is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) and Command Line Interface (CLI)
for making HTTP requests, extracting data, and validating responses. The main
intent of Rigor is to be an HTTP-based API (e.g. REST) Testing Framework for
automated functional or integration testing.
Install using pip
pip install rigor
Feature List
- Functional testing without the need to write glue code. (e.g. Cucumber)
- Runs in either synchronous (requests) or asynchronous (aiohttp) mode.
- YAML-based format for Test Case files for easy test creation and maintenance.
- Response transformation using jmespath.py to reduce test fragility.
- Pretty HTML test execution reports using cucumber-sandwich.
- Swagger path coverage report to ensure API surface area coverage.
- Syntax highlighted console or JSON-based logging using structlog.
- Profiles for switching between different environments and settings.
- Tags and CLI options for selectively executing subsets of the test suite.
- Scenario Outlines (i.e. Tables) for cases with numerous scenarios.
- Beautiful Soup parsing for extraction from HTML data.
- Proper error code ($?) on suite success (0) or failure (!0)
- Case-scenario unique identifier (uuid) for managing session and race conditions.
Command Line Interface (CLI) Options
$ rigor --help
Usage: rigor [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...
--profile TEXT Profile name (e.g. test)
--host TEXT Host name (e.g. http://localhost:8000)
-i, --includes TEXT Include tag of cases. (e.g. smoke)
-e, --excludes TEXT Exclude tag of cases to run. (e.g. broken)
-p, --prefixes TEXT Filter cases by file prefix. (e.g. smoke_)
-e, --extensions TEXT Filter cases by file extension. (e.g. rigor)
-c, --concurrency INTEGER # of concurrent HTTP requests. (default: 5)
-o, --output TEXT Report output folder.
-q, --quiet Run in quiet mode. (warning/critical level only)
-v, --verbose Run in verbose mode. (debug level logging)
-j, --json JSON-style logging.
-h, --html Generate HTML report.
-g, --coverage Generate Coverage report.
-r, --retries INTEGER # of retries for GET calls only. (default: 0)
-s, --sleep INTEGER Retry sleep (seconds multiplied by retry).
(default: 60)
-f, --retry_failed Retries all failed scenarios at the end.
--version Logs current version and exits.
--help Show this message and exit.
Simple Example
(rigor) /p/tmp> cat test.rigor
name: Simple case.
- description: Simple step.
host: https://httpbin.org
path: get
(rigor) /p/tmp> rigor test.rigor --html
2018-02-08 13:18.06 [info ] no config file not found [rigor] paths=('test.rigor',)
2018-02-08 13:18.06 [info ] collecting tests [rigor] cwd=/private/tmp paths=['test.rigor']
2018-02-08 13:18.06 [info ] tests collected [rigor] queued=1 skipped=0
2018-02-08 13:18.06 [info ] execute suite complete [rigor] failed=0 passed=1 timer=0.119s
2018-02-08 13:18.07 [info ] launching browser [rigor] report_path=/var/folders/b_/2hlrn_7930x81r009mfzl50m0000gn/T/tmps_8d7nn_/html-2018-02-08-08-18-06/cucumber-html-reports/cucumber-html-reports/overview-features.html
Object Model
- suite: set of cases that gets built dynamically based on cli arguments.
- case: set of scenarios and steps in a .rigor file.
- scenario: namespace for 1 run of case steps.
- step: request with response extract, validate, etc.
- iterate: repeats an individual step by iterating through iterable.
- request: http call (get, post, etc.) to path with parameters, data, or uploads
- extract: extract nested data from a response into a variable available to following steps.
- validate: check an actual value against an expected value using a comparator.
- transform: using jmespath to shape a JSON response into a specific format.
Comparators are used by the validation phase of each step to check whether
an actual value is returning as expected. See the comparisons.rigor example
for more details.
- equals
- not equals
- same
- not same
- greater than
- less than
- greater than or equals
- less than or equals
- type
- in
- not in
- regex
- subset
- not subset
- length
- superset
- not superset
- keyset
- not keyset
- contains
- not contains
Related Projects
- Tavern is an extremely similar project that was released a little too late for us to use.
- Pyresttest was the first library we used before deciding to roll our own testing framework.
- Click is the library used to build out the command-line options.
- Related is the library used for parsing the YAML test suite into an Python object model.
More Examples
More examples can be found by reviewing the tests/httpbin/ folder of this project.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2017 Ian Maurer, Genomoncology LLC