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Command-line to extract/edit metadata from IVOA VOTables and to convert efficiently VOTable back and forth in XML-TABLEDATA, XML-BINARY, XML-BINARY2, non-standard JSON/YAML/TOML (and to CSV).



votable-cli or VOTCli

Command-line to extract/edit metadata from IVOA VOTables and to convert efficiently VOTables back and forth in XML-TABLEDATA, XML-BINARY, XML-BINARY2, non-standard JSON/YAML/TOML and to CSV.


The CLI is in active development.

More testing is required, especially for the bit type and arrays. Please, provide us with VOTable examples and/or usecases!


From pypi for python users

VOTable cli is available in pypi, you can thus install the vot executable using pip:

pip install votable-cli
vot --help

Debian package

Download the last votable-cli_vxx_yyy.deb corresponding to your architecture (x86_64_musl has the most chances to fit your needs) from the github release page.

Install the .deb by clicking on it or using the command line:

sudo dpkg -i votable-cli_vxx_yyy.deb
sudo apt-get install -f

Then you can use the tool:

man vot

You can uninstall using, e.g.:

sudo dpkg -r $(dpkg -f votable-cli_vxx_yyy.deb Package)

Pre-compile binaries for MacOS, Linux and Windows

Download the last vot-vxx_yyy.tar.gz corresponding to your architecture from the github release page. You probably want ot use:

  • Linux: vot-vxx-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
  • MacOS: vot-vxx-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
  • Windows:

WARNING: for linux, use musl instead of gnu (high chances of uncompatibility in the latter case)

The tar contains a single executable binary file.

tar xzvf vot-vxx-yyy.tar.gz

Compile from source code

Install rust (and check that ~/.cargo/bin/ is in your path), or update the Rust compiler with:

rustup update

Clone the votable lib rust project:

git clone

Install from using cargo:

cargo install --all-features --path crates/cli

Check 'vot' tool version

Once installed, check the version number using:

> vot --version
votable-cli 0.6.1

Help messages

> vot --help
Command-line to extract/edit metadata from IVOA VOTables and to convert efficiently VOTable back and forth in XML-TABLEDATA, XML-BINARY, XML-BINARY2, non-standard JSON/YAML/TOML (and to CSV).

Usage: vot <COMMAND>

  convert   Convert a VOTable from one format to another (full table loaded in memory)
  sconvert  Convert a single table XML VOTable in streaming mode
  edit      Edit metadata adding/removing/updating attributes and/or elements
  get       Get information from a VOTable: e.g. its structure or fields metadata
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version
> vot convert --help
Convert a VOTable from one format to another (full table loaded in memory)

Usage: vot convert [OPTIONS] --out-fmt <OUTPUT_FMT>

  -i, --in <FILE>             Path of the input VOTable [default: read from stdin]
  -t, --in-fmt <INPUT_FMT>    Format of the input VOTable (standard: 'xml'; not standard: 'json', 'yaml' or 'toml') [default: guess from file extension]
  -o, --out <FILE>            Path of the output VOTable [default: write to stdout]
  -f, --out-fmt <OUTPUT_FMT>  Format of the output VOTable (standard: 'xml', 'xml-td', 'xml-bin', 'xml-bin2'; not standard: 'json', 'yaml', 'toml')
  -p, --pretty                Pretty print (for JSON and TOML)
  -h, --help                  Print help
> vot sconvert --help
Convert a single table XML VOTable in streaming mode

Usage: vot sconvert [OPTIONS] --out-fmt <OUTPUT_FMT>

  -i, --in <FILE>                Path of the input XML VOTable [default: read from stdin]
  -o, --out <FILE>               Path of the output file [default: write to stdout]
  -f, --out-fmt <OUTPUT_FMT>     Format of the output file ('xml-td', 'xml-bin', 'xml-bin2' or 'csv')
  -s, --separator <SEPARATOR>    Separator used for the 'csv' format [default: ,]
      --parallel <N>             Exec concurrently using N threads
      --chunk-size <CHUNK_SIZE>  Number of rows process by a same thread in `parallel` mode [default: 10000]
  -h, --help                     Print help
> vot get --help
Get information from a VOTable: e.g. its structure or fields metadata

Usage: vot get [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  struct        Print the VOTable structure: useful to get Virtual IDs used in edition
  colnames      Print column names, one line per table.
  fields-array  Print selected field information as an array
  help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -i, --in <FILE>           Path of the input VOTable [default: read from stdin]
  -t, --in-fmt <INPUT_FMT>  Format of the input VOTable (standard: 'xml'; not standard: 'json', 'yaml' or 'toml') [default: guess from file extension]
  -s, --early-stop          Stop parsing before reading first data ('xml' input only): useful for large single-table files
  -h, --help                Print help
> vot edit --help
Edit metadata adding/removing/updating attributes and/or elements

Usage: vot edit [OPTIONS] --out-fmt <OUTPUT_FMT>

  -i, --in <FILE>             Path of the input VOTable [default: read from stdin]
  -t, --in-fmt <INPUT_FMT>    Format of the input VOTable (standard: 'xml'; not standard: 'json', 'yaml' or 'toml') [default: guess from file extension]
  -o, --out <FILE>            Path of the output VOTable [default: write to stdout]
  -f, --out-fmt <OUTPUT_FMT>  Format of the output VOTable (standard: 'xml', 'xml-td', 'xml-bin', 'xml-bin2'; not standard: 'json', 'yaml', 'toml')
  -p, --pretty                Pretty print (for JSON and TOML)
  -e, --edit <ELEMS>          List of "TAG CONDITION ACTION ARGS", e.g.:
                              -e 'INFO name=Target rm' -e 'FIELD ID=RA set_attrs ucd=pos.eq.ra;meta.main unit=deg'
                                name=VAL  name (if any) equals a given value
                                  id=VAL  id (if any) equals a given value
                                 vid=VAL  virtual id equals a given value
                              ACTIONS ARGS:
                                rm                                                 Remove the TAG
                                set_attrs        KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ...               Set TAG attributes
                                set_content      CONTENT                             Set the content for `DESCRIPTION`, `INFO`, `LINK`, `PARAMRef` or `FIELDRef`
                                set_desc         DESC                                Set the `DESCRIPTION` for `VOTABLE`, `RESOURCE`, `TABLE`, `FIELD`, `PARAM` or `GROUP`
                                push_timesys     KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ...               Push a new `TIMESYS` in `VOTABLE` or `RESOURCE`
                                set_min          KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ...               Set a new `MIN` for `VALUES`.
                                set_max          KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ...               Set a new `MAX` for `VALUES`.
                                push_option      KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTIONS) Push the new `OPTION` in `VALUES` or `OPTION`
                                set_values       KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTIONS) Set the new `VALUES` for `FIELD` or `PARAM`
                                push_info        KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTION)  Push the new `INFO` in `VOTABLE`, `RESOURCE` or `TABLE`.
                                push_post_info   KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTION)  Push the new post-`INFO` in `VOTABLE`.
                                push_link        KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTION)  Push the new `LINK` in  `RESOURCE`, `TABLE`, `FIELD` or `PARAM`.
                                push_fieldref    KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTION)  Push the new `FIELDRef` in `COOSYS` or table-`GROUP`.
                                push_paramref    KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTION)  Push the new `PARAMRef` in `COOSYS` or `GROUP`.
                                push_coosys      KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTION)  Push the new `COOSYS` in `VOTABLE` or `RESOURCE`.
                                push_group       KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTIONS) Push the new `GROUP` in `VOTABLE` or `RESOURCE`.
                                push_tablegroup  KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTIONS) Push the new `GROUP` in `TABLE`.
                                push_param       KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTIONS) Push the new `PARAM` in `VOTABLE`, `RESOURCE`, `TABLE` or `GROUP`.
                                push_field       KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTIONS) Push the new `FIELD` in `TABLE`.
                                prepend_resource KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTIONS) Preprend the new `RESOURCE` in `VOTABLE` or `RESOURCE`.
                                push_resource    KEY=VAL (KEY=VAL) ... (SUB_ACTIONS) Push the new `RESOURCE` in `VOTABLE` or `RESOURCE`.
                              SUB ACTIONS:
                                Sub-actions are the same as the ACTIONS (except `rm` which is not allowed).
                                A sub-action stars with a `@`. Actually one can see `@` as an action separator with the
                                main action at the left of the first `@` and all other actions being sub-actions applying on
                                the element created by the main action (the parent element).
                                E.g, in:
                                  `push_param KEY=VAL ... @set_description ... @push_link ...`
                                Both `set_description` an `push_link` are executed on the new `PARAM` built by `push_param`.
                                For sub-actions to be executed on the last created element, you can double once the `@`:
                                  `push_param KEY=VAL ... @set_description ... @push_link ... @@set_content CONTENT`
                                Here `set_content` will be applied on the new `LINK` before pushing it in the new `PARAM`.
                                After a `@@`, all sub-commands are executed on the last created element.
                                To go up from one level in the element hierarchy, use `@<`:
                                  `push_param KEY=VAL ... @set_description ... @push_link ... @@set_content CONTENT @< @push_link ...`
                                You can use arbitrary deeply nested elements using `@@` and `@<`.
                                Those three commands do not lead to the same hierarchy:
                                  `push_group ... @push_group ... @push_group @@push_group @push_group (@<)`
                                  `push_group ... @push_group ... @push_group @@push_group @@push_group (@<@<)`
                                  `push_group ... @push_group ... @push_group @@push_group @< @push_group`
                                Remark: `@@xxx` is a short version of `@> @xxx`.
  -z, --vizier-org-names      Extract original column names from VizieR description ending by '(org_name)' and put it inn the non-standard 'viz:org_name' attribute, be aware of the risk of false-detections!
  -s, --streaming             Use streaming mode: only for large XML files with a single table, and if the input format is the same as the output format
  -h, --help                  Print help



# In memory conversion of a VOTable from XML-TABLEDATA to JSON
vot convert --in my_votable.xml --out my_votable.json --out-fmt json

Streaming conversion XML-TD, XML-BIN, XML-BIN2 and CSV

# Streaming conversion of a VOTable from XML-TABLEDATA to XML-BINARY
vot sconvert --in my_votable.xml --out my_votable.xml.b64  --out-fmt xml-bin
# Streaming conversion from XML to CSV, in parallel, of a single large table
vot sconvert --in my_votable.xml --out my_votable.csv --out-fmt csv --parallel 6

Get metadata

# Get the structure of a VOTable with virtual identifier for each element
vot get --in my_votable.xml struct --line-width 120
# Get the structure of a large VOTable till first DATA tag is reached
vot get --in my_votable.xml --early-stop struct --line-width 120
# Get only the colum names of a large table, with a non-ascii separator
vot get --in my_votable.xml --early-stop colnames --separator '▮'
# Get an array of fields metadata with selected informations
vot get -in my_votable.xml fields-array index,name,datatype,arraysize,width,precision,unit,ucd,description --separator ,

See chosen column metadata of this votable

> vot get --in fields-array name,datatype,arraysize,width,precision,unit,ucd,description
    name    dt  a w p   unit    ucd                          desc                                                                                                                         
   recno   int    8             meta.record                  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification.                                            
  f_GCTP  char  1               meta.code                    [*] Indicates a note in file "errata.dat"                                                                                    
    GCTP float    7 2 ;meta.main            Catalog number                                                                                                               
    comp  char  1               meta.code.multip             Double star component                                                                                                        
  RA1900  char 10      "h:m:s"  pos.eq.ra;meta.main          ?Right ascension hours (1900.0)                                                                                              
  DE1900  char  9      "d:m:s"  pos.eq.dec;meta.main         ?Declination degrees (1900.0)                                                                                                
u_RA1900  char  1               meta.code.error;pos.eq.ra    [:C] : = lower precision position                                                                                            
    Vmag float    5 2    mag    phot.mag;em.opt.V            ?V magnitude or other magnitude                                                                                              
  n_Vmag  char  1               meta.note                    P indicates blue passband                                                                                                    
     B-V float    5 2    mag    phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V ?B-V color                                                                                                                   
     U-B float    5 2    mag    phot.color;em.opt.U;em.opt.B ?U-B color                                                                                                                   
  r_Vmag  char  1               meta.ref;pos.frame           Source code for photometry                                                                                                   
      MK  char  *               src.spType                   Spectral type                                                                                                                
    r_MK  char  1               meta.ref;pos.frame           Source code for spectral type                                                                                                
     var  char  9                           Variable star name                                                                                                           
      HR short    4                         ?HR number [NULL integer written as an empty string]                                                                         
    supp  char  1               meta.note                    [S] S=in Hoffleit BSS Cat. <V/36>                                                                                            
      HD  char  7                           HD number and component                                                                                                      
      DM  char 10                           DM identification and component                                                                                              
    name  char  *                           Star name                                                                                                                    
      pm float    6 3 arcsec/yr                       ?Total Proper motion                                                                                                         
    pmPA short    3      deg    pos.posAng;            ?Proper motion position angle [NULL integer written as an empty string]                                                      
      pi float    7 4  arcsec   pos.parallax.trig            ?Weighted absolute parallax                                                                                                  
    e_pi float    4 1    mas    stat.error                   ?Standard error of parallax                                                                                                  
    q_pi  char  1               meta.code.qual               [ GFPX]Quality of interagreement                                                                                             
    o_pi short    2             meta.number                  ?Number of parallax observations [NULL integer written as an empty string]                                                   
  Simbad  char  *               meta.ref.url                 SIMBAD data for this star                                                                                                    
_RA.icrs  char 10      "h:m:s"  pos.eq.ra                    Right ascension (ICRS) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account  (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data)
_DE.icrs  char  9      "d:m:s"  pos.eq.dec                   Declination (ICRS) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account  (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data) 

See the structure (with Virtual IDs) of the previous table:

> vot get --in struct
    RESOURCE vid=DR1R1
      COOSYS vid=DR1R1C1 ID=t4-coosys-1 system=eq_FK4 equinox=B1900
    TABLE vid=DR1T1 name=I/238A/picat nrows=8994
      DESCRIPTION vid=DR1T1d content=The data file
      PARAM vid=DR1T1P1 name=votable-version datatype=char value=1.99+ (14-Oct-2013) arraysize=19
      PARAM vid=DR1T1P2 name=-ref datatype=char value=VOTx25520 arraysize=9
      PARAM vid=DR1T1P3 name=-out.max datatype=char value=50000 arraysize=5
      PARAM vid=DR1T1P4 name=queryParameters datatype=char value=4 arraysize=1
        DESCRIPTION vid=DR1T1P4d content=-oc.form=dec\n-source=I/238A\n-out.all\n-out.max=50000
      FIELD vid=DR1T1F1 name=recno datatype=int width=8 ucd=meta.record
        DESCRIPTION vid=DR1T1F1d content=Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identific...
        LINK vid=DR1T1F1l1 title=LINK


When editing a VOTable, you probably need Virtual IDs (vid) to select tags you want to remove or to modify. One Virtual ID is attributed by votable-cli to each tag of the VOTable. To know the vid attributed to each tag, you can use the vot get ... struct subcommand.

In the following example, we modify this votable to:

  • remove the first sub-RESOURCE
  • add attributes to the main RESOURCE
  • add DESCRIPTION to the main RESOURCE
  • add COOSYS with FIELDref to the main resource
  • remove PARAMs
  • add a PARAM
  • rename the column recno into RecordNumber
  • remove a LINK
  • add an INFO to the TABLE
  • add a post-INFO to the VOTABLE
# Command used to get the vid (Virtual ID) of each tag in the VOTable
vot get --in struct 

# Command used to rename column 'recno' into 'RecordNumber'
# (the 'streaming' option on such a small table is useless)
vot edit --in --out-fmt xml-td --streaming \
  -e 'FIELD name=recno set_attrs name=RecordNumber'

# Command used to edit the VOTable
# (the 'streaming' option on such a small table is useless)
vot edit --in --out-fmt xml-td --streaming \
  -e 'RESOURCE vid=DR1R1 rm' \
  -e 'RESOURCE vid=DR1 set_attrs ID=R1 name=main_resource' \
  -e 'RESOURCE vid=DR1 set_description The main resource containing my super table' \
  -e 'RESOURCE vid=DR1 push_coosys ID=t4-coosys-1 system=eq_FK4 equinox=B1900 
        @push_fieldref ref=RA1900 
	  @@set_content Ref to the RA column @<
        @push_fieldref ref=DE1900 
	  @@set_content Ref to the Declination column @<' \
  -e 'PARAM name=votable-version rm' \
  -e 'PARAM name=-ref rm' \
  -e 'PARAM name=-out.max rm' \
  -e 'PARAM name=queryParameters rm' \
  -e 'TABLE name=I/238A/picat push_param name=hpx_order datatype=unsignedByte value=8 
       @set_description HEALPix order
         @@set_min value=0  inclusive=true 
	  @set_max value=29 inclusive=true
       @push_link href=
         @@set_content General HEALPix info on Wikipedia @<' \
  -e 'FIELD name=recno set_attrs name=RecordNumber' \
  -e 'LINK vid=DR1T1F27l1 rm' \
  -e 'TABLE name=I/238A/picat push_info name=ps value=my post-scriptum @set_content My super post-scriptum' \
  -e 'VOTABLE vid=D push_post_info name=warning value=This table has been modified by using vot-cli'

Log messages

You can adapt the level of log messages using the environement variable RUST_LOG with one of the following value: error, warn, info, debug, trace and off.


RUST_LOG="trace" vot get --in my_votable.xml struct

See env_logger for more details.


To convert large tables, use the sconvert sub-command with the --parallel option.

WARNING: so far, the --parallel option does not preserve the rows order, let me know if it is problematic.

Test on my computer:

  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600 (4 cores, 4 threads)
  • NVMe SSD

Input file: gaia_dr3.vot

  • 2.8 GB
  • 225 columns
  • 999999 rows
# Convert from TABLEDATA to BINARY
time vot sconvert --in gaia_dr3.vot --out out.bin.vot --out-fmt xml-bin --parallel 3

real	0m15,339s
user	0m40,220s
sys	0m2,273s

# Convert from TABLEDATA to BINARY2
time vot sconvert --in gaia_dr3.vot --out out.bin2.vot --out-fmt xml-bin2 --parallel 3

real	0m17,157s
user	0m43,255s
sys	0m2,297s

# Convert from TABLEDATA to CSV
time vot sconvert --in gaia_dr3.vot --out out.csv --out-fmt csv --parallel 3

real	0m11,392s
user	0m33,875s
sys	0m1,413s

# Convert from TABLEDATA to CSV
time vot sconvert --in out.bin.vot --out out.csv --out-fmt csv --parallel 3

real	0m18,903s
user	0m32,819s
sys	0m1,833s

With out.bin.vot and out.bin2.vot about 1.5 and 1.6 GB respectively, and out.csv about 1.1 and 0.99 GB respectively.

Same test on a fast server (lot of CPUs, NVMe RAID) with 20 threads:

# Convert from TABLEDATA to BINARY
time vot sconvert --in gaia_dr3.vot --out out.bin.vot --out-fmt xml-bin --parallel 20

real	0m5,123s
user	1m6,248s
sys	0m4,619s

# Convert from TABLEDATA to BINARY2
time vot sconvert --in gaia_dr3.vot --out out.bin2.vot --out-fmt xml-bin2 --parallel 20

real	0m5,465s
user	1m9,436s
sys	0m4,106s

# Convert from TABLEDATA to CSV
time vot sconvert --in gaia_dr3.vot --out out.csv --out-fmt csv --parallel 20

real	0m4,539s
user	0m53,226s
sys	0m3,574s

# Convert from TABLEDATA to CSV
time vot sconvert --in out.bin.vot --out out.csv --out-fmt csv --parallel 20

real	0m12,416s
user	0m47,123s
sys	0m2,302s

Similar tool

(Please let me known if you want me to add another tool here!)


Not really a CLI tool, but you can write python scripts (and thus probably do anything you want) using the package. So far, the main limitations seems to be related to large files and performances (?).


The main other CLI tool I am aware of to convert between possibly large XML-TABLEDATA/XML-BINARY/XML-BINARY2 (and to CSV) is stilts with the votcopy command.

Stilts also allows for metadata edition, see tpipe command with colmeta or setparam procesing filter, but:

  • if data/metadata editing is required, VOTable structure may change
  • editing of VOTable-specific metadata is not always possible

Stilts is a very general, rich, efficient and robust tool with a lot of options to be explored.

Regarding performances, the single threaded version of vot-cli shows performances similar to stilts vocopy. The multi-threaded version of vot sconvert (i.e. with --parallel option) may increase performances up to x10 depending on the hardware, the VOTable file and the type of conversion.

To-Do list

  • Support CDATA in TD tags
  • Use the iterator to implement streaming transformations between DATATABLE/BINARY/BINARY2.
  • Also implement streaming conversion to CSV.
  • Add commands to modify a VOTable metadata.
  • Implement streaming mode for multiple tables (if it is really useful, please tell me).
  • Add commands to select/compute columns and filter rows?


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.



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