OpenApiDriver for Robot Framework®
OpenApiDriver is an extension of the Robot Framework® DataDriver library that allows
for generation and execution of test cases based on the information in an OpenAPI
document (also known as Swagger document).
This document explains how to use the OpenApiDriver library.
For more information about Robot Framework®, see
For more information about the DataDriver library, see
Note: OpenApiDriver is still under development so there are currently
restrictions / limitations that you may encounter when using this library to run
tests against an API. See Limitations for details.
If you already have Python >= 3.8 with pip installed, you can simply run:
pip install --upgrade robotframework-openapidriver
OpenAPI (aka Swagger)
The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, language-agnostic interface
to RESTful APIs, see
The OpenApiDriver module implements a reader class that generates a test case for
each path, method and response (i.e. every response for each endpoint) that is defined
in an OpenAPI document, typically an openapi.json or openapi.yaml file.
Note: OpenApiDriver is designed for APIs based on the OAS v3
The library has not been tested for APIs based on the OAS v2.
Getting started
Before trying to use OpenApiDriver to run automatic validations on the target API
it's recommended to first ensure that the openapi document for the API is valid
under the OpenAPI Specification.
This can be done using the command line interface of a package that is installed as
a prerequisite for OpenApiDriver.
Both a local openapi.json or openapi.yaml file or one hosted by the API server
can be checked using the prance validate <reference_to_file>
shell command:
prance validate --backend=openapi-spec-validator http://localhost:8000/openapi.json
Processing "http://localhost:8000/openapi.json"...
-> Resolving external references.
Validates OK as OpenAPI 3.0.2!
prance validate --backend=openapi-spec-validator /tests/files/petstore_openapi.yaml
Processing "/tests/files/petstore_openapi.yaml"...
-> Resolving external references.
Validates OK as OpenAPI 3.0.2!
You'll have to change the url or file reference to the location of the openapi
document for your API.
Note: Although recursion is technically allowed under the OAS, tool support is limited
and changing the OAS to not use recursion is recommended.
OpenApiDriver has limited support for parsing OpenAPI documents with
recursion in them. See the recursion_limit
and recursion_default
If the openapi document passes this validation, the next step is trying to do a test
run with a minimal test suite.
The example below can be used, with source
and origin
altered to fit your situation.
*** Settings ***
Library OpenApiDriver
... source=http://localhost:8000/openapi.json
... origin=http://localhost:8000
Test Template Validate Using Test Endpoint Keyword
*** Test Cases ***
Test Endpoint for ${method} on ${path} where ${status_code} is expected
*** Keywords ***
Validate Using Test Endpoint Keyword
[Arguments] ${path} ${method} ${status_code}
Test Endpoint
... path=${path} method=${method} status_code=${status_code}
Running the above suite for the first time is likely to result in some
errors / failed tests.
You should look at the Robot Framework log.html
to determine the reasons
for the failing tests.
Depending on the reasons for the failures, different solutions are possible.
Details about the OpenApiDriver library parameters that you may need can be found
The OpenApiDriver also support handling of relations between resources within the scope
of the API being validated as well as handling dependencies on resources outside the
scope of the API. In addition there is support for handling restrictions on the values
of parameters and properties.
Details about the mappings_path
variable usage can be found
There are currently a number of limitations to supported API structures, supported
data types and properties. The following list details the most important ones:
- Only JSON request and response bodies are supported.
- No support for per-path authorization levels (only simple 401 / 403 validation).