Create default user avatars from a given string
This package creates simple user avatars that can be used in web-applications.
Avatars are generated from the first letter of a given string input.
Pyavatar is on Pypi so all you need is:
pip install pyavatar
Generate an avatar
>>> from pyavatar import PyAvatar
>>> avatar = PyAvatar("smallwat3r", size=250)
>>> avatar = PyAvatar("smallwat3r", capitalize=False)
>>> avatar = PyAvatar("smallwat3r", color=(40, 176, 200))
>>> avatar = PyAvatar("smallwat3r", fontpath="/Users/me/fonts/myfont.ttf")
Change the avatar color
>>> avatar.color
(191, 91, 81)
>>> avatar.change_color()
>>> avatar.color
(203, 22, 126)
>>> avatar.change_color("#28b0c8")
>>> avatar.color
Save the avatar as a base64 image
>>> image = avatar.base64_image("jpeg")
' ...'
You can then render it in an html tag with Jinja or another template engine
<img src="{{ image }}" alt="My avatar" />
Or save it as a bytes array
b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\xfa\x00\x00 ...'
Or save it as a file locally
>>> import os
Make sure you're using a version of Python >= 3.10
- Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies
make venv deps
Sanity checks
Unit tests
make tests
make mypy
make ruff
Run all the above
make ci
Code formatting
We're using YAPF to format the code
make yapf
Release to Pypi
make release