is a Robot Framework test library which provides keywords for manipulating in-memory data stores in Redis
Redis is an open-source software project that implements data structure servers. It is networked, in-memory, and stores keys with optional durability.
You can add, get, update and delete your data from Redis. The keywords are implemented using redis-py
Install robotframework-redislibrary
via pip
pip install -U robotframework-redislibrary
Example Test Case
*** Settings *** | | | | |
Library | RedisLibrary | | | |
*** Test Cases *** | | | | |
TestRedisSample | | | | |
${redis_conn}= | Connect To Redis | myredis-dev.com | port=6379 | |
${data}= | Get From Redis | ${redis_conn} | BARCODE|1234567 | |
Should Be Equal As Strings | ${data} | TestExpectedData | | |
${obj_to_add}= | Create Dictionary | name=testFullName | | |
Append To Redis | ${redis_conn} | BARCOE|1234567 | ${object_to_add} | |
@{key_list}= | Get All Match Keys | ${redis_conn} | BARCODE* | 1000 |
For the detail keyword documentation. Go to this following link:
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