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Sharevia is a python tool through which you can share any amount of data to multiple devices at once without any need of installing any extra software or mobile app.
How to run
Best part of Sharevia is you just need two lines of code to initiate it.
1.To install sharevia python package.
pip install sharevia
2.Now start the app
python -m sharevia
Note: The only requirement to take benifit of this sharing framework in that you need to have python installed in any of the device atleast.
Once the server will be on you will see similar portal on
![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/neetishsingh/customItems/3a68c2ad873c65450425b432bf2aba54e71b29b1/FullUI1.PNG)
To Access files over any other device connected over same network we need to scan this qr from the device or in browser open http://ip_adr_of_parent_device:8000/a/
![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/neetishsingh/customItems/main/auth.jpeg)
Once you will enter the auth code you will get the files easily over responsive website
![alt text](https://github.com/neetishsingh/customItems/blob/main/WhatsApp%20Image%202023-01-16%20at%2013.15.45.jpeg?raw=true)
There is a lot more coming whose screenshot will be added soon
Features to be added in next version
- File/Folder Share permission
- Live previews
- Movie/Video Streaming
- Music Playlist & Streaming
- IP Logging
- UI Improvement
- Admin Level Customizations
Contributions are always welcome!
Lets connect and discuss your ideas and scope of improvement
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
For support, email neetishsingh97@gmail.com or call me at +91-9643046366.