Twisted-based async interface for Ubuntu One <https://one.ubuntu.com>
Files Cloud REST API v1 <https://one.ubuntu.com/developer/files/store_files/cloud>
U1 API docs <https://one.ubuntu.com/developer/files/store_files/cloud>
U1 API Auth docs <https://one.ubuntu.com/developer/account_admin/auth/index>
Implemented from scratch on top of Twisted and
oauth2 <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/oauth2/>
_ (name might be
confusing - it's actually OAuth 1.0 helper), does not require any
ubuntu-specific libs, daemons or modules.
Usage Example
Note that email/password credentials are only needed to get the OAuth
1.0 consumer/token (which can be revoked through ubuntu single sign on interface <https://login.ubuntu.com/+applications>
) once, see
docs <https://one.ubuntu.com/developer/account_admin/auth/otherplatforms>
for more details.
Included "u1-cli" script can also be used to generate these OAuth
credentials for the apps.
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from txu1 import txU1, DoesNotExist
def do_stuff():
api = txU1(debug_requests=True)
api.auth_consumer, api.auth_token =\
(open(n).read().splitlines() for n in ['u1_consumer', 'u1_token'])
except (OSError, IOError):
print 'Getting new OAuth credentials'
# Query credentials from terminal
email = raw_input('U1 Email: ').strip()
password = raw_input('U1 Password: ').strip()
assert email and password, (email, password)
auth = yield api.auth_create_token(email, password)
open('u1_consumer', 'w').write('{}\n{}\n'.format(*api.auth_consumer))
open('u1_token', 'w').write('{}\n{}\n'.format(*api.auth_token))
print 'Auth data acquired: {}'.format(auth)
print 'Storage info: {}'.format((yield api.info_storage()))
print 'Public files: {}'.format((yield api.info_public_files()))
vol_list = yield api.volume_info(type_filter='udf')
vol_count = len(vol_list)
print 'UDF volumes: {}'.format(vol_list)
try: vol_info = yield api.volume_info('~/test')
except DoesNotExist:
vol_info = yield api.volume_create('~/test')
vol_count += 1
print 'Using volume: {}'.format(vol_info)
if vols_count > 1: api.default_volume = '~/test'
try: print 'dir info: {}'.format((yield api.node_info('/a/b/c', children=True)))
except DoesNotExist: print 'mkdir: {}'.format((yield api.node_mkdir('/a/b/c')))
contents = 'somecontents'
print 'put: {}'.format(
(yield api.file_put_into('/a/b/c', name='test_file', data=contents)) )
print 'put_magic: {}'.format(
(yield api.file_put_magic('/a/b/c/test_file2', data=contents)) )
print 'get: {}'.format((yield api.file_get('/a/b/c/test_file')))
print "Hey! I'm running some DELETE operations, don't mind me..."
yield api.node_delete('/a/b/c/test_file2')
yield api.node_delete('/a/b/c/test_file')
yield api.node_delete('/a/b/c')
yield api.volume_delete('~/test')
print 'Done'
do_stuff().addBoth(lambda ignored: reactor.stop())
More comprehensive docs are always welcome!
It's a regular package for Python 2.7 (not 3.X).
Using pip <http://pip-installer.org/>
_ is the best way:
% pip install txu1
If you don't have it, use:
% easy_install pip
% pip install txu1
Alternatively (see also <http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/installing.html>
% curl https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py | python
% pip install txu1
Or, if you absolutely must:
% easy_install txu1
But, you really shouldn't do that.
Current-git version can be installed like this:
% pip install 'git+https://github.com/mk-fg/txu1.git#egg=txu1'
Note that to install stuff in system-wide PATH and site-packages,
elevated privileges are often required. Use "install --user",
~/.pydistutils.cfg <http://docs.python.org/install/index.html#distutils-configuration-files>
or virtualenv <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv>
_ to do
unprivileged installs into custom paths.
- `Python 2.7 (not 3.X) <http://python.org>`_
- `Twisted <http://twistedmatrix.com>`_ (core, web, at least 12.2.0)
- `oauth2 <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/oauth2/>`_