Hardlink/Deduplication Backups with Python.
Backups should be saved as normal files in the filesystem:
Create backups with versioning
every backup run creates a complete filesystem snapshot tree
every snapshot tree can be deleted, without affecting the other snapshots
Deduplication with hardlinks:
Store only changed files, all other via hardlinks
find duplicate files everywhere (even if renamed or moved files)
useable under Windows and Linux
Requirement: Python 3.6 or newer.
Please: try, fork and contribute! ;)
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$ phlb backup ~/my/important/documents
...start backup, some time later...
$ phlb backup ~/my/important/documents
This will create deduplication backups like this:
└── documents
├── 2016-01-07-085247
│ ├── phlb_config.ini
│ ├── spreadsheet.ods
│ ├── brief.odt
│ └── important_files.ext
└── 2016-01-07-102310
├── phlb_config.ini
├── spreadsheet.ods
├── brief.odt
└── important_files.ext
#. install Python 3: <>
#. Download the file boot_pyhardlinkbackup.cmd <>
#. call boot_pyhardlinkbackup.cmd as admin (Right-click and use Run as administrator)
If everything works fine, you will get a venv here: %ProgramFiles%\PyHardLinkBackup
After the venv is created, call these scripts to finalize the setup:
#. %ProgramFiles%\PyHardLinkBackup\phlb_edit_config.cmd
- create a config .ini file
#. %ProgramFiles%\PyHardLinkBackup\phlb_migrate_database.cmd
- create database tables
To upgrade pyhardlinkbackup, call:
#. %ProgramFiles%\PyHardLinkBackup\phlb_upgrade_pyhardlinkbackup.cmd
To start the Django webserver, call:
#. %ProgramFiles%\PyHardLinkBackup\phlb_run_django_webserver.cmd
#. Download the file <>
#. call
If everything works fine, you will get a venv here: ~\pyhardlinkbackup
After the venv is created, call these scripts to finalize the setup:
To upgrade pyhardlinkbackup, call:
To start the Django webserver, call:
Starting a backup run
To start a backup run, use this helper script:
Copy this file to a location that should be backed up and just call it to run a backup.
Verifying an existing backup
$ cd pyhardlinkbackup/
~/PyHardLinkBackup $ source bin/activate
(PyHardLinkBackup) ~/PyHardLinkBackup $ phlb verify --fast ~/PyHardLinkBackups/documents/2016-01-07-102310
With --fast the files' contents will not be checked.
If not given: The hashes from the files' contents will be calculated and compared. Thus, every file must be completely read from filesystem, so it will take some time.
A verify run does:
Do all files in the backup exist?
Compare file sizes
Compare hashes from hash-file
Compare files' modification timestamps
Calculate hashes from files' contents and compare them (will be skipped if --fast used)
phlb will use a configuration file named: PyHardLinkBackup.ini
Search order is:
#. current directory down to root
#. user directory
E.g. if the current working directoy is /foo/bar/my_files/ then the search path will be:
The user home directory under Windows/Linux
Create / edit default .ini
You can just open the editor with the user directory .ini file with:
(PyHardLinkBackup) ~/PyHardLinkBackup $ phlb config
The defaults are stored here: /phlb/config_defaults.ini <>
Excluding files/folders from backup:
There are two ways to exclude files/folders from your backup.
Use the follow settings in your PyHardLinkBackup.ini
# Directory names that will be recursively excluded from backups (comma separated list!)
SKIP_DIRS= __pycache__, temp
# glob-style patterns to exclude files/folders from backups (used with Path.match(), Comma separated list!)
SKIP_PATTERNS= *.pyc, *.tmp, *.cache
The filesystem scan is divided into two steps:
- Just scan the filesystem tree
- Filter and load meta data for every directory item
The SKIP_DIRS is used in the first step.
The SKIP_PATTERNS is used the the second step.
Upgrading pyhardlinkbackup
To upgrade to a new version just start this helper script:
Windows: phlb_upgrade_pyhardlinkbackup.cmd <>
Linux: <>
Some notes
What is 'phlb' and 'manage' ?!?
phlb is a CLI.
manage is similar to a normal Django, but it always
uses the pyhardlinkbackup settings.
Why in hell do you use Django?!?
- Well, just because of the great database ORM and the Admin Site. ;)
How to go into the Django admin?
Just start:
And then request 'localhost'
(Note: --noreload is needed for Windows with venv!)
Running the unit tests
Just start: phlb_run_tests.cmd
or do this:
$ cd pyhardlinkbackup/
~/PyHardLinkBackup $ source bin/activate
(PyHardLinkBackup) ~/PyHardLinkBackup $ manage test
Using the CLI
$ cd pyhardlinkbackup/
~/PyHardLinkBackup $ source bin/activate
(PyHardLinkBackup) ~/PyHardLinkBackup $ phlb --help
Usage: phlb [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
add Scan all existing backup and add missing ones...
backup Start a Backup run
config Create/edit .ini config file
helper link helper files to given path
verify Verify a existing backup
Add missing backups to the database
phlb add can be used in different scenarios:
recreate the database
add a backup manually
phlb add does this:
scan the complete file tree under BACKUP_PATH (default: ~/PyHardLinkBackups
recreate all hash files
add all files to database
deduplicate with hardlinks, if possible
So it's possible to recreate the complete database:
Another scenario is e.g.:
DSLR images are stored on a network drive.
You have already a copy of all files locally.
You would like to add the local copy to pyhardlinkbackup.
Do the following steps:
move the local files to a subdirectory below BACKUP_PATH
e.g.: ~/PyHardLinkBackups/pictures/2015-12-29-000015/
Note: the date format in the subdirectory name must match the SUB_DIR_FORMATTER in your config
run: phlb add
Now you can run phlb backup from your network drive to make a new, up-to-date backup.
Windows Development
Some notes about setting up a development environment on Windows: /dev/WindowsDevelopment.creole <>
Alternative solutions
Attic: <>
_ (Not working on Windows, own backup archive format)
BorgBackup: <>
_ (Fork of Attic with lots of improvements)
msbackup: <>
_ (Uses tar for backup archives)
Duplicity: <>
_ (No Windows support, tar archive format)
Burp: <>
_ (Client/Server solution)
dirvish: <>
_ (Client/Server solution)
restic: <>
_ (Uses own backup archive format)
See also: <>
dev - compare v0.13.0...master <>
18.03.2020 - v0.13.0 - compare v0.12.3...v0.13.0 <>
Dynamic chunk size
replace CHUNK_SIZE
in PyHardLinkBackup.ini
Fix misleading error msg for dst OSError, bad exception handling #23 <>
Fix "run django server doesn't work" #39 <>
Fix "add" command
Deactivate PyPy tests on Travis CI
17.03.2020 - v0.12.3 - compare v0.12.2...v0.12.3 <>
06.03.2020 - v0.12.2 - compare v0.12.1...v0.12.2 <>
05.03.2020 - v0.12.1 - compare v0.12.0...v0.12.1 <>
- revert lowercase
for environment destination and default backup directory.
05.03.2020 - v0.12.0 - compare v0.11.0...v0.12.0 <>
Refactor backup process: Use <>
_ for less RAM usage and faster start on big source trees
modernized project/sources:
Update to Django v2.2.x TLS
use poetry
add Makefile
run tests with pytest and tox
run tests only with python 3.8, 3.7, 3.6
run tests on github, too
remove support for python 3.5 (os.scandir
fallback removed)
NOTE: Windows support is not tested, yet! (Help wanted)
03.03.2019 - v0.11.0 - compare v0.10.1...v0.11.0 <>
Update boot files
Use django v1.11.x
09.09.2016 - v0.10.1 - compare v0.10.0...v0.10.1 <>
- Bugfix
Catch scan dir errors #24 <>
26.04.2016 - v0.10.0 - compare v0.9.1...v0.10.0 <>
move under Windows the install location from %APPDATA%\PyHardLinkBackup
to %ProgramFiles%\PyHardLinkBackup
to 'migrate': Just delete %APPDATA%\PyHardLinkBackup
and install via boot_pyhardlinkbackup.cmd
26.04.2016 - v0.9.1 - compare v0.9.0...v0.9.1 <>
10.02.2016 - v0.9.0 - compare v0.8.0...v0.9.0 <>
04.02.2016 - v0.8.0 - compare v0.7.0...v0.8.0 <>
- New: add all missing backups to database:
phlb add
03.02.2016 - v0.7.0 - compare v0.6.4...v0.7.0 <>
01.02.2016 - v0.6.4 - compare v0.6.2...v0.6.4 <>
Windows: Bugfix temp rename error, because of the Windows API limitation, see: #13 <>
Linux: Bugfix scanner if symlink is broken
Display local variables on low level errors
29.01.2016 - v0.6.3 - compare v0.6.2...v0.6.3 <>
- Less verbose and better information about SKIP_DIRS/SKIP_PATTERNS hits
28.01.2016 - v0.6.2 - compare v0.6.1...v0.6.2 <>
28.01.2016 - v0.6.1 - compare v0.6.0...v0.6.1 <>
- Bugfix #13 by using a better temp rename routine
28.01.2016 - v0.6.0 - compare v0.5.1...v0.6.0 <>
- New: faster backup by compare mtime/size only if old backup files exists
27.01.2016 - v0.5.1 - compare v0.5.0...v0.5.1 <>
IMPORTANT: run database migration is needed!
New .ini
for change translation
mark if backup was finished compled
Display information of last backup run
Add more information into summary file
27.01.2016 - v0.5.0 - compare v0.4.2...v0.5.0 <>
refactory source tree scan. Split in two passed.
in .ini
config to: SKIP_PATTERNS
Backup from newest files to oldest files.
Fix #10 <>
22.01.2016 - v0.4.2 - compare v0.4.1...v0.4.2 <>
work-a-round for junction under windows, see also: <>
_ (de)
Bugfix in windows batches: go into work dir.
print some more status information in between.
22.01.2016 - v0.4.1 - compare v0.4.0...v0.4.1 <>
- Skip files that can't be read/write. (and try to backup the remaining files)
21.01.2016 - v0.4.0 - compare v0.3.1...v0.4.0 <>
Search for PyHardLinkBackup.ini file in every parent directory from the current working dir
increase default chunk size to 20MB
save summary and log file for every backup run
15.01.2016 - v0.3.1 - compare v0.3.0...v0.3.1 <>
- fix unittest run under windows
15.01.2016 - v0.3.0 - compare v0.2.0...v0.3.0 <>
database migration needed
Add 'no_link_source' to database (e.g. Skip source, if 1024 links created under windows)
14.01.2016 - v0.2.0 - compare v0.1.8...v0.2.0 <>
- good unittests coverage that covers the backup process
08.01.2016 - v0.1.8 - compare v0.1.0alpha0...v0.1.8 <>
- install and runable under Windows
06.01.2016 - v0.1.0alpha0 - d42a5c5 <>
29.12.2015 - commit 2ce43 <>
- commit 'Proof of concept'
- <>
- <>
_ (de)
- <>
Flattr This! <>
Send Bitcoins <>
_ to 1823RZ5Md1Q2X5aSXRC5LRPcYdveCiVX6F <>
Note: this file is generated from README.creole 2020-03-18 10:02:44 with "python-creole"