:fire:toastedmarshmallow-models:fire:: Create Serializable Class Models
Inspired by Marshmallow Models <https://github.com/douglas-treadwell/marshmallow-models>
_ and by ORM libraries.
The Toasted Marshmallow Models package makes it easy to define serializable classes based on the ultra fast
serialization that Toasted Marshmallow <https://github.com/lyft/toasted-marshmallow>
_ provides.
Installing toastedmarshmallow-models
.. code-block:: bash
pip install toastedmarshmallow-models
Using Toasted Marshmallow Models
Using Toasted Marshmallow Models in an existing class requires your class to inherit
the Model
class and specify the relevant Marshmallow fields
. For example:
.. code-block:: python
from marshmallow import fields
from toastedmarshmallow_models import Model
class Entity(Model): # Inherit Model
# Define Marshmallow fields
id = fields.Integer()
name = fields.String()
def __init__(self, id, name):
self.id = id
self.name = name
How it works
The Toasted Marshmallow Models package makes it easy to dump
and load
Dump methods:
.. code-block:: python
entity = Entity(id=1, name='John Doe')
# {"id": 1, "name": "John"}
# '{"id": 1, "name": "John"}'
Load Methods:
.. code-block:: python
entity = Entity.from_dict({"id": 1, "name": "John"}) # creates an Entity instance
entity = Entity.from_json('{"id": 1, "name": "John"}') # creates an Entity instance
.. code-block:: python
entity = Entity(id='i-am-not-a-valid-int', name='John Doe')
entity.validate() # throws marshmallow.ValidationError if not valid
Get validation errors:
.. code-block:: python
entity = Entity(id='i-am-not-a-valid-int', name='John Doe')
entity.get_validation_errors() # returns dict(id=['Not a valid integer.'])
Nested Models:
.. code-block:: python
class ChildEntity(Model):
name = fields.String()
def __init__(self, name: str):
self.name = name
class ParentEntity(Model):
name = fields.String()
# Use NestedModel to define parent-child relationships
children = fields.Nested(NestedModel(ChildEntity), many=True)
def __init__(self, name: str, children: List[ChildEntity]):
self.children = children
self.name = name
Self Referencing Model:
.. code-block:: python
class Employee(Model):
name = fields.String()
# Use SelfReferencingModel to define self-referencing relationships
subordinates = fields.Nested(SelfReferencingModel('Employee'), many=True, allow_none=True)
def __init__(self, name: str, subordinates: List['Employee'] = None):
self.subordinates = subordinates
self.name = name