A libravatar client for Python thats built on modern Technology
![Lines of Code](https://tokei.rs/b1/github/baseplate-admin/libravatar-py)
Introduction :
Friendly fork of pyLibravatar.
Why did I write this library:
While working on the Libravatar client project I came across the well built pyLibravatar library. The last update was at Jun 28, 2015 ( Thats over 6 years ago when I was writing this ). So thats why I decided to write this library. It mimics the API ( and functionality ) of pyLibravatar but with asyncio
Why use "libravatar-py" ?
- Provides API for different kinds of usage.
- Built with modern techknology.
- No unnecessary codes. ( My goal was to keep the library as small as
possible )
- Is very minimal. ( Only provides 4 functions )
- Fully Fedarated and feature rich.
Why shouldn't you use "libravatar-py" ?
- I donno ? If you do please submit a Pull Request
User guide :
Installation :
Install with pip from pypi (No extra dependencies):
$ python -m pip install libravatar-py
Install with pip from github ( Development | Not Recommended for Production ):
$ python -m pip install https://codeload.github.com/baseplate-admin/libravatar-py/zip/refs/heads/main
Call any of these 4 methods.
function ( This will essentially return the base url of
the image ) :
from libravatar import libravatar_url
url = libravatar_url(email="someone@example.com")
function ( This will wrap the libravatar url in a <img /> tag. You can also customize _alt text ) :
from libravatar import libravatar_img_tag
url = libravatar_img_tag(email="someone@example.com")
function ( This will return the Libravatar image in a binary form ) :
from libravatar import libravatar_raw_image
res = libravatar_raw_image(email="someone@example.com")
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
res = Image.open(BytesIO(res))
function ( Essentially passes the {args, kwargs} to httpx_get_avatar ):
from libravatar import libravatar_raw_image
res = await libravatar_raw_query(email="someone@example.com", {})
Contributing :
If you like this project add a star. If you have problems or suggestions please put them in the Issue Tracker. If
you like to add features. Fork this repo and submit a Pull Request. 😛
Updates :
The library is feature complete ( in my opinion ).