Random timeout between minimum and maximum values
pip install python-timeout
from timeout import random_timeout, sleep
random_timeout(10, 20) # Random timeout between 10 and 20 seconds
random_timeout(from_minutes=1, to_minutes=2) # Random timeout between one and two minutes
random_timeout(from_hours=1, to_hours=2) # Random timeout between one and two hours
random_timeout(from_days=3, to_days=7) # Random timeout between one and two hours
random_timeout(1) # Random timeout for around one second
random_timeout(from_hours=1) # Random timeout for around one hour
sleep(5) # Sleep for five seconds
sleep(minutes=15) # Sleep for fifteen minutes
sleep(hours=2) # Sleep for two hours
from timeout import SleepTimer
during_active_time = SleepTimer('8am', '10pm').during_active_time
if during_active_time(): # Only active between certain time range