Network switching. Make sure you're connecting with the priority that you want.
Works on Linux (relies on wpa_supplicant)
pip install netswitch
Or you can use Docker instead:
cp -r ./aps /etc/wpa_supplicant/aps
docker run -d --privileged --network="host" \
-v /etc/wpa_supplicant:/etc/wpa_supplicant \
-e LIFELINE_SSID=mylifeline-2G \
--name netswitch beasteers/netswitch
where ./aps
is filled with a single wpa_supplicant network configuration and where the filename matches the SSID that's inside the file:
# all of the networks you want to be able to connect to
You can also use -v ./aps:/etc/wpa_supplicant/aps
instead of copying if you want the aps to be editable from their current location.
IMPORTANT: if you don't give it any aps to manage, it won't do anything.
Network Switching
import time
import netswitch
netswitch.generate_wpa_config('my-network-2G', 'wifipassword')
witch = netswitch.NetSwitch([
{'interface': 'wlan*', 'ssids': 'lifeline'},
{'interface': 'wlan*'},
while True:
connected = witch.check()
For example, assume your setup is:
- ifaces: wlan0 (built-in Pi 4 wifi), wlan1 (usb wifi dongle), ppp0 (cellular)
- trusted ssids: nyu, nyu-legacy
Procedure - at any point in these steps, if we connect, we're finished:
- check wlan1 for s0nycL1f3l1ne, if yes, connect
- check wlan0 for s0nycL1f3l1ne, if yes, connect
- check for eth0 and internet connected thru interface
- check for ppp0 and internet connected thru interface
- should we control wvdial or whatevs in this ???
- check wlan1 for [nyu, nyu-legacy], if yes, connect
- check wlan0 for [nyu, nyu-legacy], if yes, connect
- check if internet is already connected thru any interface
Modifications to WPA Supplicant
For the collection of available APs and credentials that you can connect to, typically they are stored in a single /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
file and the wpa service will select the best one based on the priority specified. But this has issues and doesn't switch when one network is stronger than the other.
So, what's different:
- instead of one big file, we break it up into one file per AP (where the filename is the same as the AP ssid)
- periodically, the above check will be run and we will check to see what networks are in range, which ones are trusted, and which have the highest quality. If a different AP consistently higher quality (3/5 pings atm), then we will switch to the new AP.
So calling netswitch.sync_aps('path/to/aps')
tells netswitch
that each of your AP credentials are stored in individual files under 'path/to/aps'
You can also call netswitch.sync_aps('path/to/aps')
which will sync that directory with /etc/wpa_supplicant/aps/
and will operate out of there so that nothing will be touched in the original directory.
python -m netswitch run --lifeline mylifelinenetwork-2G
python -m netswitch ip
python -m netswitch ip 'wlan*' 'eth*'
python -m netswitch aps
python -m netswitch aps en0
python -m netswitch iface
python -m netswitch iface '*tun*' 'eth*'
python -m netswitch restart wlan0
python -m netswitch wpa info
WPA Supplicant
import netswitch
wpa = netswitch.Wpa()
import netswitch.cell
assert isinstance(netswitch.cell.signal_strength(), float)
with netswitch.cell.Cell('/dev/ttyUSB2') as cell:
- tests - .travis.yml
- eth0 connection, ppp0 connection
- /etc/network/interfaces setup? / instructions?
- restart interface if it's missing / not connected? maybe only 0, or if it showed up once?
- time since connected - restart after a certain amount of time.