefree with an odd number of prime factors, and 0 if n
has a repeated prime factor.
.. code:: python
Uses a sieve to compute the Möbius function of all whole numbers strictly less than the input.
.. code:: python
The Liouville lambda function of n
: the strongly multiplicative function that is -1 on the primes.
.. code:: python
polyroots_prime(g, p, sqfr=False)
Generates with some efficiency and without multiplicity the zeros of a polynomial modulo a prime. Coded after algorithm 2.3.10 from Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective by Crandall & Pomerance (2\ :sup:nd
edition), which is essentially Cantor-Zassenhaus.
.. code:: python
hensel(f, p, k, given=None)
Uses Hensel lifting to generate with some efficiency all zeros of a polynomial modulo a prime power.
.. code:: python
sqrtmod(a, n)
Computes all square roots of a
modulo n
and returns them in a sorted list.
.. code:: python
polyrootsmod(pol, n)
Computes the zeros of a polynomial modulo an integer. We do this by factoring the modulus, solving modulo the prime power factors, and putting the results back together via the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
.. code:: python
PQa(P, Q, D)
Generates some sequences related to simple continued fractions of certain quadratic surds. A helper function for pell
. Let P
, Q
, and D
be integers such that Q
≠ 0, D
> 0 is a nonsquare, and P
\ :sup:2
≡ D
(mod Q
). We yield a sequence of tuples (B\ :sub:i
, G\ :sub:i
, P\ :sub:i
, Q\ :sub:i
) where i is an index counting up from 0, x = (P
\ +√\ D
= [a\ :sub:0
; a\ :sub:1
, a\ :sub:2
, ...], (P\ :sub:i
\ +√\ D
))/Q\ :sub:i
is the i\ :sup:th
complete quotient of x, and B\ :sub:i
is the denominator of the i\ :sup:th
convergent to x. For full details, see https://web.archive.org/web/20180831180333/http://www.jpr2718.org/pell.pdf.
.. code:: python
pell(D, N)
This function solves the generalized Pell equation: we find all non-negative integers (x, y) such that x\ :sup:2
- D
· y\ :sup:2
= N
. We have several cases:
Case 1: N
= 0. We solve x\ :sup:2
= D
· y\ :sup:2
. (0,0) is always a solution.
Case 1a: If ``D`` is a nonsquare, then there are no further solutions.
Case 1b: If ``D`` is a square, then there are infinitely many solutions, parametrized by (*t*·√\ ``D``, *t*).
Case 2: N
≠ 0 = D
. We solve x\ :sup:2
= N
Case 2a: If ``N`` is a nonsquare, then there are no solutions.
Case 2b: If ``N`` is a square, then there are infinitely many solutions, parametrized by (√\ ``N``, *t*).
Case 3: N
≠ 0 > D
. We solve x\ :sup:2
+ |\ D
| · y\ :sup:2
= N
. The number of solutions will be finite.
Case 4: N
≠ 0 < D
. We find lattice points on a hyperbola.
Case 4a: If ``D`` is a square, then the number of solutions will be at most finite. This case is solved by factoring.
Case 4b: If ``D`` is a nonsquare, then we run the PQa/LMM algorithms: we produce a set of primitive solutions; if this set is empty, there are no solutions; if this set has members, an ininite set of solutions can be produced by repeatedly composing them with the fundamental solution of *x*\ :sup:`2` - ``D`` · *y*\ :sup:`2` = 1.
Input: D
, N
-- integers
A 3-tuple.
If the number of solutions is finite, it is ``(None, z, None)``, where ``z`` is the sorted list of all solutions.
If the number of solutions is infinite and the equation is degenerate, it's ``(gen, None, None)``, where ``gen`` yields all solutions.
If the number of solutions if infinite and the equation is nondegenerate, it is ``(gen, z, f)``, where ``z`` is the set of primitive solutions, represented as a sorted list, and ``f`` is the fundamental solution --- i.e., ``f`` is the primitive solution of *x*\ :sup:`2` - ``D`` · *y*\ :sup:`2` = 1.
Note that we can check the infinitude of solutions by calling ``bool(pell(D,N)[0])``.
.. code:: python
simplepell(D, bail=inf)
Generates the positive solutions of x\ :sup:2
- D
· y\ :sup:2
= 1. We use some optimizations specific to this case of the Pell equation that makes this more efficient than calling pell(D,1)[0]
. Note that this function is not equivalent to calling pell(D,1)[0]
: pell
is concerned with the general equation, which may or may not have trivial solutions, and as such yields all non-negative solutions, whereas this function is concerned only with the simple Pell equation, which always has an infinite family of positive solutions generated from a single primitive solution and always has the trivial solution (1,0).
We yield only those solutions with x ≤ bail
.. code:: python
The Carmichael lambda function: the smallest positive integer m such that a\ :sup:m
≡ 1 (mod n
) for all a such that gcd(a, n
) = 1. Also called the reduced totient or least universal exponent.
.. code:: python
multord(b, n)
Computes the multiplicative order of b
modulo n
; i.e., finds the smallest k such that b
\ :sup:k
≡ 1 (mod n
.. code:: python
Generates all Pythagorean triples of a given perimeter by examining the perimeter's factors.
.. code:: python
Generates the Collatz sequence initiated by n
. Stops after yielding 1.
.. code:: python
Computes the simple continued fraction for √\ n
. We return the answer as (isqrt(n), [a,b,c,...,d])
, where [a,b,c,...,d]
is the minimal reptend.
.. code:: python
Generates the convergents of a simple continued fraction.
.. code:: python
contfrac_rat(n, d)
Returns the simple continued fraction of the rational number n
.. code:: python
Computes the simple continued fraction of the expression (P
+ sqrt(D
)) / Q
, for any integers P
, Q
, and D
with D
≥ 0 ≠ Q
. Note that D
can be a square or a nonsquare.
.. code:: python
ngonal(x, n)
Returns the x
\ :sup:th
-gonal number. Indexing begins with 1 so that ngonal(1, n)
= 1 for all applicable n
.. code:: python
is_ngonal(p, n)
Checks whether p
is an n
-gonal number.
.. code:: python
partitions(n, parts=[1])
Computes with some semblance of efficiency the number of additive partitions of an integer. The parts
argument is for memoization.
.. code:: python
Generates partitions of integers in ascending order via an iterative algorithm. It is the fastest known algorithm as of June 2014.
.. code:: python
Computes the conjugate of a partition.
.. code:: python
Generates the Farey sequence of maximum denominator n
. Includes 0/1 and 1/1.
.. code:: python
fareyneighbors(n, p, q)
Returns the neighbors of p
in the Farey sequence of maximum denominator n
.. code:: python
Tests whether n
is a practical number -- i.e., whether every integer from 1 through n
(inclusive) can be written as a sum of divisors of n
. These are also called panarithmic numbers.
.. code:: python
hamming(ps, *ps2)
Generates all ps
-smooth numbers, where ps
is a list of primes.
.. code:: python
The arithmetic derivative of n
: if n
is prime, then n
' = 1; if -2 < n
< 2, then n
' = 0; if n
< 0, then n
' = -(-n
)'; and (ab)' = a'·b + b'·a.
.. code:: python
Generates the sequence of perfect powers without multiplicity.
.. code:: python
Generates the squarefree products of the elements of ps
.. code:: python
sqfrgenb(ps, b, k=0, m=1)
Generates the squarefree products of elements of ps
. Does not yield anything > b
. For best performance, ps
should be sorted in decreasing order.
.. code:: python
stormer(ps, *ps2, abc=None)
Størmer's theorem asserts that for any given set ps
of prime numbers, there are only finitely many pairs of consecutive integers that are both ps
-smooth; the theorem also gives an effective algorithm for finding them. We implement Lenstra's improvement to this theorem.
The abc
argument indicates that we are to assume an effective abc conjecture of the form c < abc[0]
· rad(a·b·c)\ :sup:abc[1]
. This enables major speedups. If abc
is None
, then we make no such assumptions.
.. code:: python
quadintroots(a, b, c)
Given integers a
, b
, and c
, we return in a tuple all distinct integers x such that a
·x\ :sup:2
+ b
·x + c
= 0. This is primarily a helper function for cubicintrootsgiven
and cubicintroots
.. code:: python
cubicintrootsgiven(a, b, c, d, r)
Given integers a
, b
, c
, d
, and r
such that a
\ :sup:3
+ b
\ :sup:2
+ c
+ d
= 0, we find the cubic's other two roots and return in a tuple all distinct integer roots (including r
). This is primarily a helper function for cubicintroots
.. code:: python
cubicintroots(a, b, c, d)
Given integers a
, b
, c
, d
, we return in a tuple all distinct integer roots of a
·x\ :sup:3
+ b
·x\ :sup:2
+ c
·x + d
. This is primarily a helper function for isprime_nm1
.. code:: python
isprime_nm1(n, fac=None)
The n-1 primality test: given an odd integer n
> 214 and a fully-factored integer F such that F divides n
-1 and F > n
\ :sup:0.3
, we quickly determine without error whether n
is prime. If the provided (partial) factorization of n
-1 is insufficient, we compute the factorization ourselves.
.. code:: python
isprime_np1(n, fac=None)
The n\ +1 primality test: given an odd integer n
> 214 and a fully-factored integer F such that F divides n
\ +1 and F > n
\ :sup:0.3
, we quickly determine without error whether n
is prime. If the provided (partial) factorization of n
\ +1 is insufficient, we compute the factorization ourselves.
.. code:: python
mulparts(n, r=None, nfac=None)
Generates all ordered r
-tuples of positive integers whose product is n
. If r
is None
, then we generate all such tuples (regardless of size) that do not contain 1.
.. code:: python
dirconv(f, g, ffac=False, gfac=False)
This returns a function that is the Dirichlet convolution of f
and g
. When called with the keyword arguments at their default values, this is equivalent to the expression lambda n: sum(f(d) * g(n//d) for d in divisors(n))
. If f
or g
needs to factor its argument, such as f == totient
or g == mobius
or something like that, then that lambda expression calls the factorizer a lot more than it needs to --- we're already factoring n
, so instead of feeding those functions the integer forms of n
's factors, we can instead pass ffac=True
or gfac=True
when dirconv
is called and we will call divisors_factored(n)
instead and feed those factored divisors into f
or g
as appropriate. This optimization becomes more noticeable as the factoring becomes more difficult.
.. code:: python
Computes the Dirichlet inverse of the input function f
. Mathematically, functions f such that f\ (1) = 0 have no Dirichlet inverses due to a division by zero. This is reflected in this implementation by raising a ZeroDivisionError
when attempting to evaluate dirichletinverse(f)(n)
for any such f
and any n
. If f
\ (1) is neither 1 nor -1, then dirichletinverse(f)
will return Fraction
objects (as imported from the fractions
.. code:: python
dirichletroot(f, r, val1)
Computes the r
\ :sup:th
Dirichlet root of the input function f
whose value at 1 is val1
. More precisely, let f
be a function on the positive integers, let r
be a positive integer, and let val1
\ :sup:r
= f
\ (1). Then we return the unique function g
such that f
= g
* g
* ... * g
, where g
appears r
times and * represents Dirichlet convolution. The values returned will be Fraction
objects (as imported from the fractions
.. code:: python
Computes the determinant of a matrix via the Schur determinant identity.
.. code:: python
Computes the discriminant of a polynomial. The input list is ordered from lowest degree to highest --- i.e., coefs[k]
is the coefficient of the x\ :sup:k
term. For low-degree polynomials, explicit formulae are used; for degrees 5 and higher, we compute it by taking the determinant (using this package's determinant
function) of the Sylvester matrix of the input and its derivative. This in turn is calculated by the Schur determinant identity. Note that this has the effect of setting the discriminant of a linear polynomial to 1 (which is conventional) and that of a constant to 0.
.. code:: python
egypt_short(n, d, terms=0, minden=1)
Generates all shortest Egyptian fractions for n
using at least the indicated number of terms and whose denominators are all ≥ minden
. No algorithm is known for this problem that significantly improves upon brute force, so this can take impractically long times on even modest-seeming inputs.
.. code:: python
egypt_greedy(n, d)
The greedy algorithm for Egyptian fraction expansion; also called the Fibonacci-Sylvester algorithm.
This package imports items from multiprocessing
, itertools
, fractions
, random
, math
, and heapq
. These are all in the Python standard library.
We attempt to import mpz
from gmpy2
, but this is purely for efficiency: if this import fails, we simply set mpz = int
Module for basic math in the general vicinity of computational number theory
We found that labmath demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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