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Generate intuitive graphs of your Python data, perfect for debugging and understanding complex relationships.



Install (or upgrade) memory_graph using pip:

pip install --upgrade memory_graph

Additionally Graphviz needs to be installed.

Memory Graph

For program understanding and debugging, the memory_graph package can visualize your data, supporting many different data types, including but not limited to:

import memory_graph as mg

class MyClass:

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

data = [ range(1, 2), (3, 4), {5, 6}, {7:'seven', 8:'eight'},  MyClass(9, 10) ]


Instead of showing the graph on screen you can also render it to an output file of your choosing (see Graphviz Output Formats) using for example:

mg.render(data, "my_graph.pdf")
mg.render(data, "my_graph.svg")
mg.render(data, "my_graph.png")
mg.render(data, "my_graph.gv") # Graphviz DOT file
mg.render(data) # renders to 'mg.render_filename' with default value: 'memory_graph.pdf'

Sharing Values

In Python, assigning the list from variable a to variable b causes both variables to reference the same list value and thus share it. Consequently, any change applied through one variable will impact the other. This behavior can lead to elusive bugs if a programmer incorrectly assumes that list a and b are independent.

import memory_graph as mg

# create the lists 'a' and 'b'
a = [4, 3, 2]
b = a
a.append(1) # changing 'a' changes 'b'

# print the 'a' and 'b' list
print('a:', a)
print('b:', b)

# check if 'a' and 'b' share data
print('ids:', id(a), id(b))
print('identical?:', a is b)

# show all local variables in a graph locals() )


a graph showing a and b share data

The fact that a and b share data can not be verified by printing the lists. It can be verified by comparing the identity of both variables using the id() function or by using the is comparison operator as shown in the program output below, but this quickly becomes impractical for larger programs.

a: 4, 3, 2, 1
b: 4, 3, 2, 1
ids: 126432214913216 126432214913216
identical?: True

A better way to understand what data is shared is to draw a graph of the data using the memory_graph package.


Python Data Model

Call Stack


Datastructure Examples




Jupyter Notebook


In the Browser



Bas Terwijn


Inspired by Python Tutor.

Supported by

University of Amsterdam

Python Data Model

The Python Data Model makes a distiction between immutable and mutable types:

  • immutable: bool, int, float, complex, str, tuple, bytes, frozenset
  • mutable: list, set, dict, classes, ... (most other types)

Immutable Type

In the code below variable a and b both reference the same tuple value (4, 3, 2). A tuple is an immutable type and therefore when we change variable a its value cannot be mutated in place, and thus a copy is made and a and b reference a different value afterwards.

import memory_graph as mg

a = (4, 3, 2)
b = a
mg.render(locals(), 'immutable1.png')
a += (1,)
mg.render(locals(), 'immutable2.png')

Mutable Type

With mutable types the result is different. In the code below variable a and b both reference the same list value [4, 3, 2]. A list is a mutable type and therefore when we change variable a its value can be mutated in place and thus a and b both reference the same new value afterwards. Thus changing a also changes b and vice versa. Sometimes we want this but other times we don't and then we will have to make a copy ourselfs so that a and b are independent.

import memory_graph as mg

a = [4, 3, 2]
b = a
mg.render(locals(), 'mutable1.png')
a += [1] # equivalent to:  a.append(1)
mg.render(locals(), 'mutable2.png')

One practical reason why Python makes the distinction between mutable and immutable types is that a value of a mutable type can be large, making it inefficient to copy each time we change it. Immutable values generally don't need to change as much, or are small making copying less of a concern.


Python offers three different "copy" options that we will demonstrate using a nested list:

import memory_graph as mg
import copy

a = [ [1, 2], ['x', 'y'] ] # a nested list (a list containing lists)

# three different ways to make a "copy" of 'a':
c1 = a
c2 = copy.copy(a) # equivalent to:  a.copy() a[:] list(a)
c3 = copy.deepcopy(a)
  • c1 is an assignment, nothing is copied, all the values are shared
  • c2 is a shallow copy, only the value referenced by the first reference is copied, all the underlying values are shared
  • c3 is a deep copy, all the values are copied, nothing is shared


Custom Copy

We can write our own custom copy function or method in case the three "copy" options don't do what we want. For example, in the code below the copy() method of My_Class copies the digits but shares the letters between two objects.

import memory_graph as mg
import copy

class My_Class:

    def __init__(self):
        self.digits = [1, 2]
        self.letters = ['x', 'y']

    def copy(self): # custom copy method copies the digits but shares the letters
        c = copy.copy(self)
        c.digits = copy.copy(self.digits)
        return c

a = My_Class()
b = a.copy()


Call Stack

The mg.get_call_stack() function retrieves the entire call stack, including the local variables for each function on the stack. This enables us to visualize the local variables across all active functions simultaneously. By examining the graph, we can determine whether any local variables from different functions share data. For instance, consider the function add_one() which adds the value 1 to each of its parameters a, b, and c.

import memory_graph as mg

def add_one(a, b, c):
    a += [1]
    b += (1,)
    c += [1]

a = [4, 3, 2]
b = (4, 3, 2)
c = [4, 3, 2]

add_one(a, b, c.copy())
print(f"a:{a} b:{b} c:{c}")


In the printed output only a is changed as a result of the function call:

a:[4, 3, 2, 1] b:(4, 3, 2) c:[4, 3, 2]

This is because b is of immutable type 'tuple' so its value gets copied automatically when it is changed. And because the function is called with a copy of c, its original value is not changed by the function. The value of variable a is the only value of mutable type that is shared between the root stack frame '0: <module>' and the '1: add_one' stack frame of the function so only that variable is affected as a result of the function call. The other changes remain confined to the local variables of the add_one() function.


It is often helpful to temporarily block program execution to inspect the graph. For this we can use the mg.block() function:

mg.block(fun, arg1, arg2, ...) 

This function:

  • first executes fun(arg1, arg2, ...)
  • then prints the current source location in the program
  • then blocks execution until the <Enter> key is pressed
  • finally returns the value of the fun() call

To change its behavior:

  • Set mg.block_prints_location = False to skip printing the source location.
  • Set mg.press_enter_message = None to skip printing "Press <Enter> to continue...".


The call stack is also helpful to visualize how recursion works. Here we use mg.block() to show each step of how recursively factorial(3) is computed:

import memory_graph as mg

def factorial(n):
    if n==0:
        return 1
    mg.block(, mg.get_call_stack())
    result = n * factorial(n-1)
    mg.block(, mg.get_call_stack())
    return result



and the result is: 1 x 2 x 3 = 6

Power Set

A more interesting recursive example that shows sharing of data is power_set(). A power set is the set of all subsets of a collection of values.

import memory_graph as mg

def get_subsets(subsets, data, i, subset):
    mg.block(, mg.get_call_stack())
    if i == len(data):
    get_subsets(subsets, data, i+1, subset) #    do include data[i]
    get_subsets(subsets, data, i+1, subset) # don't include data[i]
    mg.block(, mg.get_call_stack())

def power_set(data):
    subsets = []
    get_subsets(subsets, data, 0, [])
    return subsets

print( power_set(['a', 'b', 'c']) )


[['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'b'], ['a', 'c'], ['a'], ['b', 'c'], ['b'], ['c'], []]


For the best debugging experience with memory_graph set for example expression:

mg.render(locals(), "my_graph.pdf")

as a watch in a debugger tool such as the integrated debugger in Visual Studio Code. Then open the "my_graph.pdf" output file to continuously see all the local variables while debugging. This avoids having to add any memory_graph show() or render() calls to your code.

Call Stack in Watch Context

The mg.get_call_stack() doesn't work well in watch context in most debuggers because debuggers introduce additional stack frames that cause problems. Use these alternative functions for various debuggers to filter out these problematic stack frames:

debuggerfunction to get the call stack
pdb, pudbmg.get_call_stack_pdb()
Visual Studio Codemg.get_call_stack_vscode()


Other Debuggers

For other debuggers, invoke this function within the watch context. Then, in the "call_stack.txt" file, identify the slice of functions you wish to include in the call stack.


Choose 'after' and 'up_to' what function you want to slice and then call this function to get the desired call stack:

mg.get_call_stack_after_up_to(after_function, up_to_function="<module>")

Debugging without Debugger Tool

To simplify debugging without a debugger tool, we offer these alias functions that you can insert into your code at the point where you want to visualize a graph:

aliaspurposefunction call local the call
mg.bsl()block after showing local variablesmg.block(, locals())
mg.bss()block after showing the call stackmg.block(, mg.get_call_stack())
mg.rl()render local variablesmg.render(locals()) the call stackmg.render(mg.get_call_stack())
mg.brl()block after rendering local variablesmg.block(mg.render, locals())
mg.brs()block after rendering the call stackmg.block(mg.render, mg.get_call_stack())
mg.l()same as mg.bsl()
mg.s()same as mg.bss()

For example, executing this program:

from memory_graph as mg

squares = []
squares_collector = []
for i in range(1, 6):
    mg.l() # block after showing local variables

and pressing <Enter> a number of times, results in:


Datastructure Examples

Module memory_graph can be very useful in a course about datastructures, some examples:

Doubly Linked List

import memory_graph as mg
import random
random.seed(0) # use same random numbers each run

class Node:

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.prev = None
        self.value = value = None

class LinkedList:

    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None
        self.tail = None

    def add_front(self, value):
        new_node = Node(value)
        if self.head is None:
            self.head = new_node
            self.tail = new_node
   = self.head
            self.head.prev = new_node
            self.head = new_node
        mg.block(, locals()) # <--- draw graph

linked_list = LinkedList()
n = 100
for i in range(n):
    new_value = random.randrange(n)


Binary Tree

import memory_graph as mg
import random
random.seed(0) # use same random numbers each run

class Node:

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.smaller = None
        self.value = value
        self.larger = None

class BinTree:

    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None

    def add_recursive(self, new_value, node):
        if new_value < node.value:
            if node.smaller is None:
                node.smaller = Node(new_value)
                self.add_recursive(new_value, node.smaller)
            if node.larger is None:
                node.larger = Node(new_value)
                self.add_recursive(new_value, node.larger)
        mg.block(, locals()) # <--- draw graph

    def add(self, value):
        if self.root is None:
            self.root = Node(value)
            self.add_recursive(value, self.root)

tree = BinTree()
n = 100
for i in range(n):
    new_value = random.randrange(n)


Hash Set

import memory_graph as mg
import random
random.seed(0) # use same random numbers each run

class HashSet:

    def __init__(self, capacity=15):
        self.buckets = [None] * capacity

    def add(self, value):
        index = hash(value) % len(self.buckets)
        if self.buckets[index] is None:
            self.buckets[index] = []
        bucket = self.buckets[index]
        mg.block(, locals()) # <--- draw graph

    def contains(self, value):
        index = hash(value) % len(self.buckets)
        if self.buckets[index] is None:
            return False
        return value in self.buckets[index]

    def remove(self, value):
        index = hash(value) % len(self.buckets)
        if self.buckets[index] is not None:
hash_set = HashSet()
n = 100
for i in range(n):
    new_value = random.randrange(n)



Different aspects of memory_graph can be configured. The default configuration is reset by importing 'memory_graph.config_default'.

  • mg.config.max_graph_depth : int

    • The maxium depth of the graph with default value 12. A (scissor) symbol indicates where the graph is cut short. Dashed references indicate that there are more references to a node than are shown.
  • mg.config.max_string_length : int

    • The maximum length of strings shown in the graph. Longer strings will be truncated.
  • mg.config.not_node_types : set

    • Holds all types for which no seperate node is drawn but that instead are shown as elements in their parent Node.
  • mg.config.no_child_references_types : set

    • The set of key_value types that don't draw references to their direct childeren but have their children shown as elements of their node.
  • mg.config.type_to_node : dict

    • Determines how a data types is converted to a Node (sub)class for visualization in the graph.
  • mg.config.type_to_color : dict

  • mg.config.type_to_vertical_orientation : dict

    • Maps each type to its orientation. Use 'True' for vertical and 'False' for horizontal. If not specified Node_Linear and Node_Key_Value are vertical unless they have references to children.
  • mg.config.type_to_slicer : dict

    • Maps each type to a Slicer. A slicer determines how many elements of a data type are shown in the graph to prevent the graph from getting too big. 'Slicer()' does no slicing, 'Slicer(1,2,3)' shows just 1 element at the beginning, 2 in the middle, and 3 at the end.

Simplified Graph

Memory_graph simplifies the visualization (and the viewer's mental model) by not showing separate nodes for immutable types like bool, int, float, complex, and str by default. This simplification can sometimes be slightly misleading. As in the example below, after a shallow copy, lists a and b technically share their int values, but the graph makes it appear as though a and b each have their own copies. However, since int is immutable, this simplification will never lead to unexpected changes—changing a won’t effect b.

The simplification strikes a balance: it is slightly misleading but keeps the graph clean and easy to understand and focuses on the mutable types where unexpected changes can occur. This is why it is the default behavior. If you do want to show separate nodes for int values, such as for educational purposes, you can simply remove int from the mg.config.not_node_types set:

import memory_graph as mg

a = [100, 200, 300]
b = a.copy()
mg.render(locals(), 'not_node_types1.png')

mg.config.not_node_types.remove(int) # now show separate nodes for int values

mg.render(locals(), 'not_node_types2.png')
not_node_types1.png — simplifiednot_node_types2.png — technically correct

Additionally, the simplification hides the reuse of small int values in the current CPython implementation, an optimization that might otherwise confuse beginner Python programmers. For instance, after executing a[1]+=1; b[1]+=1 the 201 value is, maybe surprisingly, still shared between a and b, whereas executing a[2]+=1; b[2]+=1 does not result in sharing the 301 value.

Temporary Configuration

In addition to the global configuration, a temporary configuration can be set for a single show() or render() call to change the colors, orientation, and slicer. This example highlights a particular list element in red, gives it a horizontal orientation, and overwrites the default slicer for lists:

import memory_graph as mg
from memory_graph.slicer import Slicer

data = [ list(range(20)) for i in range(1,5)]
highlight = data[2] locals(),
    colors                = {id(highlight): "red"   }, # set color to red
    vertical_orientations = {id(highlight): False   }, # set horizontal orientation
    slicers               = {id(highlight): Slicer()}  # set no slicing 



Different extensions are available for types from other Python packages.


Numpy types array and matrix and ndarray can be graphed with "memory_graph.extension_numpy":

import memory_graph as mg
import numpy as np
import memory_graph.extension_numpy
np.random.seed(0) # use same random numbers each run

array = np.array([1.1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
matrix = np.matrix([[i*20+j for j in range(20)] for i in range(20)])
ndarray = np.random.rand(20,20)



Pandas types Series and DataFrame can be graphed with "memory_graph.extension_pandas":

import memory_graph as mg
import pandas as pd
import memory_graph.extension_pandas

series = pd.Series( [i for i in range(20)] )
dataframe1 = pd.DataFrame({  "calories": [420, 380, 390],
                             "duration": [50, 40, 45] })
dataframe2 = pd.DataFrame({  'Name'   : [ 'Tom', 'Anna', 'Steve', 'Lisa'],
                             'Age'    : [    28,     34,      29,     42],
                             'Length' : [  1.70,   1.66,    1.82,   1.73] },
                            index=['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']) # with row names



This section is likely to change. Sometimes the introspection fails or is not as desired. For example the bintrees.avltree.Node object doesn't show any attributes in the graph below.

import memory_graph as mg
import bintrees

# Create an AVL tree
tree = bintrees.AVLTree()
tree.insert(10, "ten")
tree.insert(5, "five")
tree.insert(20, "twenty")
tree.insert(15, "fifteen")



A useful start is to give it some color, show the list of all its attributes using dir(), and setting an empty Slicer to see the attribute list in full.

import memory_graph as mg
import bintrees

# Create an AVL tree
tree = bintrees.AVLTree()
tree.insert(10, "ten")
tree.insert(5, "five")
tree.insert(20, "twenty")
tree.insert(15, "fifteen")

mg.config.type_to_color[bintrees.avltree.Node] = "sandybrown"
mg.config.type_to_node[bintrees.avltree.Node] = lambda data: mg.node_linear.Node_Linear(data, 
mg.config.type_to_slicer[bintrees.avltree.Node] = mg.slicer.Slicer()


Next figure out what are the attributes you want to graph and choose a Node type, there are four options:

1) Node_Base

Node_base is a leaf node (with no children) and shows just a single value.

import memory_graph as mg
import bintrees

# Create an AVL tree
tree = bintrees.AVLTree()
tree.insert(10, "ten")
tree.insert(5, "five")
tree.insert(20, "twenty")
tree.insert(15, "fifteen")

mg.config.type_to_color[bintrees.avltree.Node] = "sandybrown"
mg.config.type_to_node[bintrees.avltree.Node] = lambda data: mg.node_base.Node_Base(f"key:{data.key} value:{data.value}")


2) Node_Linear

Node_Linear shows all the values in a line like a list.

import memory_graph as mg
import bintrees

# Create an AVL tree
tree = bintrees.AVLTree()
tree.insert(10, "ten")
tree.insert(5, "five")
tree.insert(20, "twenty")
tree.insert(15, "fifteen")

mg.config.type_to_color[bintrees.avltree.Node] = "sandybrown"
mg.config.type_to_node[bintrees.avltree.Node] = lambda data: mg.node_linear.Node_Linear(data,
                                                ['left:', data.left,
                                                 'key:', data.key,
                                                 'value:', data.value,
                                                 'right:', data.right] )


3) Node_Key_Value

Node_Key_Value shows key-value pairs like a dictionary. Note the required items() call at the end.

import memory_graph as mg
import bintrees

# Create an AVL tree
tree = bintrees.AVLTree()
tree.insert(10, "ten")
tree.insert(5, "five")
tree.insert(20, "twenty")
tree.insert(15, "fifteen")

mg.config.type_to_color[bintrees.avltree.Node] = "sandybrown"
mg.config.type_to_node[bintrees.avltree.Node] = lambda data: mg.node_key_value.Node_Key_Value(data,
                                                {'left': data.left,
                                                 'key': data.key,
                                                 'value': data.value,
                                                 'right': data.right}.items() )


4) Node_Table

Node_Table shows all the values as a table.

import memory_graph as mg
import bintrees

# Create an AVL tree
tree = bintrees.AVLTree()
tree.insert(10, "ten")
tree.insert(5, "five")
tree.insert(20, "twenty")
tree.insert(15, "fifteen")

mg.config.type_to_color[bintrees.avltree.Node] = "sandybrown"
mg.config.type_to_node[bintrees.avltree.Node] = lambda data: mg.node_table.Node_Table(data,
                                                [[data.key, data.value],
                                                 [data.left, data.right]] )


Jupyter Notebook

In Jupyter Notebook locals() has additional variables that cause problems in the graph, use mg.locals_jupyter() to get the local variables with these problematic variables filtered out. Use mg.get_call_stack_jupyter() to get the whole call stack with these variables filtered out.

We can use and mg.render() in a Jupyter Notebook, but alternatively we can also use mg.create_graph() to create a graph and the display() function to render it inline with for example:

display( mg.create_graph(mg.locals_jupyter()) ) # display the local variables inline
mg.block(display, mg.create_graph(mg.locals_jupyter()) ) # the same but blocked

See for example jupyter_example.ipynb. jupyter_example.png


In ipython locals() has additional variables that cause problems in the graph, use mg.locals_ipython() to get the local variables with these problematic variables filtered out. Use mg.get_call_stack_ipython() to get the whole call stack with these variables filtered out.

Additionally install file in the ipython startup directory:

  • Linux/Mac: ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/
  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%.ipython\profile_default\startup\

Then after starting 'ipython' call function mg_switch() to turn on/off the automatic visualization of local variables after each command. ipyton.png

In the Browser

We can also run memory_graph in the browser: Pyodide Example pyodide.png


  • Adobe Acrobat Reader doesn't refresh a PDF file when it changes on disk and blocks updates which results in an Could not open 'somefile.pdf' for writing : Permission denied error. One solution is to install a PDF reader that does refresh (Evince, Okular, SumatraPDF, ...) and set it as the default PDF reader. Another solution is to render() the graph to a different output format and to open it manually.

  • When graph edges overlap it can be hard to distinguish them. Using an interactive graphviz viewer, such as xdot, on a '*.gv' DOT output file will help.

Invocation_Tree Package

The memory_graph package visualizes your data. If instead you want to visualize function calls, check out the invocation_tree package.


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