portion - data structure and operations for intervals

The portion
library provides data structure and operations for intervals in Python.
- Support intervals of any (comparable) objects.
- Closed or open, finite or (semi-)infinite intervals.
- Interval sets (union of atomic intervals) are supported.
- Automatic simplification of intervals.
- Support comparison, transformation, intersection, union, complement, difference and containment.
- Provide test for emptiness, atomicity, overlap and adjacency.
- Discrete iterations on the values of an interval.
- Dict-like structure to map intervals to data.
- Import and export intervals to strings and to Python built-in data types.
- Heavily tested with high code coverage.
Table of contents
You can use pip
to install it, as usual: pip install portion
. This will install the latest available version from PyPI.
Pre-releases are available from the master branch on GitHub and can be installed with pip install git+https://github.com/AlexandreDecan/portion
Note that portion
is also available on conda-forge.
You can install portion
and its development environment using pip install -e .[test]
at the root of this repository. This automatically installs pytest (for the test suites) and black (for code formatting).
Documentation & usage
Interval creation
Assuming this library is imported using import portion as P
, intervals can be easily created using one of the following helpers:
>>> P.open(1, 2)
>>> P.closed(1, 2)
>>> P.openclosed(1, 2)
>>> P.closedopen(1, 2)
>>> P.singleton(1)
>>> P.empty()
The bounds of an interval can be any arbitrary values, as long as they are comparable:
>>> P.closed(1.2, 2.4)
>>> P.closed('a', 'z')
>>> import datetime
>>> P.closed(datetime.date(2011, 3, 15), datetime.date(2013, 10, 10))
[datetime.date(2011, 3, 15),datetime.date(2013, 10, 10)]
Infinite and semi-infinite intervals are supported using P.inf
and -P.inf
as upper or lower bounds.
These two objects support comparison with any other object.
When infinities are used as a lower or upper bound, the corresponding boundary is automatically converted to an open one.
>>> P.inf > 'a', P.inf > 0, P.inf > True
(True, True, True)
>>> P.openclosed(-P.inf, 0)
>>> P.closed(-P.inf, P.inf)
Intervals created with this library are Interval
An Interval
instance is a disjunction of atomic intervals each representing a single interval (e.g. [1,2]
Intervals can be iterated to access the underlying atomic intervals, sorted by their lower and upper bounds.
>>> list(P.open(10, 11) | P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(20, 21))
[[0,1], (10,11), [20,21]]
>>> list(P.empty())
Nested (sorted) intervals can also be retrieved with a position or a slice:
>>> (P.open(10, 11) | P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(20, 21))[0]
>>> (P.open(10, 11) | P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(20, 21))[-2]
>>> (P.open(10, 11) | P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(20, 21))[:2]
[0,1] | (10,11)
For convenience, intervals are automatically simplified:
>>> P.closed(0, 2) | P.closed(2, 4)
>>> P.closed(1, 2) | P.closed(3, 4) | P.closed(2, 3)
>>> P.empty() | P.closed(0, 1)
>>> P.closed(1, 2) | P.closed(2, 3) | P.closed(4, 5)
[1,3] | [4,5]
Note that, by default, simplification of discrete intervals is not supported by portion
(but it can be simulated though, see #24).
For example, combining [0,1]
with [2,3]
will not result in [0,3]
even if there is no integer between 1
and 2
Refer to Specialize & customize intervals to see how to create and use specialized discrete intervals.
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Interval bounds & attributes
An Interval
defines the following properties:
is True
if and only if the interval is empty.
>>> P.closed(0, 1).empty
>>> P.closed(0, 0).empty
>>> P.openclosed(0, 0).empty
>>> P.empty().empty
is True
if and only if the interval is empty or is a disjunction of a single interval.
>>> P.empty().atomic
>>> P.closed(0, 2).atomic
>>> (P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(1, 2)).atomic
>>> (P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(2, 3)).atomic
refers to the smallest atomic interval that includes the current one.
>>> (P.closed(0, 1) | P.open(2, 3)).enclosure
The left and right boundaries, and the lower and upper bounds of an interval can be respectively accessed with its left
, right
, lower
and upper
The left
and right
bounds are either P.CLOSED
By definition, P.CLOSED == ~P.OPEN
and vice-versa.
>>> x = P.closedopen(0, 1)
>>> x.left, x.lower, x.upper, x.right
(CLOSED, 0, 1, OPEN)
By convention, empty intervals resolve to (P.inf, -P.inf)
>>> i = P.empty()
>>> i.left, i.lower, i.upper, i.right
(OPEN, +inf, -inf, OPEN)
If the interval is not atomic, then left
and lower
refer to the lower bound of its enclosure, while right
and upper
refer to the upper bound of its enclosure:
>>> x = P.open(0, 1) | P.closed(3, 4)
>>> x.left, x.lower, x.upper, x.right
(OPEN, 0, 4, CLOSED)
One can easily check for some interval properties based on the bounds of an interval:
>>> x = P.openclosed(-P.inf, 0)
>>> x.left == P.CLOSED, x.right == P.CLOSED
(False, True)
>>> x.lower == -P.inf, x.upper == P.inf
(True, False)
>>> x.lower == x.upper
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Interval operations
instances support the following operations:
and i & other
return the intersection of two intervals.
>>> P.closed(0, 2) & P.closed(1, 3)
>>> P.closed(0, 4) & P.open(2, 3)
>>> P.closed(0, 2) & P.closed(2, 3)
>>> P.closed(0, 2) & P.closed(3, 4)
and i | other
return the union of two intervals.
>>> P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(1, 2)
>>> P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(2, 3)
[0,1] | [2,3]
and ~i
return the complement of the interval.
>>> ~P.closed(0, 1)
(-inf,0) | (1,+inf)
>>> ~(P.open(-P.inf, 0) | P.open(1, P.inf))
>>> ~P.open(-P.inf, P.inf)
and i - other
return the difference between i
and other
>>> P.closed(0,2) - P.closed(1,2)
>>> P.closed(0, 4) - P.closed(1, 2)
[0,1) | (2,4]
and other in i
hold if given item is contained in the interval.
It supports intervals and arbitrary comparable values.
>>> 2 in P.closed(0, 2)
>>> 2 in P.open(0, 2)
>>> P.open(0, 1) in P.closed(0, 2)
tests if the two intervals are adjacent, i.e., if they do not overlap and their union form a single atomic interval.
While this definition corresponds to the usual notion of adjacency for atomic intervals, it has stronger requirements for non-atomic ones since it requires all underlying atomic intervals to be adjacent (i.e. that one interval fills the gaps between the atomic intervals of the other one).
>>> P.closed(0, 1).adjacent(P.openclosed(1, 2))
>>> P.closed(0, 1).adjacent(P.closed(1, 2))
>>> (P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(2, 3)).adjacent(P.open(1, 2) | P.open(3, 4))
>>> (P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(2, 3)).adjacent(P.open(3, 4))
>>> P.closed(0, 1).adjacent(P.open(1, 2) | P.open(3, 4))
tests if there is an overlap between two intervals.
>>> P.closed(1, 2).overlaps(P.closed(2, 3))
>>> P.closed(1, 2).overlaps(P.open(2, 3))
Finally, intervals are hashable as long as their bounds are hashable (and we have defined a hash value for P.inf
and -P.inf
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Comparison operators
Equality between intervals can be checked with the classical ==
>>> P.closed(0, 2) == P.closed(0, 1) | P.closed(1, 2)
>>> P.closed(0, 2) == P.open(0, 2)
Moreover, intervals are comparable using >
, >=
, <
or <=
These comparison operators have a different behaviour than the usual ones.
For instance, a < b
holds if all values in a
are lower than the minimal value of b
(i.e., a
is entirely on the left of the lower bound of b
>>> P.closed(0, 1) < P.closed(2, 3)
>>> P.closed(0, 1) < P.closed(1, 2)
Similarly, a <= b
if all values in a
are lower than the maximal value of b
(i.e., a
is entirely on the left of the upper bound of b
>>> P.closed(0, 1) <= P.closed(2, 3)
>>> P.closed(0, 2) <= P.closed(1, 3)
>>> P.closed(0, 3) <= P.closed(1, 2)
If an interval needs to be compared against a single value, convert the value to a singleton interval first:
>>> P.singleton(0) < P.closed(0, 10)
>>> P.singleton(0) <= P.closed(0, 10)
>>> P.singleton(5) <= P.closed(0, 10)
>>> P.closed(0, 1) < P.singleton(2)
Note that all these semantics differ from classical comparison operators.
As a consequence, the empty interval is never <
, <=
, >
nor >=
than any other interval, and no interval is <
, >
, <=
or >=
when compared to the empty interval.
>>> e = P.empty()
>>> e < e or e > e or e <= e or e >= e
>>> i = P.closed(0, 1)
>>> e < i or e <= i or e > i or e >= i
Moreover, some non-empty intervals are also not comparable in the classical sense, as illustrated hereafter:
>>> a, b = P.closed(0, 4), P.closed(1, 2)
>>> a < b or a > b
>>> a <= b or a >= b
>>> b <= a and b >= a
As a general rule, if a < b
holds, then a <= b
, b > a
, b >= a
, not (a > b)
, not (b < a)
, not (a >= b)
, and not (b <= a)
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Interval transformation
Intervals are immutable but provide a replace
method to create a new interval based on the current one. This method accepts four optional parameters left
, lower
, upper
, and right
>>> i = P.closed(0, 2)
>>> i.replace(P.OPEN, -1, 3, P.CLOSED)
>>> i.replace(lower=1, right=P.OPEN)
Functions can be passed instead of values. If a function is passed, it is called with the current corresponding value.
>>> P.closed(0, 2).replace(upper=lambda x: 2 * x)
The provided function won't be called on infinities, unless ignore_inf
is set to False
>>> i = P.closedopen(0, P.inf)
>>> i.replace(upper=lambda x: 10)
>>> i.replace(upper=lambda x: 10, ignore_inf=False)
When replace
is applied on an interval that is not atomic, it is extended and/or restricted such that its enclosure satisfies the new bounds.
>>> i = P.openclosed(0, 1) | P.closed(5, 10)
>>> i.replace(P.CLOSED, -1, 8, P.OPEN)
[-1,1] | [5,8)
>>> i.replace(lower=4)
To apply arbitrary transformations on the underlying atomic intervals, intervals expose an apply
method that acts like map
This method accepts a function that will be applied on each of the underlying atomic intervals to perform the desired transformation.
The provided function is expected to return either an Interval
, or a 4-uple (left, lower, upper, right)
>>> i = P.closed(2, 3) | P.open(4, 5)
>>> i.apply(lambda x: (x.left, x.lower + 1, x.upper + 1, x.right))
[3,4] | (5,6)
>>> i.apply(lambda x: (~x.left, x.lower, x.upper, ~x.right))
(2,3) | [4,5]
The apply
method is very powerful when used in combination with replace
Because the latter allows functions to be passed as parameters and ignores infinities by default, it can be conveniently used to transform (disjunction of) intervals in presence of infinities.
>>> i = P.openclosed(-P.inf, 0) | P.closed(3, 4) | P.closedopen(8, P.inf)
>>> i.apply(lambda x: x.replace(upper=lambda v: v + 1))
(-inf,1] | [3,5] | [8,+inf)
>>> i.apply(lambda x: x.replace(lower=lambda v: v * 2))
(-inf,0] | [16,+inf)
>>> i.apply(lambda x: x.replace(left=lambda v: ~v, right=lambda v: ~v))
(-inf,0) | (3,4) | (8,+inf)
>>> conv = lambda v: -10 if v == -P.inf else (10 if v == P.inf else v)
>>> i.apply(lambda x: x.replace(lower=conv, upper=conv, ignore_inf=False))
(-10,0] | [3,4] | [8,10)
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Discrete iteration
The iterate
function takes an interval, and returns a generator to iterate over the values of an interval. Obviously, as intervals are continuous, it is required to specify the step
between consecutive values. The iteration then starts from the lower bound and ends on the upper one. Only values contained by the interval are returned this way.
>>> list(P.iterate(P.closed(0, 3), step=1))
[0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> list(P.iterate(P.closed(0, 3), step=2))
[0, 2]
>>> list(P.iterate(P.open(0, 3), step=2))
When an interval is not atomic, iterate
consecutively iterates on all underlying atomic intervals, starting from each lower bound and ending on each upper one:
>>> list(P.iterate(P.singleton(0) | P.singleton(3) | P.singleton(5), step=2))
[0, 3, 5]
>>> list(P.iterate(P.closed(0, 2) | P.closed(4, 6), step=3))
[0, 4]
By default, the iteration always starts on the lower bound of each underlying atomic interval.
The base
parameter can be used to change this behaviour, by specifying how the initial value to start the iteration from must be computed. This parameter accepts a callable that is called with the lower bound of each underlying atomic interval, and that returns the initial value to start the iteration from.
It can be helpful to deal with (semi-)infinite intervals, or to align the generated values of the iterator:
>>> list(P.iterate(P.closed(0.3, 4.9), step=1, base=int))
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list(P.iterate(P.openclosed(-P.inf, 2), step=1, base=lambda x: max(0, x)))
[0, 1, 2]
The base
parameter can be used to change how iterate
applies on unions of atomic interval, by specifying a function that returns a single value, as illustrated next:
>>> base = lambda x: 0
>>> list(P.iterate(P.singleton(0) | P.singleton(3) | P.singleton(5), step=2, base=base))
>>> list(P.iterate(P.closed(0, 2) | P.closed(4, 6), step=3, base=base))
[0, 6]
Notice that defining base
such that it returns a single value can be extremely inefficient in terms of performance when the intervals are "far apart" each other (i.e., when the gaps between atomic intervals are large).
Finally, iteration can be performed in reverse order by specifying reverse=True
>>> list(P.iterate(P.closed(0, 3), step=-1, reverse=True))
[3, 2, 1, 0]
>>> list(P.iterate(P.closed(0, 3), step=-2, reverse=True))
[3, 1]
Again, this library does not make any assumption about the objects being used in an interval, as long as they are comparable. However, it is not always possible to provide a meaningful value for step
(e.g., what would be the step between two consecutive characters?). In these cases, a callable can be passed instead of a value.
This callable will be called with the current value, and is expected to return the next possible value.
>>> list(P.iterate(P.closed('a', 'd'), step=lambda d: chr(ord(d) + 1)))
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> list(P.iterate(P.closed('a', 'd'), step=lambda d: chr(ord(d) - 1), reverse=True))
['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']
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Map intervals to data
The library provides an IntervalDict
class, a dict
-like data structure to store and query data along with intervals. Any value can be stored in such data structure as long as it supports equality.
>>> d = P.IntervalDict()
>>> d[P.closed(0, 3)] = 'banana'
>>> d[4] = 'apple'
>>> d
{[0,3]: 'banana', [4]: 'apple'}
When a value is defined for an interval that overlaps an existing one, it is automatically updated to take the new value into account:
>>> d[P.closed(2, 4)] = 'orange'
>>> d
{[0,2): 'banana', [2,4]: 'orange'}
An IntervalDict
can be queried using single values or intervals. If a single value is used as a key, its behaviour corresponds to the one of a classical dict
>>> d[2]
>>> d[5]
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 5
>>> d.get(5, default=0)
When the key is an interval, a new IntervalDict
containing the values for the specified key is returned:
>>> d[~P.empty()]
{[0,2): 'banana', [2,4]: 'orange'}
>>> d[P.closed(1, 3)]
{[1,2): 'banana', [2,3]: 'orange'}
>>> d[P.closed(-2, 1)]
{[0,1]: 'banana'}
>>> d[P.closed(-2, -1)]
By using .get
, a default value (defaulting to None
) can be specified.
This value is used to "fill the gaps" if the queried interval is not completely covered by the IntervalDict
>>> d.get(P.closed(-2, 1), default='peach')
{[-2,0): 'peach', [0,1]: 'banana'}
>>> d.get(P.closed(-2, -1), default='peach')
{[-2,-1]: 'peach'}
>>> d.get(P.singleton(1), default='peach')
{[1]: 'banana'}
For convenience, an IntervalDict
provides a way to look for specific data values.
The .find
method always returns a (possibly empty) Interval
instance for which given value is defined:
>>> d.find('banana')
>>> d.find('orange')
>>> d.find('carrot')
The active domain of an IntervalDict
can be retrieved with its .domain
This method always returns a single Interval
instance, where .keys
returns a sorted view of disjoint intervals.
>>> d.domain()
>>> list(d.keys())
[[0,2), [2,4]]
>>> list(d.values())
['banana', 'orange']
>>> list(d.items())
[([0,2), 'banana'), ([2,4], 'orange')]
The .keys
, .values
and .items
methods return exactly one element for each stored value (i.e., if two intervals share a value, they are merged into a disjunction), as illustrated next.
See #44 to know how to obtain a sorted list of atomic intervals instead.
>>> d = P.IntervalDict()
>>> d[P.closed(0, 1)] = d[P.closed(2, 3)] = 'peach'
>>> list(d.items())
[([0,1] | [2,3], 'peach')]
Two IntervalDict
instances can be combined using the .combine
This method returns a new IntervalDict
whose keys and values are taken from the two source IntervalDict
The values corresponding to intersecting keys (i.e., when the two instances overlap) are combined using the provided how
function, while values corresponding to non-intersecting keys are simply copied (i.e., the how
function is not called for them), as illustrated hereafter:
>>> d1 = P.IntervalDict({P.closed(0, 2): 'banana'})
>>> d2 = P.IntervalDict({P.closed(1, 3): 'orange'})
>>> concat = lambda x, y: x + '/' + y
>>> d1.combine(d2, how=concat)
{[0,1): 'banana', [1,2]: 'banana/orange', (2,3]: 'orange'}
The how
function can also receive the current interval as third parameter, by enabling the pass_interval
parameter of .combine
The combine
method also accepts a missing
parameter. When missing
is set, the how
function is called even for non-intersecting keys, using the value of missing
to replace the missing values:
>>> d1.combine(d2, how=concat, missing='kiwi')
{[0,1): 'banana/kiwi', [1,2]: 'banana/orange', (2,3]: 'kiwi/orange'}
Resulting keys always correspond to an outer join. Other joins can be easily simulated by querying the resulting IntervalDict
as follows:
>>> d = d1.combine(d2, how=concat)
>>> d[d1.domain()]
{[0,1): 'banana', [1,2]: 'banana/orange'}
>>> d[d2.domain()]
{[1,2]: 'banana/orange', (2,3]: 'orange'}
>>> d[d1.domain() & d2.domain()]
{[1,2]: 'banana/orange'}
While .combine
accepts a single IntervalDict
, it can be generalized to support an arbitrary number of IntervalDicts
, as illustrated in #95.
Finally, similarly to a dict
, an IntervalDict
also supports len
, in
and del
, and defines .clear
, .copy
, .update
, .pop
, .popitem
, and .setdefault
For convenience, one can export the content of an IntervalDict
to a classical Python dict
using the as_dict
method. This method accepts an optional atomic
parameter (whose default is False
When set to True
, the keys of the resulting dict
instance are atomic intervals.
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Import & export intervals to strings
Intervals can be exported to string, either using repr
(as illustrated above) or with the to_string
>>> P.to_string(P.closedopen(0, 1))
The way string representations are built can be easily parametrized using the various parameters supported by to_string
>>> params = {
... 'disj': ' or ',
... 'sep': ' - ',
... 'left_closed': '<',
... 'right_closed': '>',
... 'left_open': '..',
... 'right_open': '..',
... 'pinf': '+oo',
... 'ninf': '-oo',
... 'conv': lambda v: '"{}"'.format(v),
... }
>>> x = P.openclosed(0, 1) | P.closed(2, P.inf)
>>> P.to_string(x, **params)
'.."0" - "1"> or <"2" - +oo..'
Similarly, intervals can be created from a string using the from_string
A conversion function (conv
parameter) has to be provided to convert a bound (as string) to a value.
>>> P.from_string('[0, 1]', conv=int) == P.closed(0, 1)
>>> P.from_string('[1.2]', conv=float) == P.singleton(1.2)
>>> converter = lambda s: datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y/%m/%d')
>>> P.from_string('[2011/03/15, 2013/10/10]', conv=converter)
[datetime.datetime(2011, 3, 15, 0, 0),datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 10, 0, 0)]
Similarly to to_string
, function from_string
can be parametrized to deal with more elaborated inputs.
Notice that as from_string
expects regular expression patterns, we need to escape some characters.
>>> s = '.."0" - "1"> or <"2" - +oo..'
>>> params = {
... 'disj': ' or ',
... 'sep': ' - ',
... 'left_closed': '<',
... 'right_closed': '>',
... 'left_open': r'\.\.',
... 'right_open': r'\.\.',
... 'pinf': r'\+oo',
... 'ninf': '-oo',
... 'conv': lambda v: int(v[1:-1]),
... }
>>> P.from_string(s, **params)
(0,1] | [2,+inf)
When a bound contains a comma or has a representation that cannot be automatically parsed with from_string
, the bound
parameter can be used to specify the regular expression that should be used to match its representation.
>>> s = '[(0, 1), (2, 3)]'
>>> P.from_string(s, conv=eval, bound=r'\(.+?\)')
[(0, 1),(2, 3)]
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Import & export intervals to Python built-in data types
Intervals can also be exported to a list of 4-uples with to_data
, e.g., to support JSON serialization.
and P.OPEN
are represented by Boolean values True
(inclusive) and False
>>> P.to_data(P.openclosed(0, 2))
[(False, 0, 2, True)]
The values used to represent positive and negative infinities can be specified with pinf
and ninf
. They default to float('inf')
and float('-inf')
>>> x = P.openclosed(0, 1) | P.closedopen(2, P.inf)
>>> P.to_data(x)
[(False, 0, 1, True), (True, 2, inf, False)]
The function to convert bounds can be specified with the conv
>>> x = P.closedopen(datetime.date(2011, 3, 15), datetime.date(2013, 10, 10))
>>> P.to_data(x, conv=lambda v: (v.year, v.month, v.day))
[(True, (2011, 3, 15), (2013, 10, 10), False)]
Intervals can be imported from such a list of 4-tuples with from_data
The same set of parameters can be used to specify how bounds and infinities are converted.
>>> x = [(True, (2011, 3, 15), (2013, 10, 10), False)]
>>> P.from_data(x, conv=lambda v: datetime.date(*v))
[datetime.date(2011, 3, 15),datetime.date(2013, 10, 10))
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Specialize & customize intervals
Disclaimer: the features explained in this section are still experimental and are subject to backward incompatible changes even in minor or patch updates of portion
The intervals provided by portion
already cover a wide range of use cases.
However, in some situations, it might be interesting to specialize or customize these intervals.
One typical example would be to support discrete intervals such as intervals of integers.
While it is definitely possible to rely on the default intervals provided by portion
to encode discrete intervals, there are a few edge cases that lead some operations to return unexpected results:
>>> P.singleton(0) | P.singleton(1)
[0] | [1]
>>> P.open(0, 1)
>>> P.closedopen(0, 1)
The portion
library makes its best to ease defining and using subclasses of Interval
to address these situations. In particular, Interval
instances always produce new intervals using self.__class__
, and the class is written in a way that most of its methods can be easily extended.
To implement a class for intervals of discrete numbers and to cover the three aforementioned cases, we need to change the behaviour of the Interval._mergeable
class method (to address first case) and of the Interval.from_atomic
class method (for cases 2 and 3).
The former is used to detect whether two atomic intervals can be merged into a single interval, while the latter is used to create atomic intervals.
Thankfully, since discrete intervals are expected to be a frequent use case, portion
provides an AbstractDiscreteInterval
class that already makes the appropriate changes to these two methods.
As indicated by its name, this class cannot be used directly and should be inherited.
In particular, one has either to provide a _step
class attribute to define the step between consecutive discrete values, or to define the _incr
and _decr
class methods:
>>> class IntInterval(P.AbstractDiscreteInterval):
... _step = 1
That's all!
We can now use this class to manipulate intervals of discrete numbers and see it covers the three problematic cases:
>>> IntInterval.from_atomic(P.CLOSED, 0, 0, P.CLOSED) | IntInterval.from_atomic(P.CLOSED, 1, 1, P.CLOSED)
>>> IntInterval.from_atomic(P.OPEN, 0, 1, P.OPEN)
>>> IntInterval.from_atomic(P.CLOSED, 0, 1, P.OPEN)
As an example of using _incr
and _decr
, consider the following CharInterval
subclass tailored to manipulate intervals of characters:
>>> class CharInterval(P.AbstractDiscreteInterval):
... _incr = lambda v: chr(ord(v) + 1)
... _decr = lambda v: chr(ord(v) - 1)
>>> CharInterval.from_atomic(P.OPEN, 'a', 'z', P.OPEN)
Having to call from_atomic
on the subclass to create intervals is quite verbose.
For convenience, all the functions that create interval instances accept an additional klass
parameter to specify the class that creates intervals, circumventing the direct use of the class constructors.
However, having to specify the klass
parameter in each call to P.closed
or other helpers that create intervals is still a bit too verbose to be convenient.
Consequently, portion
provides a create_api
function that, given a subclass of Interval
, returns a dynamically generated module whose API is similar to the one of portion
but configured to use the subclass instead:
>>> D = P.create_api(IntInterval)
>>> D.singleton(0) | D.singleton(1)
>>> D.open(0, 1)
>>> D.closedopen(0, 1)
This makes it easy to use our newly defined IntInterval
subclass while still benefiting from portion
's API.
Let's extend our example to support intervals of natural numbers.
Such intervals are quite similar to the above ones, except they cannot go over negative values.
We can prevent the bounds of an interval to be negative by slightly changing the from_atomic
class method as follows:
>>> class NaturalInterval(IntInterval):
... @classmethod
... def from_atomic(cls, left, lower, upper, right):
... return super().from_atomic(
... P.CLOSED if lower < 0 else left,
... max(0, lower),
... upper,
... right,
... )
We can now define and use the N
module to check whether our newly defined NaturalInterval
does the job:
>>> N = P.create_api(NaturalInterval)
>>> N.closed(-10, 2)
>>> N.open(-10, 2)
>>> ~N.empty()
Keep in mind that just because NaturalInterval
has semantics associated with natural numbers does not mean that all possible operations on these intervals strictly comply the semantics.
The following examples illustrate some of the cases where additional checks should be implemented to strictly adhere to these semantics:
>>> N.closed(1.5, 2.5)
>>> 0.5 in N.closed(0, 1)
>>> ~N.singleton(0.5)
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See CHANGELOG.md for the list of changes.
Contributions are very welcome!
Feel free to report bugs or suggest new features using GitHub issues and/or pull requests.
Distributed under LGPLv3 - GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.
You can refer to this library using:
author = {Decan, Alexandre},
title = {portion: Python data structure and operations for intervals},
url = {https://github.com/AlexandreDecan/portion},