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The ultimate WhatsApp Wrapper for Python



WhatsMate is a class that provides a wrapper around the WhatsApp Cloud API, allowing you to send various types of messages to a phone number using the WhatsApp messaging service.

Here's a brief description of each method in the class:

from whatsmate import WhatsMate
ms = WhatsMate(token='your_whatsapp_token', '+91xxxxxxxxx')

# use methods as 
ms.method() # [pass params as documented]

__init__(self, token, phone_number_id)

Constructor for the WhatsMate class. Initializes the token and phone_number_id instance variables, which represent the WhatsApp Cloud API token and the phone number ID of the recipient, respectively.

say(self, message, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None)

Sends a text message to the recipient.


  • message (str): The message to be sent.
  • phone_number (str): The phone number of the recipient.
  • recipient_type (str, optional): The recipient type. Defaults to "individual".
  • preview_url (str, optional): The URL of the preview image to be sent with the message. Defaults to None.


  • A JSON object containing the response from the API.

send_image(self, image_url, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None)

Sends an image to the recipient.


  • image_url (str): The URL of the image to be sent.
  • phone_number (str): The phone number of the recipient.
  • recipient_type (str, optional): The recipient type. Defaults to "individual".
  • preview_url (str, optional): The URL of the preview image to be sent with the message. Defaults to None.


  • A JSON object containing the response from the API.

send_video(self, video_url, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None)

Sends a video to the recipient.


  • video_url (str): The URL of the video to be sent.
  • phone_number (str): The phone number of the recipient.
  • recipient_type (str, optional): The recipient type. Defaults to "individual".
  • preview_url (str, optional): The URL of the preview image to be sent with the message. Defaults to None.


  • A JSON object containing the response from the API.

send_audio(self, audio_url, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None)

Sends an audio file to the recipient.


  • audio_url (str): The URL of the audio file to be sent.
  • phone_number (str): The phone number of the recipient.
  • recipient_type (str, optional): The recipient type. Defaults to "individual".
  • preview_url (str, optional): The URL of the preview image to be sent with the message. Defaults to None.


  • A JSON object containing the response from the API.

send_file(self, file_url, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None)

Sends a file to the recipient.


  • file_url (str): The URL of the file to be sent.
  • phone_number (str): The phone number of the recipient.
  • recipient_type (str, optional): The recipient type. Defaults to "individual".
  • preview_url (str, optional): The URL of the preview image to be sent with the message. Defaults to None.


  • A JSON object containing the response from the API.

send_location(self, latitude, longitude, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None)

Sends a location to the recipient.

Method: send_template

def send_template(self, template, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None):
  • Sends a WhatsApp message using a custom template.


  • template (dict): The template to use. The format of the template is described in the WhatsApp Business API documentation.
  • phone_number (str): The phone number of the recipient.
  • recipient_type (str, optional): The recipient type. Possible values are "individual" (default) and "group".
  • preview_url (str, optional): The URL of a link to include in the message.


  • A JSON object containing the response from the WhatsApp server.


template = {
        "namespace": "your-namespace",
        "name": "your-template-name",
        "language": {
            "policy": "deterministic",
            "code": "en"
        "components": [
                "type": "body",
                "parameters": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "Hello {{1}}! This is a {{2}} message from {{3}}."
    response = whatsMate.send_template(template, "+14155552671")

Method: send_button_template

def send_button_template(self, text, buttons, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None):
  • Sends a WhatsApp message using a button template.


  • text (str): The text of the message.
  • buttons (list): A list of dictionaries representing the buttons to include in the template. Each button should have a type and title field.
  • phone_number (str): The phone number of the recipient.
  • recipient_type (str, optional): The recipient type. Possible values are "individual" (default) and "group".
  • preview_url (str, optional): The URL of a link to include in the message.


  • A JSON object containing the response from the WhatsApp server.


buttons = [
        {"type": "url", "title": "Visit Website", "url": ""},
        {"type": "text", "title": "More Information", "payload": "more_info"}
    response = whatsMate.send_button_template("Welcome to our store!", buttons, "+14155552671")

Method: send_list_template

def send_list_template(self, elements, buttons, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None):
  • Sends a WhatsApp message using a list template.


  • elements (list): A list of dictionaries representing the items to include in the list. Each item should have a title, subtitle, and image_url field.
  • buttons (list): A list of dictionaries representing the buttons to include in the template. Each button should have a type and title field.
  • phone_number (str): The phone number of the recipient.
  • recipient_type (str, optional): The recipient type. Possible values are "individual" (default) and "group".
  • preview_url (str, optional): The URL of a link to include in the message.


  • A JSON object containing the response from the WhatsApp server.

send_list_template(self, elements, buttons, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None): Sends a list template message to a phone number.

Example usage:

elements = [
        "title": "Element 1",
        "subtitle": "Subtitle 1",
        "image_url": "",
        "default_action": {
            "type": "web_url",
            "url": "",
            "messenger_extensions": True,
            "webview_height_ratio": "tall",
            "fallback_url": ""
        "title": "Element 2",
        "subtitle": "Subtitle 2",
        "image_url": "",
        "default_action": {
            "type": "web_url",
            "url": "",
            "messenger_extensions": True,
            "webview_height_ratio": "tall",
            "fallback_url": ""

buttons = [
        "type": "web_url",
        "url": "",
        "title": "Button 1"
        "type": "postback",
        "title": "Button 2",
        "payload": "Payload for button 2"

response = whatsMate.send_list_template(elements, buttons, "1234567890")

send_media_template(self, elements, buttons, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None): Sends a media template message to a phone number.

Example usage:

elements = [
        "media_type": "image",
        "url": "",
        "buttons": [
                "type": "web_url",
                "url": "",
                "title": "Button 1"
                "type": "postback",
                "title": "Button 2",
                "payload": "Payload for button 2"

buttons = [
        "type": "web_url",
        "url": "",
        "title": "Button 1"
        "type": "postback",
        "title": "Button 2",
        "payload": "Payload for button 2"

response = whatsMate.send_media_template(elements, buttons, "1234567890")

send_open_graph_template(self, elements, buttons, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None): Sends an Open Graph template message to a phone number.

reply(message_id, text, phone_number, recipient_type="individual", preview_url=None): This method is used to send a reply to a message. The message_id parameter specifies the ID of the message to which the reply is being sent. The text parameter is the text of the message being sent as a reply. The phone_number parameter is the phone number of the recipient of the reply. The recipient_type parameter specifies the type of recipient, which can be either "individual" or "group". The preview_url parameter specifies whether to show a preview of any included URL. Returns the response in JSON format.

send_to_group(group_id, text, preview_url=None): This method is used to send a message to a group. The group_id parameter is the ID of the group to which the message is being sent. The text parameter is the text of the message being sent. The preview_url parameter specifies whether to show a preview of any included URL. Returns the response in JSON format.

send_to_broadcast(broadcast_id, text, preview_url=None): This method is used to send a message to a broadcast. The broadcast_id parameter is the ID of the broadcast to which the message is being sent. The text parameter is the text of the message being sent. The preview_url parameter specifies whether to show a preview of any included URL. Returns the response in JSON format.

send_to_contact(contact_id, text, preview_url=None): This method is used to send a message to a contact. The contact_id parameter is the ID of the contact to which the message is being sent. The text parameter is the text of the message being sent. The preview_url parameter specifies whether to show a preview of any included URL. Returns the response in JSON format.

mark_as_read(message_id, recipient_type="individual"): This method is used to mark a message as read. The message_id parameter specifies the ID of the message to mark as read. The recipient_type parameter specifies the type of recipient, which can be either "individual" or "group". Returns the response in JSON format.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.



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