Color is a Ruby library to provide basic RGB, CMYK, HSL, and other colourspace manipulation support to applications that require it. It also provides 152 named RGB colours (184 with spelling variations) that are commonly supported in HTML, SVG, and X11 applications. A technique for generating monochromatic contrasting palettes is also included. The Color library performs purely mathematical manipulation of the colours based on colour theory without reference to colour profiles (such as sRGB or Adobe RGB). For most purposes, when working with RGB and HSL colour spaces, this won't matter. Absolute colour spaces (like CIE L*a*b* and XYZ) and cannot be reliably converted to relative colour spaces (like RGB) without colour profiles. Color 1.8 adds an alpha parameter to all <tt>#css_rgba</tt> calls, fixes a bug exposed by new constant lookup semantics in Ruby 2, and ensures that <tt>Color.equivalent?</tt> can only be called on Color instances. Barring bugs introduced in this release, this (really) is the last version of color that supports Ruby 1.8, so make sure that your gem specification is set properly (to <tt>~> 1.8</tt>) if that matters for your application. This version will no longer be supported one year after the release of color 2.0.
Extends String class or add a ColorizedString with methods to set text color, background color and text effects.
>> puts "this is red".red >> puts "this is red with a blue background (read: ugly)".red_on_blue >> puts "this is red with an underline".red.underline >> puts "this is really bold and really blue" >> logger.debug "hey this is broken!".red_on_yellow # in rails >> puts "This is red" # but this part is mostly untested
color-tools is a Ruby library to provide RGB, CMYK, and other colourspace support to applications that require it. It also provides 152 named RGB colours. It offers 152 named RGB colours (184 with spelling variations) that are commonly supported and used in HTML, SVG, and X11 applications. A technique for generating a monochromatic contrasting palette is also included.
This is a heavily modified fork of gem, with many sensible pull requests combined. Since the authors of the original gem no longer support it, this might, perhaps, be considered a good alternative. Simple gem that adds various color methods to String class, and can be used as follows: require 'colored2' puts 'this is red'.red puts 'this is red with a yellow background'.red.on.yellow puts 'this is red with and italic'.red.italic puts 'this is green bold'.green.bold << ' and regular'.green puts 'this is really bold blue on white but reversed' puts 'this is regular, but '.red! << 'this is red '.yellow! << ' and yellow.'.no_color! puts ('this is regular, but '.red! do 'this is red '.yellow! do ' and yellow.'.no_color! end end)
Colorize your text in the terminal.
A Ruby CLI gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome icons.
Simple engine making colorbox use in rails super easy
This library uses ANSI escape sequences to control the attributes of terminal output
Colorizes the output of the usual standard library logger, depending on the logger level: require 'logger/colors'
Randomly generate distinct colors with consistent lightness and saturation
Finds the dominant colors in an image and scores them against a user-defined palette, using the CIE2000 Delta E formula.
Simple gem to display colors in capistrano output.
ColorNamer is a gem that allows you to name color from RGB value or from HTML hash. It will find the closest color and return a HTML hash, name and shade of that color.
minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking. "I had a class with Jim Weirich on testing last week and we were allowed to choose our testing frameworks. Kirk Haines and I were paired up and we cracked open the code for a few test frameworks... I MUST say that minitest is *very* readable / understandable compared to the 'other two' options we looked at. Nicely done and thank you for helping us keep our mental sanity." -- Wayne E. Seguin minitest/test is a small and incredibly fast unit testing framework. It provides a rich set of assertions to make your tests clean and readable. minitest/spec is a functionally complete spec engine. It hooks onto minitest/test and seamlessly bridges test assertions over to spec expectations. minitest/benchmark is an awesome way to assert the performance of your algorithms in a repeatable manner. Now you can assert that your newb co-worker doesn't replace your linear algorithm with an exponential one! minitest/mock by Steven Baker, is a beautifully tiny mock (and stub) object framework. minitest/pride shows pride in testing and adds coloring to your test output. I guess it is an example of how to write IO pipes too. :P minitest/test is meant to have a clean implementation for language implementors that need a minimal set of methods to bootstrap a working test suite. For example, there is no magic involved for test-case discovery. "Again, I can't praise enough the idea of a testing/specing framework that I can actually read in full in one sitting!" -- Piotr Szotkowski Comparing to rspec: rspec is a testing DSL. minitest is ruby. -- Adam Hawkins, "Bow Before MiniTest" minitest doesn't reinvent anything that ruby already provides, like: classes, modules, inheritance, methods. This means you only have to learn ruby to use minitest and all of your regular OO practices like extract-method refactorings still apply.
This gem embeddes the jQuery colorpicker in the Rails asset pipeline.
Colour manipulation library for Ruby
Terminal color capabilities detection
This pure Ruby library can read and write PNG images without depending on an external image library, like RMagick. It tries to be memory efficient and reasonably fast. It supports reading and writing all PNG variants that are defined in the specification, with one limitation: only 8-bit color depth is supported. It supports all transparency, interlacing and filtering options the PNG specifications allows. It can also read and write textual metadata from PNG files. Low-level read/write access to PNG chunks is also possible. This library supports simple drawing on the image canvas and simple operations like alpha composition and cropping. Finally, it can import from and export to RMagick for interoperability. Also, have a look at OilyPNG at OilyPNG is a drop in mixin module that implements some of the ChunkyPNG algorithms in C, which provides a massive speed boost to encoding and decoding.
Colorize printed text on ANSI terminals
Sass Extensions and color theme templates to make working with colors easier and more maintainable.
The ANSI project is a superlative collection of ANSI escape code related libraries eabling ANSI colorization and stylization of console output. Byte for byte ANSI is the best ANSI code library available for the Ruby programming language.
Turn provides a set of alternative runners for MiniTest, both colorful and informative.
Terminal painter with RGB and 256 (fallback) color and terminal effects support. No string extensions! Usage: Paint['string', :red, :bright]
Improve output of Terraform plans with color and indentation
Colorist is a library built to handle the easy conversion and manipulation of colors with a special emphasis on W3C standards and CSS-style hex color notation.
A simple color handler which provide a conversion between colorname, RGB, HSB and HEX
Colorize unpermitted parameters
Chroma is a color manipulation and palette generation gem.
Graph is a type of hash that outputs in graphviz's dot format. It comes with a command-line interface that is easily pluggable. It ships with plugins to graph dependencies and status of installed rubygems, rake tasks, homebrew ports, mac ports, and freebsd ports, coloring leaf nodes blue, outdated nodes red, and outdated leaf nodes purple (red+blue). OSX quick tip: % sudo gem install graph --development % sudo brew install graphviz % gem unpack graph % cd graph* % rake gallery % open gallery/*.png
A color picker for Twitter Bootstrap
The plugin enables color theme support for Pry.
Colorize MiniTest output and show failing tests instantly
Extract the dominant colors from an image.
Using standard color blending functions in Sass.
Decorates command line output with ANSI escape sequence.
See also:
Yet another test colorizer.
This is a simple and nice gem for SQL prettifying and formatting. Niceql splits, indent and colorize SQL query and PG errors if any. Could be used as a standalone gem without any dependencies. Seamless ActiveRecord integration via rails_sql_prettifier gem.
Green Shoes is one of colorful Shoes, written in pure Ruby with Ruby/GTK2.
Color and formatting in terminal
Calculate RGB color distances using CIEDE2000 formula
Red Colors provides a wide array of features for dealing with colors. This includes conversion between colorspaces, desaturation, and parsing colors.
Color scheme converters for vim, textmate, kate/kwrite, jedit
Termcolor is a library for ANSI color formatting like HTML for output in terminal. '<red>red</red>'.termcolor #=> "[31mred[0m"
Colored red/green output for Minitest
SpecReporter with easy to follow colors.
Der ANSI Hansi - create colorized console output.
A library built to handle the easy conversion, comparison and manipulation of colors with CSS-style hex color notation.
Provides string extensions for terminal color output