This is another stylesheet for PySide6, PySide2, PyQt5 and PyQt6, which looks like Material Design (close enough).

There is some custom dark themes:
And light:

pip install qt-material
import sys
from PySide6 import QtWidgets
from qt_material import apply_stylesheet
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
apply_stylesheet(app, theme='dark_teal.xml')
from qt_material import list_themes
WARNING:root:qt_material must be imported after PySide or PyQt!
Custom colors
Color Tool is the best way to generate new themes, just choose colors and export as Android XML
, the theme file must look like:
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
<color name="primaryColor">
<color name="primaryLightColor">
<color name="secondaryColor">
<color name="secondaryLightColor">
<color name="secondaryDarkColor">
<color name="primaryTextColor">
<color name="secondaryTextColor">
Save it as my_theme.xml
or similar and apply the style sheet from Python.
apply_stylesheet(app, theme='dark_teal.xml')
Light themes
Light themes will need to add invert_secondary
argument as True
apply_stylesheet(app, theme='light_red.xml', invert_secondary=True)
Environ variables
There is a environ variables related to the current theme used, these variables are for consult purpose only.
Environ variable | Description | Example |
QTMATERIAL_PRIMARYCOLOR | Primary color | #2979ff |
QTMATERIAL_PRIMARYLIGHTCOLOR | A bright version of the primary color | #75a7ff |
QTMATERIAL_SECONDARYCOLOR | Secondary color | #f5f5f5 |
QTMATERIAL_SECONDARYLIGHTCOLOR | A bright version of the secondary color | #ffffff |
QTMATERIAL_SECONDARYDARKCOLOR | A dark version of the primary color | #e6e6e6 |
QTMATERIAL_PRIMARYTEXTCOLOR | Color for text over primary background | #000000 |
QTMATERIAL_SECONDARYTEXTCOLOR | Color for text over secondary background | #000000 |
QTMATERIAL_THEME | Name of theme used | light_blue.xml |
Alternative QPushButtons and custom fonts
There is an extra
argument for accent colors and custom fonts.
extra = {
'danger': '#dc3545',
'warning': '#ffc107',
'success': '#17a2b8',
'font_family': 'Roboto',
apply_stylesheet(app, 'light_cyan.xml', invert_secondary=True, extra=extra)
The accent colors are applied to QPushButton
with the corresponding class
pushButton_danger.setProperty('class', 'danger')
pushButton_warning.setProperty('class', 'warning')
pushButton_success.setProperty('class', 'success')

Custom stylesheets
Custom changes can be performed by overwriting the stylesheets, for example:
QPushButton {{
text-transform: none;
background-color: {QTMATERIAL_PRIMARYCOLOR};
.big_button {{
height: 64px;
Then, the current stylesheet can be extended just with:
apply_stylesheet(app, theme='light_blue.xml', css_file='custom.css')
The stylesheet can also be changed on runtime by:
stylesheet = app.styleSheet()
with open('custom.css') as file:
app.setStyleSheet(stylesheet + file.read().format(**os.environ))
And the class style can be applied with the setProperty
self.main.pushButton.setProperty('class', 'big_button')

Run examples
A window with almost all widgets (see the previous screenshots) are available to test all themes and create new ones.
git clone https://github.com/UN-GCPDS/qt-material.git
cd qt-material
python setup.py install
cd examples/full_features
python main.py --pyside6

New themes
Do you have a custom theme? it looks good? create a pull request in themes folder and share it with all users.
Change theme in runtime
There is a qt_material.QtStyleTools
class that must be inherited along to QMainWindow
for change themes in runtime using the apply_stylesheet()
class RuntimeStylesheets(QMainWindow, QtStyleTools):
def __init__(self):
self.main = QUiLoader().load('main_window.ui', self)
self.apply_stylesheet(self.main, 'dark_teal.xml')

A custom stylesheets menu can be added to a project for switching across all default available themes.
class RuntimeStylesheets(QMainWindow, QtStyleTools):
def __init__(self):
self.main = QUiLoader().load('main_window.ui', self)
self.add_menu_theme(self.main, self.main.menuStyles)

Create new themes
A simple interface is available to modify a theme in runtime, this feature can be used to create a new theme, the theme file is created in the main directory as my_theme.xml
class RuntimeStylesheets(QMainWindow, QtStyleTools):
def __init__(self):
self.main = QUiLoader().load('main_window.ui', self)

A full set of examples are available in the exmaples directory
Export theme
This feature able to use qt-material
themes into Qt
implementations using only local files.
from qt_material import export_theme
extra = {
'danger': '#dc3545',
'warning': '#ffc107',
'success': '#17a2b8',
'font_family': 'monoespace',
'font_size': '13px',
'line_height': '13px',
'density_scale': '0',
'pyside6': True,
'linux': True,
This script will generate both dark_teal.qss
and resources.rcc
and a folder with all theme icons called theme
The files generated can be integrated into a PySide6
application just with:
import sys
from PySide6 import QtWidgets
from PySide6.QtCore import QDir
from __feature__ import snake_case, true_property
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
with open('dark_teal.qss', 'r') as file:
app.style_sheet = file.read()
QDir.add_search_path('icon', 'theme')
window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
checkbox = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(window)
checkbox.text = 'CheckBox'
This files can also be used into non Python
environs like C++
Density scale
The extra
arguments also include an option to set the density scale, by default is 0
extra = {
'density_scale': '-2',
apply_stylesheet(app, 'default', invert_secondary=False, extra=extra)

has multiple rendering for each Qt backend, and for each operating system. Even can be related with the style, like fusion. Then, the extra
argument also supportsQMenu
parameters to configure this widgest for specific combinations. This options are not affected by density scale.
extra['QMenu'] = {
'height': 50,
'padding': '50px 50px 50px 50px',