-h | --help | False | | Show the CLI help message |
--api_token | | False | | Provides the Socket API Token |
--repo | | True | | The string name in a git approved name for repositories. |
--branch | | False | | The string name in a git approved name for branches. |
--committer | | False | | The string name of the person doing the commit or running the CLI. Can be specified multiple times to have more than one committer |
--pr_number | | False | 0 | The integer for the PR or MR number |
--commit_message | | False | | The string for a commit message if there is one |
--default_branch | | False | False | If the flag is specified this will signal that this is the default branch. This needs to be enabled for a report to update Org Alerts and Org Dependencies |
--target_path | | False | ./ | This is the path to where the manifest files are location. The tool will recursively search for all supported manifest files |
--scm | | False | api | This is the mode that the tool is to run in. For local runs api would be the mode. Other options are gitlab and github |
--generate-license | | False | False | If this flag is specified it will generate a json file with the license per package and license text in the current working directory |
--version | -v | False | | Prints the version and exits |
--enable-debug | | False | False | Enables debug messaging for the CLI |
--sbom-file | | False | False | Creates a JSON file with all dependencies and alerts |
--commit-sha | | False | | The commit hash for the commit |
--generate-license | | False | False | If enabled with --sbom-file will include license details |
--enable-json | | False | False | If enabled will change the console output format to JSON |
--disable-overview | | False | False | If enabled will disable Dependency Overview comments |
--disable-security-issue | | False | False | If enabled will disable Security Issue Comments |
--files | | False | | If provided in the format of ["file1", "file2"] will be used to determine if there have been supported file changes. This is used if it isn't a git repo and you would like to only run if it supported files have changed. |
--ignore-commit-files | | False | False | If enabled then the CLI will ignore what files are changed in the commit and look for all manifest files |
--disable-blocking | | False | False | Disables failing checks and will only exit with an exit code of 0 |