xcwarnings is a tool that helps Xcode developers set up a quality gate to catch new build warnings introduced to their codebase. This gate is meant to run on Pull Requests or Continuous Integration pipelines.
[ Features | Requirements | Installation | Usage | Running Tests | Contributing | Trademarks ]
Checks for build warnings in your Xcode build output log, and fails if unexpected warnings are encountered.
Can excludes a certain list of warnings, provided in an optional known warnings configuration file, from triggering a failure. The configuraiton file is easy to read and in JSON format.
Generates a baseline known warnings file for current Xcode build output log. This is useful when onboarding to the tool, or when you're upgrading major Xcode version.
Note: If your project is already at zero warnings, you can turn all warnings into errors using the Treat Warnings as Errors
build setting, and rely on the build failing.
- Python 3.6 or above
- Tested with logs from Xcode 12.4.
$ pip install xcwarnings
Note: it is recommended to run the above commands in the context of a python 3 virtual environment. For more about setting one up, see Getting Started with Python.
usage: xcwarnings.py [-h]
[--known_build_warnings_file_path KNOWN_BUILD_WARNINGS_FILE_PATH]
--source_root SOURCE_ROOT [--generate_baseline]
positional arguments:
Path to the xcode output file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--known_build_warnings_file_path KNOWN_BUILD_WARNINGS_FILE_PATH
Full path to a file with known build warnings
--source_root SOURCE_ROOT
File path for the root of the source code
--generate_baseline Whether a new baseline of known issues should be
Generating baseline configuration files
To generate a baseline configuration on the desktop, for the sample xcode log file at ./tests/xcwarnings_tests/test_output_file_warnings.txt
, you can run the command:
$ python3 -m xcwarnings.xcwarnings ./tests/xcwarnings_tests/test_output_file_warnings.txt \
--known_build_warnings_file_path ~/Desktop/generated_known_issues.json \
--source_root ~/Documents/XCWarningsDemo \
To get a baseline for your project, you first compile your project, storing the output in a log file:
$ xcodebuild build -project [PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJ.xcodeproj] >~/Desktop/log_output.log
Followed by:
$ python3 -m xcwarnings.xcwarnings ~/Desktop/log_output.log \
--known_build_warnings_file_path ~/Desktop/generated_known_issues.json \
--source_root ~/Documents/XCWarningsDemo \
Checking for regressions
To check whether xcode build log contains new warnings not referenced in a given configuration file:
$ python3 -m xcwarnings.xcwarnings ./tests/xcwarnings_tests/test_output_file_warnings.txt \
--known_build_warnings_file_path ~/Desktop/generated_known_issues.json \
--source_root ~/Documents/XCWarningsDemo
Note: it is recommended to run the above commands in the context of a python 3 virtual environment. For more about setting one up, see Getting Started With Python.
An Example Configuration File
Configuration file is expected to be in JSON format. It is an array of expected warning. Each warning should include the warning statement and the number of times it's expected. If the warning is at the file level, then file_path should be provided. file_path should be relative to SOURCE_ROOT. If the warning is at the target level, then target and project should be provided. See the example below.
"warning": "'statusBarOrientation' was deprecated in iOS 13.0: Use the interfaceOrientation property of the window scene instead.",
"file_path": "XCWarningsDemo/ContentView.swift",
"count": 2
"warning": "'deprecatedApi()' is deprecated",
"file_path": "XCWarningsDemo/ContentView.swift",
"count": 1
"warning": "AddressBookUI is deprecated. Consider migrating to ContactsUI instead.",
"target": "XCWarningsDemoTarget",
"project": "XCWarningsDemo",
"count": 1
Running Tests
Once you have your virtualenv
activated and all the dependencies installed, run the tests:
python3 -m pytest
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