Parallel SSH jobs manager CLI (alternative to parallel-ssh)
- POSIX/Linux/MacOS/Windows compatible (with openssh client installed)
- Launch parallel ssh jobs/scripts on remote hosts, with interactive display of the running commands outputs
- Keep all output in log files
- Interactive pause/resume/abort jobs, kill stuck ssh connection interactively.
pip install ssh-para
By default, ssh-para
uses Nerd Fonts glyphs, modern terminals can now render the glyphs without installing specific font (the symbols can be overridden with SSHP_SYM_* environment variables, see below)
quick start
Run command on multiple hosts:
$ ssh-para -H host1 host2 host3 -- echo connection ok
Review last run results:
$ ssh-para -l
Review hosts statuses for last run:
$ ssh-para -L *.status
View failed hosts list:
$ ssh-para -L failed.status
Show output of command on all hosts:
$ ssh-para -L *.out
Show output of command for failed hosts:
$ ssh-para -L *.failed
Show output of command for host1:
$ ssh-para -L host1.out
ssh-para -h
usage: ssh-para [-h] [-V] [-j JOB] [-d DIRLOG] [-m MAXDOTS] [-p PARALLEL] [-t TIMEOUT] [-r] [-v] [-D DELAY]
[-f HOSTSFILE | -H HOSTS [HOSTS ...] | -C {bash,zsh,powershell} | -l | -L LOGS [LOGS ...]] [-s SCRIPT]
[-a ARGS [ARGS ...]]
[ssh_args ...]
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version ssh-para version
-j JOB, --job JOB Job name added subdir to dirlog
-d DIRLOG, --dirlog DIRLOG
directory for ouput log files (default: ~/.ssh-para)
-m MAXDOTS, --maxdots MAXDOTS
hostname domain displaylevel (default:1 => short hostname, -1 => fqdn)
-p PARALLEL, --parallel PARALLEL
parallelism (default 4)
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout of each job
-r, --resolve resolve fqdn in SSHP_DOMAINS
-v, --verbose verbose display (fqdn + line for last output)
-D DELAY, --delay DELAY
initial delay in seconds between ssh commands (default=0.3s)
hosts list file
-H HOSTS [HOSTS ...], --hosts HOSTS [HOSTS ...]
hosts list
-C {bash,zsh,powershell}, --completion {bash,zsh,powershell}
autocompletion shell code to source
-l, --list list ssh-para results/log directories
-L LOGS [LOGS ...], --logs LOGS [LOGS ...]
get latest/current ssh-para run logs
-L[<runid>/]*.out : all hosts outputs
-L[<runid>/]<host>.out : command output of host
-L[<runid>/]*.<status> : command output of hosts <status>
-L[<runid>/]*.status : hosts lists with status
-L[<runid>/]<status>.status: <status> hosts list
-L[<runid>/]hosts.list : list of hosts used to connect (resolved if -r)
default <runid> is latest ssh-para run (use -j <job> -d <dir> to access logs if used for run)
<status>: [success,failed,timeout,killed,aborted]
-s SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT
script to execute
-a ARGS [ARGS ...], --args ARGS [ARGS ...]
script arguments
During run, use :
- k: to kill ssh command held by a thread (but remote command can still be running on remote host)
- p: pause all remaining jobs to be scheduled
- r: resume scheduling of jobs
- a: abort all remaining jobs
- ctrl-c: stop all/exit (but remote commands launched by ssh can still be running on remote servers)
Environment variables:
- SSHP_OPTS: ssh default options (Eg: "-F /home/user/.ssh/myconfig")
- SSHP_DOMAINS: dns domains to search when short hostname given (with -r/--resolve option)
- SSHP_SYM_BEG: Symbol character for begin decorative (default: "\ue0b4")
- SSHP_SYM_END: Symbol character for end decorative (default: "\ue0b6")
- SSHP_SYM_PROG: Symbol character for progress bar fill (default: "\u25a0")
- SSHP_SYM_RES: Symbol character before ssh output line (default: "\u25b6")
Activate autocompletion:
. <(ssh-para -C bash)
ssh-para -C powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
Patch redhat family hosts:
ssh-para -p 20 -f hostlist.txt -- 'sudo yum update -y;sudo shutdown -r +1'
Use specific ssh options / config (everything after --
will be passed to ssh command as is):
ssh-para -p 20 -H host1 host2 -- -F ~/.ssh/myconfig echo connect ok
Launch local script with argument on remote hosts:
ssh-para -p 20 -f hosts.txt -s ./myscript -a status
Extend limited resolv.conf search domains (try to resolve host in each domain, first resolved in the domain list is used as fqdn):
SSHP_DOMAINS="" ssh-para -r -H host1 host2 -- echo connect ok
- ssh-para uses ssh BatchMode, no interactive password/passphrase will be asked, so you need to have a ssh authorized key to connect to servers (ssh-agent...)
- you need to configure your ssh for StrictHostKeyChecking/UserKnownHostsFile if you need to connect to unknown servers
- to connect as different user use ssh -l option or define everything in your ssh config file
- you can use user@host as hostname but not if you need to resolve host (-r/--resolve)
- if you are using ssh ProxyJump server to reach hosts, you may need to tweak the sshd MaxStartups setting on the ssh Proxy server with high parallelism
- when ssh-para starts, a delay of 0.3 seconds is applied between threads starting ssh jobs to avoid flooding, (can be tweaked with -D )
- if you are using remote connexion to launch the ssh-para, use
to launch ssh-para, as if you lose your connection, ssh-para will be still running and you can re-attach to screen
to continue follow-up. - Be very carefull when launching massive commands on servers... Always first test on non production.