An assertive security library.
3.5 >= Python <= 3.10
pip install nosorog
cd /path/to/lib/
python3 -m unittest discover
How to use
Exception | Default message |
NosorogMangledNameError | "Use method`s dunder name instead." |
NosorogWrongPlaceCallError (1) | "Protected method can be called from specified methods only." |
NosorogWrongPlaceCallError (2) | "Protected method can not be called from other object, use self instead." |
NosorogWentWrongError | "Something broken." |
NosorogTypeError | child of TypeError . No especial message provided. |
It is possible to use a concatenation of predefined and custom messages:
raise NosorogMangledNameError("Method __get accessible with _MangledName__get() call.")
But it is one exclusion:
uses the message "Protected method can be called from specified methods only."
by default
and or other instead:
from nosorog.exceptions.mixins.nosorog_exception_messages import NosorogExceptionMessages
raise NosorogWrongPlaceCallError(NosorogExceptionMessages.use_self)
It is not concatenated.
Full list of predefined messages
Attribute | Message |
protected_from_not_private_call | "This method protected from not private call." |
method_protected | "This method protected." |
wrong_place | "Protected method can be called from specified places only." |
use_self | "Protected method can not be called from other object, use self instead." |
mangled_call_blocked | "Use method`s dunder name instead." |
Class based decorators
To import class based decorators use:
from nosorog.decorators import protect_private, copy_dicts, silent
Decorator | Description |
@silent | intercepts all the exceptions of Nosorog and returns None instead. |
@silent.include(exceptions) | same as above and list of provided exceptions to. |
--- | --- |
@protect_private.block_mangled_call | protect of name mangling usage. |
@protect_private.one_obj | decorated method accessible with self usage only. |
@protect_private.one_method("method_name") | decorated method accessible from one method only. |
@protect_private.call_from(methods) | decorated method accessible from the methods provided in list only. |
--- | --- |
@copy_dicts | makes shallow copy of all the dicts in args and kwargs |
@copy_dicts.deep_args | makes deep copy of all the dicts in args |
@copy_dicts.deep_kwargs | makes deep copy of all the dicts in kwargs |
@copy_dicts.deep_all | makes deep copy of all the dicts in args and kwargs |
@copy_dicts.shallow_args | makes shallow copy of all the dicts in args |
@copy_dicts.shallow_kwargs | makes shallow copy of all the dicts in kwargs |
@copy_dicts.shallow_all | makes shallow copy of all the dicts in args and kwargs |
Function based decorators
To import function based decorators use:
from nosorog.decorators.function_based_decorators import protect_private, copy_dicts, protect_ids, protected_call
Decorator | Description |
@protect_private(allowed_list=list) | make a call with _Class__private_method() impossible. allowed_list it is str names of method which you can call the private method from. also support 'self' (str ) for calls from same object only. |
@protected_call(from_method=str, from_file=str) | make the attack by the file injection impossible. |
@copy_dicts(deep_copy=bool) | make a copy of dicts in args and kwargs . |
@protect_ids(id_names=[str]) | trying to convert id to int or throw Exception . |
This explanation written for the function based decorators. Class based decorators works the same way with some differences
in the syntax. Read the full documentation on
Private methods
Usage of dunder methods ( __method()
) protects the code avoiding direct access to the method.
class Example:
def __get_data(self):
return 1
>>> Example().__get_data()
But it is possible to use the name mangling.
>>> Example()._Example__get_data()
provides simple and pushy way to protect the dunder method.
class Example:
def __get_data(self):
return 1
class Trusted:
def trusted_func():
return Example()._Example__get_data()
>>> Example().__get_data()
>>> Example()._Example__get_data()
>>> Trusted()._Example__get_data()
Also, str 'self'
can be used as a list item to make impossible to call without self
class Example:
@protect_private(allowed_list=['trusted_func', 'self'])
def __get_data(self):
return 1
def trusted_func(self):
return self.__get_data()
class Trusted:
def trusted_func():
return Example()._Example__get_data()
>>> Example().trusted_func()
>>> Trusted().trusted_func()
Localization of method call
Python does not provide an easy way to limit where the method can be called from. This makes it possible to conduct an
attack by File Injection. With the help of the Nosorog
library it is possible to specify the places from which the
method can be called.
class Example:
@protected_call(from_method='safe_method', from_file=os.path.abspath(__file__))
def __get_data(self):
return 1
class Trusted:
def safe_method():
return Example()._Example__get_data()
This is just a variation of the previous decorator.
Protection of the dicts
In the projects where the undefined number of dicts can be passed in args
and kwargs
, it is possible to make a deep copy
of each if needed.
class Example:
def some_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
Use @copy_dicts(deep_copy=True)
to make deep copies.
Protection of ids
This method has been added just for fun.
It is converts all the ids in the list if possible or throws the TypeError
class Example:
@protect_ids(id_names=['user_id', 'pk'])
def some_method(user_id=None, pk=None)
Possible Exceptions
@protect_ids(id_names=['user_id', dict()])
>>> Example().some_method(user_id='1')
@protect_ids(id_names=['user_id', 'pk'])
>>> Example().some_method(user_id=1.234, pk='text_id')