Build, train, and fine-tune production-ready deep learning SOTA vision models

Version 3.5 is out! Notebooks have been updated!
Build with SuperGradients
Support various computer vision tasks
Ready to deploy pre-trained SOTA models
YOLO-NAS and YOLO-NAS-POSE architectures are out!
The new YOLO-NAS delivers state-of-the-art performance with the unparalleled accuracy-speed performance, outperforming other models such as YOLOv5, YOLOv6, YOLOv7 and YOLOv8.
A YOLO-NAS-POSE model for pose estimation is also available, delivering state-of-the-art accuracy/performance tradeoff.
Check these out here: YOLO-NAS & YOLO-NAS-POSE.
from import models
from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models
model = models.get(Models.YOLO_NAS_M, pretrained_weights="coco")
All Computer Vision Models - Pretrained Checkpoints can be found in the Model Zoo
Semantic Segmentation
Object Detection
Pose Estimation
Easy to train SOTA Models
Easily load and fine-tune production-ready, pre-trained SOTA models that incorporate best practices and validated hyper-parameters for achieving best-in-class accuracy.
For more information on how to do it go to Getting Started
Plug and play recipes
python -m super_gradients.train_from_recipe architecture=regnetY800 dataset_interface.data_dir=<YOUR_Imagenet_LOCAL_PATH> ckpt_root_dir=<CHEKPOINT_DIRECTORY>
More examples on how and why to use recipes can be found in Recipes
Production readiness
All SuperGradients models’ are production ready in the sense that they are compatible with deployment tools such as TensorRT (Nvidia) and OpenVINO (Intel) and can be easily taken into production. With a few lines of code you can easily integrate the models into your codebase.
from import models
from super_gradients.common.object_names import Models
model = models.get(Models.YOLO_NAS_M, pretrained_weights="coco")
model.prep_model_for_conversion(input_size=[1, 3, 640, 640])
torch.onnx.export(model, dummy_input, "yolo_nas_m.onnx")
More information on how to take your model to production can be found in Getting Started notebooks
Quick Installation
pip install super-gradients
What's New
Version 3.4.0 (November 6, 2023)
- YoloNAS-Pose model released - a new frontier in pose estimation
- Added option to export a recipe to a single YAML file or to a standalone file
- Other bugfixes & minor improvements. Full release notes available here
Version 3.1.3 (July 19, 2023)
30th of May
Version 3.1.1 (May 3rd)
Check out SG full release notes.
Table of Content
Getting Started
Start Training with Just 1 Command Line
The most simple and straightforward way to start training SOTA performance models with SuperGradients reproducible recipes. Just define your dataset path and where you want your checkpoints to be saved and you are good to go from your terminal!
Just make sure that you setup your dataset according to the data dir specified in the recipe.
python -m super_gradients.train_from_recipe --config-name=imagenet_regnetY architecture=regnetY800 dataset_interface.data_dir=<YOUR_Imagenet_LOCAL_PATH> ckpt_root_dir=<CHEKPOINT_DIRECTORY>
Quickly Load Pre-Trained Weights for Your Desired Model with SOTA Performance
Want to try our pre-trained models on your machine? Import SuperGradients, initialize your Trainer, and load your desired architecture and pre-trained weights from our SOTA model zoo
import super_gradients
model = models.get("model-name", pretrained_weights="pretrained-model-name")
Semantic Segmentation
Pose Estimation
Object Detection
How to Predict Using Pre-trained Model
Albumentations Integration
Advanced Features
Post Training Quantization and Quantization Aware Training
Quantization involves representing weights and biases in lower precision, resulting in reduced memory and computational requirements, making it useful for deploying models on devices with limited resources.
The process can be done during training, called Quantization aware training, or after training, called post-training quantization.
A full tutorial can be found here.
Quantization Aware Training YoloNAS on Custom Dataset
This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on how to fine-tune a YoloNAS model using a custom dataset.
It also demonstrates how to utilize SG's QAT (Quantization-Aware Training) support. Additionally, it offers step-by-step instructions on deploying the model and performing benchmarking.
Knowledge Distillation Training
Knowledge Distillation is a training technique that uses a large model, teacher model, to improve the performance of a smaller model, the student model.
Learn more about SuperGradients knowledge distillation training with our pre-trained BEiT base teacher model and Resnet18 student model on CIFAR10 example notebook on Google Colab for an easy to use tutorial using free GPU hardware
To train a model, it is necessary to configure 4 main components.
These components are aggregated into a single "main" recipe .yaml
file that inherits the aforementioned dataset, architecture, raining and checkpoint params.
It is also possible (and recommended for flexibility) to override default settings with custom ones.
All recipes can be found here
Recipes support out of the box every model, metric or loss that is implemented in SuperGradients, but you can easily extend this to any custom object that you need by "registering it". Check out this tutorial for more information.
Using Distributed Data Parallel (DDP)
Why use DDP ?
Recent Deep Learning models are growing larger and larger to an extent that training on a single GPU can take weeks.
In order to train models in a timely fashion, it is necessary to train them with multiple GPUs.
Using 100s GPUs can reduce training time of a model from a week to less than an hour.
How does it work ?
Each GPU has its own process, which controls a copy of the model and which loads its own mini-batch from disk and sends
it to its GPU during training. After the forward pass is completed on every GPU, the gradient is reduced across all
GPUs, yielding to all the GPUs having the same gradient locally. This leads to the model weights to stay synchronized
across all GPUs after the backward pass.
How to use it ?
You can use SuperGradients to train your model with DDP in just a few lines.
from super_gradients import init_trainer, Trainer
from super_gradients.common import MultiGPUMode
from import setup_device
setup_device(multi_gpu=MultiGPUMode.DISTRIBUTED_DATA_PARALLEL, num_gpus=4)
Finally, you can launch your distributed training with a simple python call.
Please note that if you work with torch<1.9.0
(deprecated), you will have to launch your training with either
or torchrun
, in which case nproc_per_node
will overwrite the value set with gpu_mode
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4
torchrun --nproc_per_node=4
Calling functions on a single node
It is often in DDP training that we want to execute code on the master rank (i.e rank 0).
In SG, users usually execute their own code by triggering "Phase Callbacks" (see "Using phase callbacks" section below).
One can make sure the desired code will only be ran on rank 0, using ddp_silent_mode or the multi_process_safe decorator.
For example, consider the simple phase callback below, that uploads the first 3 images of every batch during training to
the Tensorboard:
from import PhaseCallback, PhaseContext, Phase
from super_gradients.common.environment.env_helpers import multi_process_safe
class Upload3TrainImagesCalbback(PhaseCallback):
def __init__(
def __call__(self, context: PhaseContext):
batch_imgs = context.inputs.cpu().detach().numpy()
tag = "batch_" + str(context.batch_idx) + "_images"
context.sg_logger.add_images(tag=tag, images=batch_imgs[: 3], global_step=context.epoch)
The @multi_process_safe decorator ensures that the callback will only be triggered by rank 0. Alternatively, this can also
be done by the SG trainer boolean attribute (which the phase context has access to), ddp_silent_mode, which is set to False
iff the current process rank is zero (even after the process group has been killed):
from import PhaseCallback, PhaseContext, Phase
class Upload3TrainImagesCalbback(PhaseCallback):
def __init__(
def __call__(self, context: PhaseContext):
if not context.ddp_silent_mode:
batch_imgs = context.inputs.cpu().detach().numpy()
tag = "batch_" + str(context.batch_idx) + "_images"
context.sg_logger.add_images(tag=tag, images=batch_imgs[: 3], global_step=context.epoch)
Note that ddp_silent_mode can be accessed through SgTrainer.ddp_silent_mode. Hence, it can be used in scripts after calling
SgTrainer.train() when some part of it should be ran on rank 0 only.
Good to know
Your total batch size will be (number of gpus x batch size), so you might want to increase your learning rate.
There is no clear rule, but a rule of thumb seems to be to linearly increase the learning rate with the number of gpus
Easily change architectures parameters
from import models
default_resnet18 = models.get(model_name="resnet18", num_classes=100, pretrained_weights="imagenet")
droppath_resnet18 = models.get(model_name="resnet18", arch_params={"droppath_prob": 0.5}, num_classes=100, pretrained_weights="imagenet")
backbone_resnet18 = models.get(model_name="resnet18", arch_params={"backbone_mode": True}, pretrained_weights="imagenet")
Using phase callbacks
from super_gradients import Trainer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau
from import Phase, LRSchedulerCallback
from import Accuracy
rop_lr_scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode="max", patience=10, verbose=True)
phase_callbacks = [LRSchedulerCallback(scheduler=rop_lr_scheduler,
trainer = Trainer("experiment_name")
train_params = {"phase_callbacks": phase_callbacks}
Integration to DagsHub

from super_gradients import Trainer
trainer = Trainer("experiment_name")
model = ...
training_params = { ...
"sg_logger": "dagshub_sg_logger",
"dagshub_repository": "<REPO_OWNER>/<REPO_NAME>",
"log_mlflow_only": False,
"save_checkpoints_remote": True,
"save_tensorboard_remote": True,
"save_logs_remote": True,
Integration to Weights and Biases
from super_gradients import Trainer
trainer = Trainer("experiment_name")
train_params = { ...
"sg_logger": "wandb_sg_logger",
"project_name": "project_name",
"save_checkpoints_remote": True
"save_tensorboard_remote": True
"save_logs_remote": True
Integration to ClearML
from super_gradients import Trainer
trainer = Trainer("experiment_name")
train_params = { ...
"sg_logger": "clearml_sg_logger",
"project_name": "project_name",
"save_checkpoints_remote": True,
"save_tensorboard_remote": True,
"save_logs_remote": True,
Integration to Voxel51
You can apply SuperGradients YOLO-NAS models directly to your FiftyOne dataset using the apply_model() method:
import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
from import models
dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart", max_samples=25)
model = models.get("yolo_nas_m", pretrained_weights="coco")
dataset.apply_model(model, label_field="yolo_nas", confidence_thresh=0.7)
session = fo.launch_app(dataset)
The SuperGradients YOLO-NAS model can be accessed directly from the FiftyOne Model Zoo:
import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
model = foz.load_zoo_model("yolo-nas-torch")
dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")
dataset.apply_model(model, label_field="yolo_nas")
session = fo.launch_app(dataset)
Installation Methods
General requirements
- Python 3.7, 3.8 or 3.9 installed.
- 1.9.0 <= torch < 1.14
- The python packages that are specified in requirements.txt;
To train on nvidia GPUs
Quick Installation
Install stable version using PyPi
See in PyPi
pip install super-gradients
That's it !
Install using GitHub
pip install git+
Implemented Model Architectures
All Computer Vision Models - Pretrained Checkpoints can be found in the Model Zoo
Image Classification
Semantic Segmentation
Object Detection
Pose Estimation
Implemented Datasets
Deci provides implementation for various datasets. If you need to download any of the dataset, you can
find instructions.
Image Classification
Semantic Segmentation
Object Detection
Pose Estimation
Check SuperGradients Docs for full documentation, user guide, and examples.
To learn about making a contribution to SuperGradients, please see our Contribution page.
Our awesome contributors:
Made with
If you are using SuperGradients library or benchmarks in your research, please cite SuperGradients deep learning training library.
If you want to be a part of SuperGradients growing community, hear about all the exciting news and updates, need help, request for advanced features,
or want to file a bug or issue report, we would love to welcome you aboard!
Discord is the place to be and ask questions about SuperGradients and get support. Click here to join our Discord Community
To report a bug, file an issue on GitHub.
Join the SG Newsletter
for staying up to date with new features and models, important announcements, and upcoming events.
For a short meeting with us, use this link and choose your preferred time.
This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.7789328},
url = {},
author = {Aharon, Shay and {Louis-Dupont} and {Ofri Masad} and Yurkova, Kate and {Lotem Fridman} and {Lkdci} and Khvedchenya, Eugene and Rubin, Ran and Bagrov, Natan and Tymchenko, Borys and Keren, Tomer and Zhilko, Alexander and {Eran-Deci}},
title = {Super-Gradients},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
year = {2021},
Latest DOI

Deci Platform
Deci Platform is our end to end platform for building, optimizing and deploying deep learning models to production.
Request free trial to enjoy immediate improvement in throughput, latency, memory footprint and model size.
- Automatically compile and quantize your models with just a few clicks (TensorRT, OpenVINO).
- Gain up to 10X improvement in throughput, latency, memory and model size.
- Easily benchmark your models’ performance on different hardware and batch sizes.
- Invite co-workers to collaborate on models and communicate your progress.
- Deci supports all common frameworks and Hardware, from Intel CPUs to Nvidia's GPUs and Jetsons.
Request free trial here