A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Slim, CoffeeScript, and more). Makes minification, compression, cache busting, Yaml data (and more) an easy part of your development cycle.
A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Slim, CoffeeScript, and more). Makes minification, compression, cache busting, Yaml data (and more) an easy part of your development cycle.
A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Slim, CoffeeScript, and more). Makes minification, compression, cache busting, Yaml data (and more) an easy part of your development cycle.
Command line tool and ruby interface to optimize (lossless compress, optionally lossy) jpeg, png, gif and svg images using external utilities (advpng, gifsicle, jhead, jpeg-recompress, jpegoptim, jpegrescan, jpegtran, optipng, oxipng, pngcrush, pngout, pngquant, svgo)
Jammit is an industrial-strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both the CSS and JavaScript concatenation and compression that you'd expect, as well as YUI Compressor and Closure Compiler compatibility, ahead-of-time gzipping, built-in JavaScript template support, and optional Data-URI / MHTML image embedding.
A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, Slim, CoffeeScript, and more). Makes minification, compression, cache busting, Yaml data (and more) an easy part of your development cycle.
Ruby bindings for LZ4. LZ4 is a very fast lossless compression algorithm.
JPEG and PNG compression for Paperclip gem
Awestruct is a static site baking and publishing tool. It supports an extensive list of both templating and markup languages via Tilt (Haml, Slim, AsciiDoc, Markdown, Sass via Compass, etc), provides mobile-first layout and styling via Bootstrap or Foundation, offers a variety of deployment options (rsync, git, S3), handles site optimizations (minification, compression, cache busting), includes built-in extensions such as blog post management and is highly extensible.
Ruby gem for compressing CSS
Ruby binding for zstd(Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm). See https://github.com/facebook/zstd
Small images are small! Compress yours during middleman build.
The Rambling Trie is a Ruby implementation of the trie data structure, which includes compression abilities and is designed to be very fast to traverse.
Ruby gem for compressing html
Ruby client for the Tinify API. Tinify compresses your images intelligently. Read more at https://tinify.com.
The CSSminify gem provides CSS compression using YUI compressor. Instead of wrapping around the Java or Javascript version of YUI compressor it uses a native Ruby port of the CSS engine. Therefore this gem has no dependencies.
Per-message DEFLATE compression extension for WebSocket connections
Losslessly compress images in the Rails asset pipeline
Plugin-able Memcached adapters to add features (compression, safety)
Google URL Shortener is a library to compress and expand goo.gl URL's. It also provides an interface to review the analytics of a short URL.
Optimize (lossless compress, optionally lossy) images (jpeg, png, gif, svg) using external utilities (advpng, gifsicle, jhead, jpeg-recompress, jpegoptim, jpegrescan, jpegtran, optipng, pngcrush, pngout, pngquant, svgo)
This gem is designed for use by Rails applications running on Heroku. For others, the better approach is to use a frontend server such as nginx or Apache. However, the Heroku Cedar stack is no longer fronted by a file server, and there is no automatic provision for gzipping responses. This gem activates Rack::Deflate for all requests. In addition, we serve up the gzipped versions of our precompiled assets, taking advantage of the higher compression ratio used during precompilation, and reducing CPU load at request time.
Chilkat Library for Ruby - FTP, SSH, SFTP, PDF, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SSL, TLS, HTTP, RSA, Encryption, Zip, Compression, XML, ...
Compression Library In Pure Ruby
Rack::Brotli enables Google's Brotli compression on HTTP responses
Bzip2::FFI is a Ruby wrapper for libbz2 using FFI bindings. The Bzip2::FFI Reader and Writer classes support reading and writing bzip2 compressed data as an IO-like stream.
jim is your friendly javascript library manager. He downloads, stores, bundles, vendors and compresses.
Jekyll Asset Pipeline reborn adds asset preprocessing (CoffeeScript, Sass, Less, ERB, etc.) and asset compression / minification / gzip (Yahoo YUI Compressor, Google Closure Compiler, etc.) to Jekyll.
Sym is a ruby library (gem) that offers both the command line interface (CLI) and a set of rich Ruby APIs, which make it rather trivial to add encryption and decryption of sensitive data to your development or deployment workflow. For additional security the private key itself can be encrypted with a user-generated password. For decryption using the key the password can be input into STDIN, or be defined by an ENV variable, or an OS-X Keychain Entry. Unlike many other existing encryption tools, Sym focuses on getting out of your way by offering a streamlined interface with password caching (if MemCached is installed and running locally) in hopes to make encryption of application secrets nearly completely transparent to the developers. Sym uses symmetric 256-bit key encryption with the AES-256-CBC cipher, same cipher as used by the US Government. For password-protecting the key Sym uses AES-128-CBC cipher. The resulting data is zlib-compressed and base64-encoded. The keys are also base64 encoded for easy copying/pasting/etc. Sym accomplishes encryption transparency by combining several convenient features: 1. Sym can read the private key from multiple source types, such as pathname, an environment variable name, a keychain entry, or CLI argument. You simply pass either of these to the -k flag — one flag that works for all source types. 2. By utilizing OS-X Keychain on a Mac, Sym offers truly secure way of storing the key on a local machine, much more secure then storing it on a file system, 3. By using a local password cache (activated with -c) via an in-memory provider such as memcached, sym invocations take advantage of password cache, and only ask for a password once per a configurable time period, 4. By using SYM_ARGS environment variable, where common flags can be saved. This is activated with sym -A, 5. By reading the key from the default key source file ~/.sym.key which requires no flags at all, 6. By utilizing the --negate option to quickly encrypt a regular file, or decrypt an encrypted file with extension .enc 7. By implementing the -t (edit) mode, that opens an encrypted file in your $EDITOR, and replaces the encrypted version upon save & exit, optionally creating a backup. 8. By offering the Sym::MagicFile ruby API to easily read encrypted files into memory. Please refer the module documentation available here: https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/sym
sprockets_uglifier_with_source_maps creates source maps for your javascript assets along with their compression using uglifier.
A lightweight framework for doing http-connections in Ruby. Supports cookies, keep-alive, compressing and much more.
Simple ruby and jruby wrappers for LZMA compression and decompression.
Compress images in your Middleman project
Bundle CSS and Javascript assets to a single file, compress, and cache them for snappier web experiences.
A set of utility functions for encoding and decoding LEB128-compressed integers.
Plugin for compress/optimize images (jpg, png, gif, svg). If you are struggle how to install more information you can find here: https://github.com/valerijaspasojevic/jekyll-compress-images
Jekyll Asset Pipeline adds asset preprocessing (CoffeeScript, Sass, Less, ERB, etc.) and asset compression / minification / gzip (Yahoo YUI Compressor, Google Closure Compiler, etc.) to Jekyll.
WP2TXT extracts text and category data from Wikipedia dump files (encoded in XML / compressed with Bzip2), removing MediaWiki markup and other metadata.
These are simple Ruby bindings for the liblzma library (http://tukaani.org/xz/), which is best known for the extreme compression ratio its native XZ format achieves. Since fiddle is used to implement the bindings, no compilation is needed.
Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Sinatra/Padrino, providing both the CSS and JavaScript concatenation and compression that you'd expect, as well as YUI Compressor and Closure Compiler compatibility, ahead-of-time gzipping, built-in JavaScript template support, and optional Data-URI / MHTML image embedding.
A speedy tool for combining and compressing your JavaScript, CoffeeScript, CSS and LESS source files.
The CSSminify gem provides CSS compression using YUI compressor. Instead of wrapping around the Java or Javascript version of YUI compressor it uses a native Ruby port of the CSS engine. Therefore this gem has no dependencies. This package is a fork of the original (now unmaintained) version.
Easily compress your files with html_compressor. Use html_compressor natively inside ruby code.
Faraday plugin to automatically set compression headers (GZip, Deflate, Brotli) and decompress the response.
Generate brotli compressed assets and files for your Jekyll site at build time.
PDFBeads is a small utility written in Ruby which takes scanned page images and converts them into a single PDF file. Unlike other PDF creation tools, PDFBeads attempts to implement the approach typically used for DjVu books. Its key feature is separating scanned text (typically black, but indexed images with a small number of colors are also accepted) from halftone pictures. Each type of graphical data is encoded into its own layer with a specific compression method and resolution.
Google Snappy compression JNI wrapper JARs.
Extract compressed files in a ZIP
Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both the CSS and JavaScript concatenation and compression that you'd expect, as well as YUI Compressor and Closure Compiler compatibility, ahead-of-time gzipping, built-in JavaScript template support, and optional Data-URI / MHTML image embedding.
Combine and compress CSS and Sass, Javascript and Coffeescript to a single fingerprinted file.