PyTruth: Truth in Python

Provides unittest assertions in a fluent style.
Translated from the Java implementation,
PyTruth is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
PyTruth is not an official Google product.
Please see the guidelines for contributing
before creating pull requests.
PyTruth is not an actively maintained project. No support is provided.
It is shared with the community to bring an expressive, consistent assertion
style to projects that may be using a combination of
mox, and
to people familiar with Java Truth.
User group:
PyTruth can be installed using pip:
pip install pytruth
Import the truth
module and alias the AssertThat()
method to begin asserting
from truth.truth import AssertThat
Then, instead of writing
self.assertEqual(a, b)
self.assertIn(a, d)
self.assertTrue(a in d and b in d)
self.assertTrue(a in d or b in d or c in d)
with self.assertRaises(Error):
one would write
AssertThat(d).ContainsAllOf(a, b)
AssertThat(d).ContainsAnyOf(a, b, c)
with AssertThat(Error).IsRaised():
Tests should be easier to read and write, and flow more clearly.
unittest assertions accept a msg
parameter to display if the assertion fails.
PyTruth has no such mechanism, though its failure messages tend to be more
The type of the subject under test (the parameter passed to AssertThat()
) will
not be known until runtime, unlike Java where the type is known at compile time.
IDEs may not correctly autocomplete available predicates on an asserted subject.
In Python 2, None
compares less than every other thing, except None
is less than nan
, and it is less than negative infinity. Therefore, use
caution when a function might return None
. The assertion
succeeds whether Func()
returns a negative
number or None
. Instead, first check the None
-ness of the return value with
or IsNotNone()
before performing an inequality assertion.
In Python 3, None
is no longer comparable using <
PyTruth detects the version of the Python interpreter and compares or fails
appropriately, rather than allowing Python 3's TypeError
to bubble up.
If the iterator over a shared value (either expected or actual) changes that
value or its underlying elements, the behavior is undefined:
all, none, or some of the assertions may succeed or fail, arbitrarily.
This library is threadsafe; you may execute multiple assertions in parallel.
Conversion Recipes
assertEqual(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsEqualTo(b) |
assertNotEqual(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsNotEqualTo(b) |
assertTrue(a) | AssertThat(a).IsTruthy() |
assertFalse(a) | AssertThat(a).IsFalsy() |
assertIs(a, True) | AssertThat(a).IsTrue() |
assertIs(a, False) | AssertThat(a).IsFalse() |
assertIs(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsSameAs(b) |
assertIsNot(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsNotSameAs(b) |
assertIsNone(a) | AssertThat(a).IsNone() |
assertIsNotNone(a) | AssertThat(a).IsNotNone() |
assertIn(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsIn(b) |
assertIn(a, [b, c, d]) | AssertThat(a).IsAnyOf(b, c, d) |
assertNotIn(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsNotIn(b) |
assertNotIn(a, [b, c, d]) | AssertThat(a).IsNoneOf(b, c, d) |
assertIsInstance(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsInstanceOf(b) |
assertIsNotInstance(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsNotInstanceOf(b) |
assertTrue(hasattr(a, b)) | AssertThat(a).HasAttribute(b) |
assertFalse(hasattr(a, b)) | AssertThat(a).DoesNotHaveAttribute(b) |
assertTrue(callable(a)) | AssertThat(a).IsCallable() |
assertFalse(callable(a)) | AssertThat(a).IsNotCallable() |
PyTruth supports a finer grained distinction of truthiness than unittest does.
In particular, it differentiates between "is True
" and "is truthy."
unittest's assertTrue(x)
is equivalent to assertIs(bool(x), True)
and its assertFalse(x)
is equivalent to assertIs(bool(x), False)
PyTruth's IsTrue()
and IsFalse()
predicates match only the boolean
subjects True
and False
Therefore it is important not to blindly convert assertTrue()
to IsTrue()
and likewise with assertFalse()
and IsFalse()
assertTrue(True) | succeeds | assertFalse(False) | succeeds |
assertTrue(1) | succeeds | assertFalse(0) | succeeds |
assertTrue(None) | fails | assertFalse(None) | succeeds |
AssertThat(True).IsTrue() | succeeds | AssertThat(False).IsFalse() | succeeds |
AssertThat(1).IsTrue() | fails | AssertThat(0).IsFalse() | fails |
AssertThat(None).IsTrue() | fails | AssertThat(None).IsFalse() | fails |
AssertThat(True).IsTruthy() | succeeds | AssertThat(False).IsFalsy() | succeeds |
AssertThat(1).IsTruthy() | succeeds | AssertThat(0).IsFalsy() | succeeds |
AssertThat(None).IsTruthy() | fails | AssertThat(None).IsFalsy() | succeeds |
assertEqual(len(s), n) | AssertThat(s).HasLength(n) |
assertTrue(s.startswith('a')) | AssertThat(s).StartsWith('a') |
assertTrue(s.endswith('a')) | AssertThat(s).EndsWith('a') |
assertRegex(s, r)
assertRegexpMatches(s, r) | AssertThat(s).ContainsMatch(r) |
assertNotRegex(s, r)
assertNotRegexpMatches(s, r) | AssertThat(s).DoesNotContainMatch(r) |
assertRegex(s, '^r')
assertRegexpMatches(s, '^r') | AssertThat(s).Matches('r') |
assertNotRegex(s, '^r')
assertNotRegexpMatches(s, '^r') | AssertThat(s).DoesNotMatch('r') |
Matching strings
The r
parameter passed to the matching functions may either be a
r'raw string'
, or a pattern object returned from re.compile()
Numbers, strings, and other comparable things
assertLess(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsLessThan(b) |
assertGreater(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsGreaterThan(b) |
assertLessEqual(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsAtMost(b) |
assertGreaterEqual(a, b) | AssertThat(a).IsAtLeast(b) |
assertEqual(a, 0) | AssertThat(a).IsZero() |
assertNotEqual(a, 0) | AssertThat(a).IsNonZero() |
assertEqual(a, float('inf')) | AssertThat(a).IsPositiveInfinity() |
assertEqual(a, float('-inf')) | AssertThat(a).IsNegativeInfinity() |
assertFalse(a.isinf() or a.isnan()) | AssertThat(a).IsFinite() |
assertTrue(a.isinf() or a.isnan()) | AssertThat(a).IsNotFinite() |
assertTrue(a.isnan()) | AssertThat(a).IsNan() |
assertFalse(a.isnan()) | AssertThat(a).IsNotNan() |
assertAlmostEqual(a, b, delta=d) | AssertThat(a).IsWithin(d).Of(b) |
assertNotAlmostEqual(a, b, delta=d) | AssertThat(a).IsNotWithin(d).Of(b) |
Lists, strings, and other iterables
assertEqual(len(a), n) | AssertThat(a).HasSize(n) |
assertEqual(len(a), 0) | AssertThat(a).IsEmpty() |
assertGreaterThan(len(a), 0) | AssertThat(a).IsNotEmpty() |
assertIn(b, a) | AssertThat(a).Contains(b) |
assertNotIn(b, a) | AssertThat(a).DoesNotContain(b) |
assertTrue(b in a and c in a) | AssertThat(a).ContainsAllOf(b, c)
AssertThat(a).ContainsAllIn([b, c]) |
assertTrue(b in a or c in a) | AssertThat(a).ContainsAnyOf(b, c)
AssertThat(a).ContainsAnyIn([b, c]) |
assertTrue(b in a and c in a and len(a) == 2) | AssertThat(a).ContainsExactly(b, c) |
assertCountEqual(a, b)
assertItemsEqual(a, b) | AssertThat(sorted(a)).ContainsExactlyElementsIn(sorted(b)).InOrder() |
assertTrue(b not in a and c not in a) | AssertThat(a).ContainsNoneOf(b, c)
AssertThat(a).ContainsNoneIn([b, c]) |
N/A | AssertThat(a).ContainsNoDuplicates() |
N/A | AssertThat(a).IsOrdered() |
N/A | AssertThat(a).IsOrderedAccordingTo(cf) |
N/A | AssertThat(a).IsStrictlyOrdered() |
N/A | AssertThat(a).IsStrictlyOrderedAccordingTo(cf) |
assertLen(a, n) | AssertThat(a).HasSize(n) |
assertEmpty(a) | AssertThat(a).IsEmpty() |
assertNotEmpty(a) | AssertThat(a).IsNotEmpty() |
Defining order
The cf
parameter passed to IsOrderedAccordingTo()
should be a callable that follows the contract
of cmp(x, y)
: it should return negative if x < y, zero if x == y,
and positive if x > y.
Ordered means that the iterable's elements must increase (or decrease,
depending on cf
) from beginning to end. Adjacent elements are allowed to be
equal. Strictly ordered means that in addition, the elements must be unique
(i.e., monotonically increasing or decreasing).
is equivalent to IsOrderedAccordingTo(cmp)
is equivalent to IsStrictlyOrderedAccordingTo(cmp)
Asserting order
By default, ContainsAll...
and ContainsExactly...
do not enforce that the
order of the elements in the subject under test matches the that of the expected
value. To do that, append InOrder()
to the returned predicate.
AssertThat([2, 4, 6]).ContainsAllOf(6, 2) | succeeds |
AssertThat([2, 4, 6]).ContainsAllOf(6, 2).InOrder() | fails |
AssertThat([2, 4, 6]).ContainsAllOf(2, 6).InOrder() | succeeds |
AssertThat([2, 4, 6]).ContainsExactly(2, 6, 4) | succeeds |
AssertThat([2, 4, 6]).ContainsExactly(2, 6, 4).InOrder() | fails |
AssertThat([2, 4, 6]).ContainsExactly(2, 4, 6).InOrder() | succeeds |
When using InOrder()
, ensure that both the subject under test and the expected
value have a predictable order, otherwise the result is undefined. For example,
may or may not succeed, depending on how the set
implements ordering.
Dictionaries, in addition to the table above
assertIn(k, d) | AssertThat(d).ContainsKey(k) |
assertNotIn(k, d) | AssertThat(d).DoesNotContainKey(k) |
assertIn((k, v), d.items()) | AssertThat(d).ContainsItem(k, v) |
assertNotIn((k, v), d.items()) | AssertThat(d).DoesNotContainItem(k, v) |
assertEqual(d, {k1: v1, k2: v2}) | AssertThat(d).ContainsExactly(k1, v1, k2, v2) |
assertEqual(d1, d2) | AssertThat(d1).ContainsExactlyItemsIn(d2) |
assertDictContainsSubset(d1, d2) | AssertThat(d1.items()).ContainsAllIn(d2.items()) |
with assertRaises(e): | with AssertThat(e).IsRaised(): |
with assertRaisesRegex(e, r): | with AssertThat(e).IsRaised(matching=r): |
N/A | with AssertThat(e).IsRaised(containing='a'): |
assertEqual(e.message, m) | AssertThat(e).HasMessage(m) |
assertTrue(e.message.startswith('a')) | AssertThat(e).HasMessageThat().StartsWith('a') |
assertIn(a, e.args) | AssertThat(e).HasArgsThat().Contains(a) |
Matching raised exceptions
When expecting an exception using the AssertThat(e).IsRaised()
context, any
exception raised whose type is equal to e
or a subclass of e
is accepted.
If an exception is raised that is not a subclass of e
, the assertion fails.
The e
parameter in the AssertThat(e).IsRaised()
context may be either an
exception class like ValueError
, or it may be an exception instance like
ValueError('some error')
. If an instance is passed, then any exception raised
by the code under test must also have matching message
and args
in addition to being a subclass of the expected exception.
Mocked functions
m.assert_called() | AssertThat(m).WasCalled() |
m.assert_not_called() | AssertThat(m).WasNotCalled() |
m.assert_called_once() | AssertThat(m).WasCalled().Once() |
assertEqual(m.call_count, n) | AssertThat(m).WasCalled().Times(n) |
m.assert_called_with(*a, **k) | AssertThat(m).WasCalled().LastWith(*a, **k) |
m.assert_called_once_with(*a, **k) | AssertThat(m).WasCalled().Once().With(*a, **k) |
N/A | AssertThat(m).WasCalled().With(*a, **k).Once() |
m.assert_has_calls(calls, any_order=True) | AssertThat(m).HasCalls(calls) |
m.assert_has_calls(calls, any_order=False) | AssertThat(m).HasCalls(calls).InOrder() |
N/A | AssertThat(m).HasExactlyCalls(c1, c2) |
N/A | AssertThat(m).HasExactlyCalls(c1, c2).InOrder() |
m.assert_any_call(*a, **k) | AssertThat(m).WasCalled().With(*a, **k) |
Being called once, with arguments
The WasCalled().Once().With(...)
and WasCalled().With(...).Once()
are subtly different. WasCalled().Once().With(...)
asserts that the function
was called one time ever, and that one time it was called, it was passed those
arguments. WasCalled().With(...).Once()
asserts that the function was passed
those arguments exactly once, but it is permitted to have been called with
other, irrelevant arguments. Thus, WasCalled().Once().With(...)
is the
stricter assertion. Consider using HasExactlyCalls()
for more clarity.
assertTrue(a.issubclass(b)) | AssertThat(a).IsSubclassOf(b) |