Streamlit Datalist
This component brings datalists to Streamlit. Contrary to regular selectboxes, where the user is contrained to the options in the dropdown list, datalists can receive values that weren't available.
To install this component, run the following command:
pip install streamlit-datalist
Importing and using the package can be done as follows:
from streamlit_datalist import stDatalist
my_selection = stDatalist("This datalist is...", ["great", "cool", "neat"])
The component takes the following parameters:
label: string
A name to display on top of the component.
options: list
List of options to display in the dropdown.
index: int (optional, default None)
Index of the list element to be displayed as a default value. Defaults to None.
key: int, str (optional, default None)
Component's key. Required when multiple datalists will be used in the Streamlit app.
Fixing README and version of package.
Adding disabled attribute, to set the state of the widget.
Changed the way the widget updates. Now value will only update when clicking away of the widget, or by hitting the Enter key.
Fix: Default value now refreshes when input data changes.
Added index parameter, to specify a default selection from the options list.
Deleting value from component will return a None value instead of blank.
Initial release of the component