.. contents::
This is a "fork" of the "python replacement for java.util.Properties" recipe
on ASPN: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/496795/ and uploaded by
Anand Balachandran Pillai.
The project is maintained by Jesse Noller jnoller@gmail.com, Anand Pilla
As with all ASPN recipes not otherwise licensed prior to July 15, 2008 on
aspn.activestate.com, the original recipe is under PSF License. For more
information, see the ASPN terms of service here:
While the licensing under the PSF license is sub-optimal, it is what it is. See
http://docs.python.org/license.html for more information about the PSF
What this is
This module is designed to be a python equivalent to the java.util.Properties <http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html>
_ class.
Currently, the basic input/output methods are supported, and there are plans
to add the XML input/output methods found in J2SE 5.0.
Fundamentally, this module is designed so that users can easily parse and
manipulate Java Properties files - that's it. There's a fair number of us
pythonistas who work in multi-language shops, and constantly writing your own
parsing mechanism is just painful. Not to mention Java guys are notoriously
unwilling to use anything which is cross-language for configuration, unless
it's XML, which is a form of self-punishment. :)
Here is a rough plan of features:
- Keep/maintain blank lines and comments found in the original file
- Make the module compatible with the new methods in J2SE 5.0
- Switch to/add python property access rather than direct dictionary get/set
- Add unit tests
- Add unicode support
- When-Pigs-Fly: If running within Jython, switch to java.util.Properties
under the hood
- Coercion/conversion to python types for values
This is the easy part::
from pyjavaproperties3 import Properties
p = Properties()
print p
print p.items()
print p['name3']
p['name3'] = 'changed = value'
print p['name3']
p['new key'] = 'new value'
See also the Properties.list() method, which will return an iterator over the
property keys
Changes & News
- Fix license, whitespace.
- Patch from Pepper Lebeck-Jobe for handling ! style comments.
- Keys that are added which were not part of the original file
are simply appended to the index. Shenanigans.
- Added an internal list (self._keyorder) to keep an ordered index of keys
as they are encountered, so the file can we written-back out in the
same order.
- Initial release/fork.
- Added setup/packaging and doc
- added in {foo} style references for previous properties, thanks to N B
on ASPN.