Termii SDK Documentation
Welcome to the Termii SDK documentation! This SDK provides a Python interface for integrating with the Termii API, allowing you to send SMS, voice, and email messages easily within your applications.
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Authentication
- Events and Report
- Campaigns
- Contacts
- Messaging
- Number
- Phonebook
- SenderID
- Templates
- Token
- Contributing
- License
You can install the termii_sdk
using pip
pip install termii_sdk
Quick Start
from termii_sdk import TermiiSDK
from termii_sdk.core import Request
Request.termii_endpoint = 'your termii endpoint'
api_key = "your_api_key_here"
termii = TermiiSDK(api_key)
message = "Hello from Termii SDK!"
phone_number = "+1234567890"
response = termii.send_message(to=phone_number, sms=message)
print("Message ID:", response.get("message_id"))
To use the Termii SDK, you need to provide your Termii API key when initializing the SDK. You can obtain your API key from your Termii account dashboard.
from termii_sdk import *
api_key = "your_api_key_here"
termii = TermiiSDK(api_key)
Events and Report
response: Union[Error, BalanceResponse] = termii.balance()
response: Union[Error, SearchResponse] = termii.search()
response: Union[Error, StatusResponse] = termii.status()
response: Union[Error, HistoryResponse] = termii.history()
response: Union[Error, Response] = termii.send_campaign(
country_code: str,
sender_id: str,
message: str,
channel: Channel,
message_type: MessageType,
phonebook_id: str,
delimiter: str,
remove_duplicate: str,
campaign_type: str,
schedule_time: str = "",
schedule_sms_status: str = "",
response: Union[Error, FetchCampaignsResponse] = termii.fetch_campaigns()
response: Union[Error, FetchCampaignsHistoryResponse] = termii.fetch_campaign_history(campaign_id: str)
response: Union[Error, FetchPhonebooksResponse]: = termii.fetch_contacts(phonebook_id: str)
response: Union[Error, AddContactResponse]: = termii.add_contact(
phonebook_id: str,
phone_number: str,
email_address: str,
first_name: str,
last_name: str,
company: str,
country_code: str,
response: Union[Error, Response]: = termii.add_contacts(
phonebook_id: str,
contact_file: str,
country_code: str,
response: Union[Error, Response]: = termii.delete_contact_phonebook(contact_id: str)
response: Union[Error, BasicResponse]: = termii.send_message(
to: str,
from_: str,
channel: Channel = Channel.GENERIC,
sms: str = "",
type: MediaType = MediaType.PLAIN,
media_url: str = "",
media_caption: str = "",
response: Union[Error, BasicResponse]: = termii.send_bulk_message(
to: list[str],
from_: str,
channel: Channel = Channel.GENERIC,
sms: str = "",
response: Union[Error, BasicResponse]: = termii.send_message_number(
to: str,
sms: str = "",
response: Union[Error, FetchPhonebooksResponse]: = termii.fetch_phonebooks()
response: Union[Error, Response]: = termii.create_phonebook(
phonebook_name: str,
description: str,
response: Union[Error, Response]: = termii.update_phonebook(
phonebook_id: str,
phonebook_name: str,
description: str,
response: Union[Error, Response]: = termii.delete_phonebook(phonebook_id: str)
response: Union[Error, FetchSenderIDResponse]: = termii.fetch_id()
response: Union[Error, Response]: = termii.request_id(
sender_id: str,
usecase: str,
company: str,
response: Union[Error, BasicResponse]: = termii.device_template(
phone_number: str,
device_id: str,
template_id: str,
data: dict = None,
response: Union[Error, SendTokenResponse]: = termii.send_token(
message_type: MessageType,
to: str,
from_: str,
channel: Channel,
pin_attempts: int,
pin_time_to_live: int,
pin_length: int,
pin_placeholder: str,
message_text: str,
pin_type: MessageType,
response: Union[Error, VoiceTokenResponse]: = termii.voice_token(
phone_number: str,
pin_attempts: str,
pin_time_to_live: str,
pin_length: str,
response: Union[Error, VoiceCallResponse]: = termii.voice_call(
phone_number: str,
code: int,
response: Union[Error, InAppTokenResponse]: = termii.in_app_token(
phone_number: str,
pin_type: MessageType,
pin_attempts: int,
pin_time_to_live: int,
pin_length: int,
response: Union[Error, VerifyTokenResponse]: = termii.verify_token(
pin_id: str,
pin: str,
response: Union[Error, EmailTokenResponse]: = termii.email_token(
email_address: str,
code: str,
email_configuration_id: str,
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or want to add a new feature, please submit a pull request.
This SDK is released under the MIT License.
Feel free to customize this documentation according to your SDK's features and your personal writing style. Make sure to update the content with accurate details and examples specific to the functions and methods your SDK provides.