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Authentication for Requests

  • 8.0.0
  • PyPI
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Authentication for Requests

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Provides authentication classes to be used with requests authentication parameter.

OAuth2 Okta Microsoft Entra ID, formerly Azure Active Directory (AD)

Some of the supported authentication

Available authentication

OAuth 2

Most of OAuth2 flows are supported.

If the one you are looking for is not yet supported, feel free to ask for its implementation.

Authorization Code flow

Authorization Code Grant is implemented following rfc6749.

Use requests_auth.OAuth2AuthorizationCode to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OAuth2AuthorizationCode

requests.get('', auth=OAuth2AuthorizationCode('https://www.authorization.url', 'https://www.token.url'))


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
authorization_urlOAuth 2 authorization URL.Mandatory
token_urlOAuth 2 token URL.Mandatory
redirect_uri_domainFQDN to use in the redirect_uri when localhost is not allowed.Optionallocalhost
redirect_uri_endpointCustom endpoint that will be used as redirect_uri the following way: http://<redirect_uri_domain>:<redirect_uri_port>/<redirect_uri_endpoint>.Optional''
redirect_uri_portThe port on which the server listening for the OAuth 2 code will be started.Optional5000
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a code or a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}
response_typeValue of the response_type query parameter if not already provided in authorization URL.Optionalcode
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
code_field_nameField name containing the code.Optionalcode
usernameUser name in case basic authentication should be used to retrieve token.Optional
passwordUser password in case basic authentication should be used to retrieve token.Optional
sessionrequests.Session instance that will be used to request the token. Use it to provide a custom proxying rule for instance.Optional

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the authorization URL and as body parameters in the token URL.

Usual extra parameters are:

client_idCorresponding to your Application ID (in Microsoft Azure app portal)
client_secretIf client is not authenticated with the authorization server
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more details
Common providers

Most of OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant providers are supported.

If the one you are looking for is not yet supported, feel free to ask for its implementation.

Okta (OAuth2 Authorization Code)

Okta Authorization Code Grant providing access tokens is supported.

Use requests_auth.OktaAuthorizationCode to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OktaAuthorizationCode

okta = OktaAuthorizationCode(instance='', client_id='54239d18-c68c-4c47-8bdd-ce71ea1d50cd')
requests.get('', auth=okta)


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
instanceOkta instance (like "").Mandatory
client_idOkta Application Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
response_typeValue of the response_type query parameter if not already provided in authorization URL.Optionaltoken
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more details.OptionalNewly generated Universal Unique Identifier.
scopeScope parameter sent in query. Can also be a list of scopes.Optionalopenid
authorization_serverOkta authorization server.Optional'default'
redirect_uri_domainFQDN to use in the redirect_uri when localhost is not allowed.Optionallocalhost
redirect_uri_endpointCustom endpoint that will be used as redirect_uri the following way: http://<redirect_uri_domain>:<redirect_uri_port>/<redirect_uri_endpoint>.Optional''
redirect_uri_portThe port on which the server listening for the OAuth 2 token will be started.Optional5000
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}
sessionrequests.Session instance that will be used to request the token. Use it to provide a custom proxying rule for instance.Optional

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the authorization URL.

Usual extra parameters are:

promptnone to avoid prompting the user if a session is already opened.
WakaTime (OAuth2 Authorization Code)

WakaTime Authorization Code Grant providing access tokens is supported.

Use requests_auth.WakaTimeAuthorizationCode to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import WakaTimeAuthorizationCode

waka_time = WakaTimeAuthorizationCode(client_id="aPJQV0op6Pu3b66MWDi9b1wB", client_secret="waka_sec_0c5MB", scope="email")
requests.get('', auth=waka_time)


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
client_idWakaTime Application Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
client_secretWakaTime Application Secret (formatted as waka_sec_ followed by an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
scopeScope parameter sent in query. Can also be a list of scopes.Mandatory
response_typeValue of the response_type query parameter if not already provided in authorization URL.Optionaltoken
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more details.OptionalNewly generated Universal Unique Identifier.
redirect_uri_domainFQDN to use in the redirect_uri when localhost is not allowed.Optionallocalhost
redirect_uri_endpointCustom endpoint that will be used as redirect_uri the following way: http://<redirect_uri_domain>:<redirect_uri_port>/<redirect_uri_endpoint>.Optional''
redirect_uri_portThe port on which the server listening for the OAuth 2 token will be started.Optional5000
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}
sessionrequests.Session instance that will be used to request the token. Use it to provide a custom proxying rule for instance.Optional

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the authorization URL.

Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange

Proof Key for Code Exchange is implemented following rfc7636.

Use requests_auth.OAuth2AuthorizationCodePKCE to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OAuth2AuthorizationCodePKCE

requests.get('', auth=OAuth2AuthorizationCodePKCE('https://www.authorization.url', 'https://www.token.url'))


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
authorization_urlOAuth 2 authorization URL.Mandatory
token_urlOAuth 2 token URL.Mandatory
redirect_uri_domainFQDN to use in the redirect_uri when localhost is not allowed.Optionallocalhost
redirect_uri_endpointCustom endpoint that will be used as redirect_uri the following way: http://<redirect_uri_domain>:<redirect_uri_port>/<redirect_uri_endpoint>.Optional''
redirect_uri_portThe port on which the server listening for the OAuth 2 code will be started.Optional5000
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a code or a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}
response_typeValue of the response_type query parameter if not already provided in authorization URL.Optionalcode
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
code_field_nameField name containing the code.Optionalcode
sessionrequests.Session instance that will be used to request the token. Use it to provide a custom proxying rule for instance.Optional

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the authorization URL and as body parameters in the token URL.

Usual extra parameters are:

client_idCorresponding to your Application ID (in Microsoft Azure app portal)
client_secretIf client is not authenticated with the authorization server
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more details
Common providers

Most of OAuth2 Proof Key for Code Exchange providers are supported.

If the one you are looking for is not yet supported, feel free to ask for its implementation.

Okta (OAuth2 Proof Key for Code Exchange)

Okta Proof Key for Code Exchange providing access tokens is supported.

Use requests_auth.OktaAuthorizationCodePKCE to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OktaAuthorizationCodePKCE

okta = OktaAuthorizationCodePKCE(instance='', client_id='54239d18-c68c-4c47-8bdd-ce71ea1d50cd')
requests.get('', auth=okta)


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
instanceOkta instance (like "").Mandatory
client_idOkta Application Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
response_typeValue of the response_type query parameter if not already provided in authorization URL.Optionalcode
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
code_field_nameField name containing the code.Optionalcode
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more details.OptionalNewly generated Universal Unique Identifier.
scopeScope parameter sent in query. Can also be a list of scopes.Optionalopenid
authorization_serverOkta authorization server.Optional'default'
redirect_uri_domainFQDN to use in the redirect_uri when localhost is not allowed.Optionallocalhost
redirect_uri_endpointCustom endpoint that will be used as redirect_uri the following way: http://<redirect_uri_domain>:<redirect_uri_port>/<redirect_uri_endpoint>.Optional''
redirect_uri_portThe port on which the server listening for the OAuth 2 token will be started.Optional5000
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}
sessionrequests.Session instance that will be used to request the token. Use it to provide a custom proxying rule for instance.Optional

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the authorization URL and as body parameters in the token URL.

Usual extra parameters are:

client_secretIf client is not authenticated with the authorization server
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more details

Resource Owner Password Credentials flow

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant is implemented following rfc6749.

Use requests_auth.OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials

requests.get('', auth=OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials('https://www.token.url', 'user name', 'user password'))


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
token_urlOAuth 2 token URL.Mandatory
usernameResource owner user name.Mandatory
passwordResource owner password.Mandatory
session_authClient authentication if the client type is confidential or the client was issued client credentials (or assigned other authentication requirements). Can be a tuple or any requests authentication class instance.Optional
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}
scopeScope parameter sent to token URL as body. Can also be a list of scopes.Optional
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
sessionrequests.Session instance that will be used to request the token. Use it to provide a custom proxying rule for instance.Optional

Any other parameter will be put as body parameter in the token URL.

Common providers

Most of OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credentials providers are supported.

If the one you are looking for is not yet supported, feel free to ask for its implementation.

Okta (OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credentials)

Okta Resource Owner Password Credentials providing access tokens is supported.

Use requests_auth.OktaResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OktaResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials

okta = OktaResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials(instance='', username='user name', password='user password', client_id='54239d18-c68c-4c47-8bdd-ce71ea1d50cd', client_secret="0c5MB")
requests.get('', auth=okta)


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
instanceOkta instance (like "").Mandatory
usernameResource owner user name.Mandatory
passwordResource owner password.Mandatory
client_idOkta Application Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
client_secretResource owner password.Mandatory
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}
scopeScope parameter sent in query. Can also be a list of scopes.Optionalopenid
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
sessionrequests.Session instance that will be used to request the token. Use it to provide a custom proxying rule for instance.Optional

Any other parameter will be put as body parameters in the token URL.

Client Credentials flow

Client Credentials Grant is implemented following rfc6749.

Use requests_auth.OAuth2ClientCredentials to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OAuth2ClientCredentials

requests.get('', auth=OAuth2ClientCredentials('https://www.token.url', client_id='id', client_secret='secret'))


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
token_urlOAuth 2 token URL.Mandatory
client_idResource owner user name.Mandatory
client_secretResource owner password.Mandatory
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}
scopeScope parameter sent to token URL as body. Can also be a list of scopes.Optional
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
sessionrequests.Session instance that will be used to request the token. Use it to provide a custom proxying rule for instance.Optional

Any other parameter will be put as body parameter in the token URL.

Common providers

Most of OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant providers are supported.

If the one you are looking for is not yet supported, feel free to ask for its implementation.

Okta (OAuth2 Client Credentials)

Okta Client Credentials Grant providing access tokens is supported.

Use requests_auth.OktaClientCredentials to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OktaClientCredentials

okta = OktaClientCredentials(instance='', client_id='54239d18-c68c-4c47-8bdd-ce71ea1d50cd', client_secret="secret", scope=["scope1", "scope2"])
requests.get('', auth=okta)


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
instanceOkta instance (like "").Mandatory
client_idOkta Application Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
client_secretResource owner password.Mandatory
scopeScope parameter sent in query. Can also be a list of scopes.Mandatory
authorization_serverOkta authorization server.Optional'default'
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
sessionrequests.Session instance that will be used to request the token. Use it to provide a custom proxying rule for instance.Optional

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the token URL.

Implicit flow

Implicit Grant is implemented following rfc6749.

Use requests_auth.OAuth2Implicit to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OAuth2Implicit

requests.get('', auth=OAuth2Implicit('https://www.authorization.url'))


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
authorization_urlOAuth 2 authorization URL.Mandatory
response_typeValue of the response_type query parameter if not already provided in authorization URL.Optionaltoken
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalid_token if response_type is id_token, otherwise access_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
redirect_uri_domainFQDN to use in the redirect_uri when localhost is not allowed.Optionallocalhost
redirect_uri_endpointCustom endpoint that will be used as redirect_uri the following way: http://<redirect_uri_domain>:<redirect_uri_port>/<redirect_uri_endpoint>.Optional''
redirect_uri_portThe port on which the server listening for the OAuth 2 token will be started.Optional5000
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the authorization URL.

Usual extra parameters are:

client_idCorresponding to your Application ID (in Microsoft Azure app portal)
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more details
promptnone to avoid prompting the user if a session is already opened.
Common providers

Most of OAuth2 Implicit Grant providers are supported.

If the one you are looking for is not yet supported, feel free to ask for its implementation.

Microsoft - Azure Active Directory (OAuth2 Access Token)

Microsoft identity platform access tokens are supported.

Use requests_auth.AzureActiveDirectoryImplicit to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import AzureActiveDirectoryImplicit

aad = AzureActiveDirectoryImplicit(tenant_id='45239d18-c68c-4c47-8bdd-ce71ea1d50cd', client_id='54239d18-c68c-4c47-8bdd-ce71ea1d50cd')
requests.get('', auth=aad)


You can retrieve Microsoft Azure Active Directory application information thanks to the application list on Azure portal.

NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
tenant_idMicrosoft Tenant Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
client_idMicrosoft Application Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
response_typeValue of the response_type query parameter if not already provided in authorization URL.Optionaltoken
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more detailsOptionalNewly generated Universal Unique Identifier.
redirect_uri_domainFQDN to use in the redirect_uri when localhost is not allowed.Optionallocalhost
redirect_uri_endpointCustom endpoint that will be used as redirect_uri the following way: http://<redirect_uri_domain>:<redirect_uri_port>/<redirect_uri_endpoint>.Optional''
redirect_uri_portThe port on which the server listening for the OAuth 2 token will be started.Optional5000
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the authorization URL.

Usual extra parameters are:

promptnone to avoid prompting the user if a session is already opened.
Microsoft - Azure Active Directory (OpenID Connect ID token)

Microsoft identity platform ID tokens are supported.

Use requests_auth.AzureActiveDirectoryImplicitIdToken to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import AzureActiveDirectoryImplicitIdToken

aad = AzureActiveDirectoryImplicitIdToken(tenant_id='45239d18-c68c-4c47-8bdd-ce71ea1d50cd', client_id='54239d18-c68c-4c47-8bdd-ce71ea1d50cd')
requests.get('', auth=aad)


You can retrieve Microsoft Azure Active Directory application information thanks to the application list on Azure portal.

NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
tenant_idMicrosoft Tenant Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
client_idMicrosoft Application Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
response_typeValue of the response_type query parameter if not already provided in authorization URL.Optionalid_token
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalid_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more detailsOptionalNewly generated Universal Unique Identifier.
redirect_uri_domainFQDN to use in the redirect_uri when localhost is not allowed.Optionallocalhost
redirect_uri_endpointCustom endpoint that will be used as redirect_uri the following way: http://<redirect_uri_domain>:<redirect_uri_port>/<redirect_uri_endpoint>.Optional''
redirect_uri_portThe port on which the server listening for the OAuth 2 token will be started.Optional5000
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the authorization URL.

Usual extra parameters are:

promptnone to avoid prompting the user if a session is already opened.
Okta (OAuth2 Implicit Access Token)

Okta Implicit Grant providing access tokens is supported.

Use requests_auth.OktaImplicit to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OktaImplicit

okta = OktaImplicit(instance='', client_id='54239d18-c68c-4c47-8bdd-ce71ea1d50cd')
requests.get('', auth=okta)


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
instanceOkta instance (like "").Mandatory
client_idOkta Application Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
response_typeValue of the response_type query parameter if not already provided in authorization URL.Optionaltoken
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalaccess_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more details.OptionalNewly generated Universal Unique Identifier.
scopeScope parameter sent in query. Can also be a list of scopes.Optional['openid', 'profile', 'email']
authorization_serverOkta authorization server.Optional'default'
redirect_uri_domainFQDN to use in the redirect_uri when localhost is not allowed.Optionallocalhost
redirect_uri_endpointCustom endpoint that will be used as redirect_uri the following way: http://<redirect_uri_domain>:<redirect_uri_port>/<redirect_uri_endpoint>.Optional''
redirect_uri_portThe port on which the server listening for the OAuth 2 token will be started.Optional5000
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the authorization URL.

Usual extra parameters are:

promptnone to avoid prompting the user if a session is already opened.
Okta (OpenID Connect Implicit ID token)

Okta Implicit Grant providing ID tokens is supported.

Use requests_auth.OktaImplicitIdToken to configure this kind of authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import OktaImplicitIdToken

okta = OktaImplicitIdToken(instance='', client_id='54239d18-c68c-4c47-8bdd-ce71ea1d50cd')
requests.get('', auth=okta)


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
instanceOkta instance (like "").Mandatory
client_idOkta Application Identifier (formatted as an Universal Unique Identifier).Mandatory
response_typeValue of the response_type query parameter if not already provided in authorization URL.Optionalid_token
token_field_nameField name containing the token.Optionalid_token
early_expiryNumber of seconds before actual token expiry where token will be considered as expired. Used to ensure token will not expire between the time of retrieval and the time the request reaches the actual server. Set it to 0 to deactivate this feature and use the same token until actual expiry.Optional30.0
nonceRefer to OpenID ID Token specifications for more details.OptionalNewly generated Universal Unique Identifier.
scopeScope parameter sent in query. Can also be a list of scopes.Optional['openid', 'profile', 'email']
authorization_serverOkta authorization server.Optional'default'
redirect_uri_domainFQDN to use in the redirect_uri when localhost is not allowed.Optionallocalhost
redirect_uri_endpointCustom endpoint that will be used as redirect_uri the following way: http://<redirect_uri_domain>:<redirect_uri_port>/<redirect_uri_endpoint>.Optional''
redirect_uri_portThe port on which the server listening for the OAuth 2 token will be started.Optional5000
timeoutMaximum amount of seconds to wait for a token to be received once requested.Optional60
header_nameName of the header field used to send token.OptionalAuthorization
header_valueFormat used to send the token value. "{token}" must be present as it will be replaced by the actual token.OptionalBearer {token}

Any other parameter will be put as query parameter in the authorization URL.

Usual extra parameters are:

promptnone to avoid prompting the user if a session is already opened.

Managing token cache

To avoid asking for a new token every new request, a token cache is used.

Default cache is in memory, but it is also possible to use a physical cache.

You need to provide the location of your token cache file. It can be a full or relative path (str or `pathlib.Path).

If the file already exists it will be used, if the file do not exist it will be created.

from requests_auth import OAuth2, JsonTokenFileCache

OAuth2.token_cache = JsonTokenFileCache('path/to/my_token_cache.json')

Managing the web browser

You can configure the browser display settings thanks to requests_auth.OAuth2.display as in the following:

from requests_auth import OAuth2, DisplaySettings

OAuth2.display = DisplaySettings()

The following parameters can be provided to DisplaySettings:

NameDescriptionDefault value
success_display_timeIn case a code or token is successfully received, this is the maximum amount of milliseconds the success page will be displayed in your browser.1
success_htmlIn case a code or token is successfully received, this is the success page that will be displayed in your browser. {display_time} is expected in this content.
failure_display_timeIn case received code or token is not valid, this is the maximum amount of milliseconds the failure page will be displayed in your browser.10_000
failure_htmlIn case received code or token is not valid, this is the failure page that will be displayed in your browser. {information} and {display_time} are expected in this content.

API key in header

You can send an API key inside the header of your request using requests_auth.HeaderApiKey.

import requests
from requests_auth import HeaderApiKey

requests.get('', auth=HeaderApiKey('my_api_key'))


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
api_keyThe API key that will be sent.Mandatory
header_nameName of the header field.Optional"X-API-Key"

API key in query

You can send an API key inside the query parameters of your request using requests_auth.QueryApiKey.

import requests
from requests_auth import QueryApiKey

requests.get('', auth=QueryApiKey('my_api_key'))


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
api_keyThe API key that will be sent.Mandatory
query_parameter_nameName of the query parameter.Optional"api_key"


You can use basic authentication using requests_auth.Basic.

The only advantage of using this class instead of requests native support of basic authentication, is to be able to use it in multiple authentication.

import requests
from requests_auth import Basic

requests.get('', auth=Basic('username', 'password'))


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
usernameUser name.Mandatory
passwordUser password.Mandatory


Requires requests-negotiate-sspi module or requests_ntlm module depending on provided parameters.

You can use Windows authentication using requests_auth.NTLM.

import requests
from requests_auth import NTLM

requests.get('', auth=NTLM())


NameDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
usernameUser name.Mandatory if requests_negotiate_sspi module is not installed. In such a case requests_ntlm module is mandatory.
passwordUser password.Mandatory if requests_negotiate_sspi module is not installed. In such a case requests_ntlm module is mandatory.

Multiple authentication at once

You can also use a combination of authentication using + or & as in the following sample:

import requests
from requests_auth import HeaderApiKey, OAuth2Implicit

api_key = HeaderApiKey('my_api_key')
oauth2 = OAuth2Implicit('')
requests.get('', auth=api_key + oauth2)

This is supported on every authentication class exposed by requests_auth, but you can also enable it on your own authentication classes by using requests_auth.SupportMultiAuth as in the following sample:

from requests_auth import SupportMultiAuth
# TODO Import your own auth here
from my_package import MyAuth

class MyMultiAuth(MyAuth, SupportMultiAuth):

Available pytest fixtures

Testing the code using requests_auth authentication classes can be achieved using provided pytest fixtures.


from requests_auth.testing import token_cache_mock, token_mock

def test_something(token_cache_mock):
    # perform code using authentication

Use this fixture to mock authentication success for any of the following classes:

  • OAuth2AuthorizationCodePKCE
  • OktaAuthorizationCodePKCE
  • OAuth2Implicit
  • OktaImplicit
  • OktaImplicitIdToken
  • AzureActiveDirectoryImplicit
  • AzureActiveDirectoryImplicitIdToken
  • OAuth2AuthorizationCode
  • OktaAuthorizationCode
  • OAuth2ClientCredentials
  • OktaClientCredentials
  • OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials,

By default, an access token with value 2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA is generated.

You can however return your custom token by providing your own token_mock fixture as in the following sample:

import pytest

from requests_auth.testing import token_cache_mock

def token_mock() -> str:
    return "MyCustomTokenValue"

def test_something(token_cache_mock):
    # perform code using authentication

You can even return a more complex token by using the create_token function.

Note that pyjwt is a required dependency in this case as it is used to generate the token returned by the authentication.

import pytest

from requests_auth.testing import token_cache_mock, create_token

def token_mock() -> str:
    expiry = None  # TODO Compute your expiry
    return create_token(expiry)

def test_something(token_cache_mock):
    # perform code using authentication

Advanced testing


This pytest fixture will return the token cache and ensure it is reset at the end of the test case.

from requests_auth.testing import token_cache

def test_something(token_cache):
    # perform code using authentication

This pytest fixture will allow to mock the behavior of a web browser.

With this pytest fixture you will be allowed to fine tune your authentication related failures handling.

pyjwt is a required dependency if you use create_token helper function.

import datetime

from requests_auth.testing import browser_mock, BrowserMock, create_token

def test_something(browser_mock: BrowserMock):
    token_expiry = + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
    token = create_token(token_expiry)
    tab = browser_mock.add_response(

    # perform code using authentication



I love requests_auth. As a ~15 year pythonista, this library makes working with OAuth services a breeze. <333

Randall Degges, Head of Evangelism, Okta



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