Reflex Swipe
Detects swipes on the page. Wraps react-swipeable
from reflex_swipe import swipeable
def index():
return swipeable(
"Swipe Here",
on_swiped_left=rx.console_log("Swiped Left"),
Supported Props
Prop Name | Prop Type | Description |
delta | float | The min distance(px) before a swipe starts. |
prevent_scroll_on_swipe | bool | Prevents scroll during swipe. |
track_touch | bool | Track touch input. |
track_mouse | bool | Track mouse input. |
rotation_angle | float | Set a rotation angle. |
swipe_duration | float | Allowable duration of a swipe (ms). |
Supported Events
Event Name | Event Type |
on_swiped | (SwipeEvent) -> Any |
on_swiped_left | (SwipeEvent) -> Any |
on_swiped_right | (SwipeEvent) -> Any |
on_swiped_up | (SwipeEvent) -> Any |
on_swiped_down | (SwipeEvent) -> Any |
on_swiped_start | (SwipeEvent) -> Any |
on_swiping | (SwipeEvent) -> Any |
on_tap | () -> Any |
on_touch_start_or_mouse_down | () -> Any |
on_touch_end_or_mouse_up | () -> Any |
is the following:
class SwipeEvent(TypedDict):
"""A swipe event."""
dir: Literal["Left", "Right", "Up", "Down"]
initial: Tuple[float, float]
first: bool
delta_x: float
delta_y: float
abs_x: float
abs_y: float
velocity: float
vxvy: Tuple[float, float]